OT: Axing for a "Link" or "Source" Outof Control!

Submitted by Simi Maquoketa on
It seems to me there is a rampant style of posting that follows any post with any type of speculation where a guy asks for a "link" or a "source." It is getting annoying. Do you guys who ask for links or sources think people spend their days cataloging and charting things they read on the various boards they hop around? Do you guys who ask for links and sources provide same when you post? I'm perfectly fine when a guy says something like, "I think D Warren is leaning towards turning pro, and from what I've read, Cissoko is thinking transfer" WITHOUT some dork posting a reply saying nothing but "Link?" We ALL hop around boards here. From Scout to Rivals to MgoWhatever, and we all digest enough information to fill a small public library--and then when guys axe questions, we try to answer them! If you read this or any board, you know the information probably before you ask it, and if it is answered, it probably has come from any one of these three: Here, Rivals or Scout. Rarely does a guy pull something out of his ass like, "Rich Rodriguez was caught in a secluded grotto making love to Seantrel henderson and giving him $500.00 not to go to Ohio State." So please, unless it is something totally out of left field, let a guy answer questions, EXPECIALLY when he prefaces it with "I think Player X is [whatever]" It's the Intranets. It's the offseason. It's Fun With Speculation Time.


December 15th, 2009 at 9:34 AM ^

I heard
Rich Rodriguez was caught in a secluded grotto making love to Seantrel Henderson and giving him $500 not to go to Ohio State.
I can't find the link ... or the source. But it is the offseason so .....


December 15th, 2009 at 9:36 AM ^

The reason people ask for links is for the people who post something that needs to be backed up. When you write a paper for class, you have to provide a source for your information. If you do not, the information is worthless. Anyone can get online and post something on some board that is BS. I could get on right now and say "Denard Robinson is transferring" or "Donovan Warren is definitely going to go pro" when in reality, both are just speculation and have no substance whatsoever. That's how rumors are started. The fact remains, that too many people on these boards aren't very intelligent and read what people say and believe that it is fact or digest and let it become their way of thinking. It's no different than the tabloids referring to all their "he or she said" sources.

Blue in Yarmouth

December 15th, 2009 at 9:39 AM ^

I frequent this board as much as time will allow (which isn't all that often I must say). During my time here I have come to know there are many inside jokes that a lot of people wouldn't get in other circles (i.e moran=moron etc etc etc). Did I miss the joke where axe=ask? I am being serious because I have seen people make spelling mistakes on purpose, but I must have missed the one where axe=ask.


December 15th, 2009 at 9:39 AM ^

I've noticed it also. Whenever someone says they THINK something is going to happen people request a link. How is someone supposed to provide a link for what they are thinking? I'm cool with asking for links when someone propositions a statement as a fact, but opinions need not provide links.


December 15th, 2009 at 9:42 AM ^

Please provide me with a link that defines the words "axing" and "expecially" - otherwise, I can' t understand what I am sure is a very well thought-out, logical request of the community here.


December 15th, 2009 at 9:50 AM ^

I don't think I've ever seen anyone chopping shit down in the search for a link. Seriously? "Axing"? Seriously? I think you need a link to a dictionary. I mean, really? "Axe questions"? Really?

Captain Obvious

December 15th, 2009 at 10:06 AM ^

People ASK for links to know exactly how much credibility to ascribe to a rumor/statement. What is the use in posting anything if someone can't determine how useful it is? Rumors are generally accepted as long as we know how you got it...then people can decide how much trust they place in the poster, e.g., The Other Brian/Obes vs. guy who signed up yesterday. People generally don't ask for links on things like "wow, the BB team is shooting poorly." SURPRISE! KOB overstating his point, looking like a moron.

Simi Maquoketa

December 15th, 2009 at 10:14 AM ^

I come on here actually supporting most of te MgoCommunity--guys who consider this board to be fun, good for discussion, who don't want to have to be a libararian and know where everything they've ever written or read is stored, and who just like to jump in with opinions or thoughts (without remembering that they had to give sources for their Econ 101 essay, so they damn well better do it here), and you call me a "moron"? That is certainly not in keeping with the holiday spirit!

Captain Obvious

December 15th, 2009 at 10:20 AM ^

Not everything is so black and white. That's what makes you so very annoying. No one asks for links on opinions. Go post that our LB depth scares you - no one needs a link there. Now go post that Ash is going to commit - people want a link or a source for that information. Can you see why?


December 15th, 2009 at 10:24 AM ^

He obviously used "Axing" to informalize the complaint. I wish people would stop jumping down the guy's throat for it. Take issue with the meat of his argument, not which rhetorical tricks it was wrapped in.


