
June 20th, 2016 at 7:28 AM ^

My biggest disappointment was that Brienne missed the battle. I thought they were setting it up for her to be a part of it. On a technical standpoint I always feel like when they CGI those dragons in the rest of the show's effects suffer.

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June 20th, 2016 at 8:21 AM ^

The battle was fine and all, but it seemed like something I'd seen before, from the overwhelming odds of the villianous horde, to the eleventh hour arrival of the forgotten hero and reinforcements coming in from the flank...


June 20th, 2016 at 9:49 AM ^

Anyone have an grand theories for how this all ends? Like books or show? You always see people with very specific theories about certain characters or plotlines, but I haven't seen many about how it all wraps up.


June 20th, 2016 at 10:06 AM ^

With only knowing that Martin has described the total end as "bittersweet," I'm slightly leaning towards:

Dany and Dragons defeat White Walkers; Dany takes Iron Throne; Dany turns Mad Queen along the way and we've essentially returned Westeros to the same point of lack of leadership (but, hey, at least them White Walkers are dead).

I'm probably 100% wrong and have no idea how the Starks and Lannisters fit into all that.

The Mad Hatter

June 20th, 2016 at 10:06 AM ^

will be completely destroyed.  The dead will march south destroying and killing everything in their path, Cersi will have already burned King's Landing to the ground, and Dany will swoop in at the last minute with her dragons to "save" the realm.

Except she'll be too late, since almost everyone will be dead already.

I Bleed Maize N Blue

June 20th, 2016 at 1:46 PM ^

I find it a bit odd that some people are complaining about plot armor. The show has already trimmed some characters from the books, and still has killed off a bunch of what characters they included. So if you're not introducing a bunch of replacements, then you're going to be left with some characters with plot armor.

Or everybody dies, Winter buries everything under 20 feet of snow, the White Walkers and their zombie mob seriously cull humanity, and who knows if anybody will manage to survive until Spring comes, and the White Walkers go back north of the Wall.


June 20th, 2016 at 1:58 PM ^

I look at it as protecting an investment.  There's been enough time and energy invested in the storyline that one looks for a payoff in the storyline and having that particular characters death pay off in a way that moves the story forward.  

Too much time had been invested in Jon Snow to just have him die getting stabbed by the Night's Watch in some random corner of Castle Black or just get trampled by the Wildling's in battle and his storyline was still massive enough that getting another character to take his place would have been both irritating and time consuming.  Same with Arya dying randomly in Braavos before having a chance to come back to Westeros.  Ned's death was early on enough that it made sense and injected the books with real danger and even Robb's death(while infuriating at the time I read it) felt earned and climactic.  I think the plot armor just comes from them being protected until their storylines reach a point in which a handoff makes sense.    


June 20th, 2016 at 4:38 PM ^

To be fair to Dany she did negotiate with the right Ironborn. That shows some wisdom on her part and shows some development. She also got a huge concession out of them: support in exchange for changing their livelihoods. I'm a Dany fan though.

I Bleed Maize N Blue

June 20th, 2016 at 10:53 PM ^

Agree to Daenerys' terms, or get executed by her uncle. Sincere enough at the moment.

Now that I think more about it, the future is potentially, keep Daenerys' terms and become Queen of the Iron Islands, or return to raiding and become dragonfired ash.

UM Fan from Sydney

June 20th, 2016 at 9:50 PM ^

I wish the book readers would stop complaining. Just enjoy the show. Stop comparing it to your precious books.

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June 21st, 2016 at 12:01 AM ^

I'm a book reader and I, admittedly, am always drinking the show koolaid. Though, to be fair, I watched the first 2 seasons before reading the books and only finished the books the summer after season 3.

Even the so-called worst episodes of GoT I love. I mean, this is insane television. I jus love being along for the ride and slurping up the D&D koolaid.

Now, go to reddit or some other snobby book message boards and it can be insuferable how much criticism gets levied at the show.  I totally avoid them now and only really interact with people about GoT online on this weekly thread.


June 21st, 2016 at 10:02 AM ^

I agree with MGoBender that the criticism from some of the book readers can be WAY over the top about how the show messes with their "precious", that said there are times when certain things are portrayed in the show that are greatly at odds with what is seen in the books and it introduces some cognitive dissonance that can be uncomfortable and it makes the show a little less enjoyable.

Until I get over it when I realize this is the only way I am going to see the story conclude(which adds much hilarity when I read book readers who are putting the show on pause until Martin can finish the books, I break out in great gales of laughter when I read that particular delusion).  

I know Martin has said he will never turn the series over to another author if something happened to him, but it's hard not to wonder how much he really means it given that Daniel Abraham(an author he admires) and his assistant have collaborated on a series called the Expanse, which is pretty good.  If he's worried about it going into safe hands, I am seeing a couple of pretty worthy heirs to the Throne.  More cynically his publishers have to realize this is a huge mountain of cash they'd be sitting on and would likely make it happen anyway once they threw enough money at his widow.  

Craptain Crunch

June 22nd, 2016 at 12:43 PM ^

IT seemed WUT WUT was more of a WUS WUS during the battle. I would have thought a Giant would have been more destructive and been able to break the wall of soldiers.