New DRob Avatar: Be the First to Claim It

Submitted by MGoShoe on
So over at, Greg has a great eBay watch post up about a couple of Fielding Yost auctions including a 20's vintage helmet from the line of football gear he endorsed [article listed by Brian at as well]. The article is definitely worth a read and some of the items may be worth a bid. But... ...Greg's post also contains a great photoshop of DRob sporting that same helmet. It seem like a natural for an MGoBlogster avatar, so if you like it, go grab it.

Space Coyote

April 26th, 2010 at 12:55 PM ^

Homer: And that talking coyote was just a talking dog. Dog: Hi, Homer. Find your soulmate. Homer: Hey, wait a minute! There's no such thing as a talking dog! Dog: [barks] Homer: Damn straight!