OT: To hell with _________ !

Submitted by crg on
Stuck at wedding for one of the wife's friends... big OSU fans. Not really wanting to be here (have other things I need to do). Instead of brooding, I'd like to channel this irritation into a constructive and entertaining thread. Got a good anectode about a rival fan doing something idiotic? Share it! Creative idea about how to punk an opposing coach? Shout it here! Just pissed off about jackass X from school Y? Sure, why not. Just remember: you can't spell "O, pedophile" without O-H-I-O!


May 14th, 2016 at 5:09 PM ^

I mean, really....I step out to go to a Comic Book Convention and come back to this thread. I know it is May and we're starving for football news, but we do have to draw the line with OT somewhere. Yesterday got a pass because it got weird, which made it morbidly amusing, but yeah, the only thing you can do at a wedding full of rival fans is be polite, be correct, then pants one of the people in the groom's party before skipping out on the bar tab, if indeed you are accumulating one.


May 14th, 2016 at 10:48 PM ^

I have always wanted to do. Now, of course, a cash bar at a wedding reception is tackiers as hell, but there are things from the other side just as tacky. In regard to your comment though, it would allow me to do something like had the bride and groom an envelope they would of course believe to be a dollar amount of 50-75??? I don't know what is the correct amount today. But instead, they would find a note saying, Of course I would have loved to given you a wedding gift but the amount I had to spend at the bar prevented me from doing so. I know you understand fully. But I did have a great time after I had spent right around 80, 90 $ so just wanted you to know really enjoyed myself. 

Now I got married in '75 and this is what I mean from the other side. I remember my wife opening the cards - we men just want the total. Having a job then that paid in excess of 4$ an hr was way ahead of average. My wife opened a card from a mutual friend, Marv, with three one dollar bills. I started laughing my ass off. Now he was making about  7 and hr but was the type - you all have them - of friend we would all bitch at about his reluctance to leave a tip, would disapear suddenly for yeat another piss when it was his time to buy, etc. Cheap fuckers from Day One and to end that way. Understand some parents put these dumb notions into their kids minds about "never spend more than necessary," but these kids, at some point have to realize that applies to life in general, autos, homes, clothings, food, begin saving early with weekly contributions, etc. I don't think any parent would tell their kids to give a 3$ gift for what would have been roughly a 30.00 night in '75. Now Sleepy, I think that's even tackier.

Same deal with my neighbor, who would pile his wife and 4 kids into the car, hit a reception and leave 5$. This was 12 years later so 400-450  a week was good pay. I even talked to him about it once. He is the one that supplied the knowledge about his average gift. I asked, "Paul, you've never thought about what it would cost to take your family out, pay for 6 meals and allow you and Peggy to get a major league buzz going. You know 5$ might cover your first two drinks. But Hell, 5$ is what it cost you for  gas to get there. Now that, Sleep is tacky as heall as well.




I Want To Believe

May 15th, 2016 at 5:39 AM ^

To hell with most Buckeye fans, whom I have found to be the absolute most annoying fans in any sport. I can't wait to beat them so I can toss some good natured banter their way.

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May 15th, 2016 at 10:52 AM ^

I woke up this morning thinking golf, golf, golf and uh, more golf. Now that I am awake I am thinking snow, snow, snow and uh, more golf. Do my own eyes deceive me? I am living in Clarkston and I am now thinking about our first snow of the year because this mornings snow was hopefully our last. This year our first snow was late or maybe right on time around the second week in November. Its not like we get lake effect snow Clarkston. Whats happenning though is that the weather temperature is getting us used to 35 degrees then next week it will be 80 degrees everyday till September....                                 


May 16th, 2016 at 12:31 AM ^

From the  w. side so hoping that freaky weather for this time of the year is limited to your side of the state. I told my sister to let me know when they hit 65 3  days is a row and I'd come home. I am planning on  coming back this week regardless. But that's just not fair, to you personally. I played a lot of golf prior to my back saying, "Enough of that shit." But to anticipate golf and be faced with snow, it's cruel and unusual to say the least.

One of my buddies moved to your  specific city in the mid 90s. His son played ball with Dane. Graduated in 97. Visited your city once. Nice area.