
April 11th, 2018 at 9:01 AM ^

I've seen parts of that documentary in the past, but not the whole thing.  If I get the chance, and actually remember about it, Ill pull it up on HBO On Demand and watch the whole thing.  They do a great job on those shows.

But man, that was one ugly sumbitch!

(Not that I'd tell him that to his face...)


April 11th, 2018 at 12:01 PM ^

I have not watched wrestling since I was a kid, however, the documentaries and interviews they are putting out with the old guys are pretty good.  Kind of interesting to see who everyone liked/hated and get the backstory.

Cranky Dave

April 11th, 2018 at 12:30 PM ^

seen the documentary but did read an article about it on The Ringer last night.  I was a wrestling fan  from the mid-70s to the late 80s and got a nice dose of nostalgia. 

Andre seems like a great person, always ready to help others whether fellow wrestlers or strangers. 

M go Bru

April 12th, 2018 at 8:38 AM ^

...............when wrestling was local.

Remember Leapin' Larry Shane (my favorite), Lord Layton, Bobo Brazil, The Shiek (that dirty guy always hiding something in his truncks), Killer Kowalski (the claw). Always good vs. bad!

I wish I saw Dick the Bruiser vs Alex Karras. Anybody out there see that match.

Motor City Wrestling on the tube to hype the local matches!