December 15th, 2009 at 10:30 AM ^

I think we've all been way too lax about transparency. We've been assaulting the journalistic integrity of entire publications for this same kind of shit. If you have a source for information, you should put it in, or state somewhere that what you are writing is your opinion. And even then, it's nice to share where you got your opinions. Transparency allows your reader to repeat your investigation, and come to the same conclusions. This is important, because nobody's opinion on anything matters -- it's the information they present that matters. You may respect some peoples' reasoning more than others, but it's the information itself that we act on and use to formulate our own opinions. Even if the reader doesn't do the same research, providing a link lends credibility to whatever you're saying. Your comments seem to suggest your hang-up is actually on the use of the board itself. I had a similar conversation with Wikipedia nerds years ago, and I was just as wrong as you. There are thousands of people who visit this site every day. Most are looking for information. By participating, you are more of a volunteer staffer on a newspaper than a person in a social group. It's a loose staff, but a staff nonetheless, and though it often gets OT, especially during this post-season, pre-Bowl Game doldrums period, that doesn't change the board's ultimate position as a source of information -- a medium -- for Michigan athletics. Then again, I speak without seeing the same things you have. Maybe someone was just writing "Link?" to be a dick? Please at least provide an example of where you think over-demanding links has occurred. Which post set you off? In other words...link?


December 15th, 2009 at 10:28 AM ^

First, a comment about your post: As stated in many comments above, people ask for links so they can judge the accuracy of statements for themselves. Knowing what the opinions are based on allows a person to form their own opions. This is a better system than just accepting or rejecting the opinion for no reason. Second, a comment about your posting style: You seem to rub a lot of people on the board the wrong way. I believe this is for a couple reasons. 1. You try to be too funny, and you're not as funny as you think you are. For example, using "axe" for "ask" is not funny or clever, it's just annoying. You also use absurd "examples" as an attempt at humor. For example, your Rich Rod giving Sentreal Henderson $500 quote in the OP. Occasionally something like this is funny. However, you take it to extreme, and do it too often, and usually it ends up being annoying. 2. When you're not failing at being funny, you're being purposely annoying. You seem to enjoy the negative attention. If it is true that you are/were KOB, then that's even more support fot this statement. Is it really that hard to just write a simple post? In this case, you could have just written "I don't believe that every opinion post needs to be backed up with a link. Some things are truly just opinion, and I feel that asking for links has gotten out of hand." People could then agree or disagree with that statement, instead of focusing on you personally.

Simi Maquoketa

December 15th, 2009 at 10:37 AM ^

Nobody is as funny as they think they are, and I embarrass myself far more than the few giggles I might elicit (especially in public. Lampshades as hats at parties went out Sooo long ago). But that's just my style, and in the end--I'll roll with it. I admit to having a very sophomoric sense of humor. Put the words "fart" or "boner" in your post and I'll laugh for ten minutes then give you a +1. I think I just stand as counter-culture to the absolute (IMO) blood serious attitude of college football fans. I take nothing seriously. I mean, look how mad people get over me saying "expecially" or "axe"--but the same guys think "head asplode" is funny just because Brian said it once or twice. I've seen people use the word "supposively"-- all in good fun, eh? I can be all serious and grammatically correct with the best of them. But I view these boards as creative exercises as well as fun places to talk sports 'n stuff. And I rarely TRY to be annoying. But I disagree with a lot of the mainstream thought here (future so bright...) and that, by itself, makes me annoying.

Simi Maquoketa

December 15th, 2009 at 11:02 AM ^

Maquoketa is a city in Iowa outside of Dubuque. I used to make the drive frm Omaha to the Madison area, where my wife and kids moved to after a divorce. I consider myself a guy who appreciates language and the interesting sounds words make. Maquoketa is a wonderful word to say. I don't know the origin--but I'm guessing it is a Native American word, term, name, or has tribal connotations. I have an affinity for all things Native American, and "Maquoketa" is a fond remembrance of many drives to and from Madison--which I no longer make because my wife died four years ago and I now raise my demon-spawn alone here in Omaha.


December 15th, 2009 at 11:32 AM ^

John Staller, you are a 46 year old, uncool, creeper. Even if that story is true, which I doubt - link? - what a weak ass move to hide behind your ex-wife dying and use it to deflect criticism and an excuse to be a douche bag. You guys all remember these threads, right? http://mgoblog.com/diaries/what-exactly-rich-rodriguez-building http://mgoblog.com/diaries/calling-out-defenders-rodriguez


December 15th, 2009 at 12:55 PM ^

We ALL hop around boards here.
i most certainly do NOT hop around boards. that would be a waste of my time. other boards are full of rampant and unwarranted speculation as well as aggression and emotional outbursts due to a complete lack of accountability. mgoblog is not. that's why there's a violent reaction to your implication that mgoblog should be a certain way, because other boards are that certain way. that would be like saying - hey, other schools pipe music into their stadiums, we should do it too! er.. you get the point.