Kansas State Football Players Boycott All Football Related Activities

Submitted by HelloHeisman91 on June 27th, 2020 at 8:04 PM

I think we’re about to see just how much power the players can exercise because they just put K-State over a barrel.  

A K-State student tweeted something in poor taste regarding George Floyd and the team want the administration to take action.  

The tweet. 






June 27th, 2020 at 10:15 PM ^

His history could make it more difficult from another perspective. Why hasn’t KSU done something already? They will probably have to build an argument about the negative impact on the student body and the voicing of that student body.
Regardless, even public entities have the ability to dissociate with people who repeatedly do things which do not embody the values of the organization. Doesn’t matter if it is firing an employee or expelling a student. 


June 27th, 2020 at 9:48 PM ^

"100 football players of various races and backgrounds who represent the school."  It's hard to believe that the entire team was totally behind this decision but in todays world, the effects of not being totally in with what is politically correct makes some suppress their own beliefs and give up their Constitutional right to their own free speech. Was there some kind of secret ballot that took place to come up with this resolution? Are the 2nd and 3rd team players who will have no options to transfer to other P5 school really willing to give up their scholarships and careers, even for a cause that they believe in?  It will be interesting to see what happens in this case.


June 27th, 2020 at 8:43 PM ^

Let the children be in charge, they will find out soon enough how non-essential they, and their sport, is.

Stringer Bell

June 27th, 2020 at 10:23 PM ^

Ok I actually looked it up and it's close to $50 million.  Which is still a big number and one that I'm willing to bet that KSU isn't willing to part with.  Point being, if the players don't play there's no money from tickets or TV or anything.  So yeah, I would think the university would side with the players over McNeil.


June 27th, 2020 at 9:56 PM ^

Stringer- This is not true. Over a decade ago, the Denver Broncos claimed that they would move to another city if the citizens did not vote to fund their new football stadium.  One claim that they made was that they bring millions of $$$ to the city.  However, various studies showed that if these people  did not have football to spend their disposable income on, they would simply spend it on other activities and the economic impact would be the same. The only case that could be made on the Broncos' behalf was in the case of those who travel to the games from out-of-state and spend money, who otherwise would spend it in their own areas.

Wolverine Devotee

June 27th, 2020 at 8:56 PM ^

Life will go on with or without sports because it has gone on without sports since March. 

Something I did not think was possible but it has happened. 

 Time without sports has allowed me to readjust priorities and grow. Save money, too. 


June 27th, 2020 at 10:39 PM ^

The same people who say this shit’s shit of lying shit are the same people who justify that the sick and elderly can stay home so the manliest of healthy men can go risk everyone’s health to watch a football game in person.

You aren’t kidding us by calling young men kids for protesting for their rights to not be be mocked for being black. 

None of those “kids” gives a shit what you think about their protests or how you view them as children or if you watch them on TV or not. Plenty more fans will actually enjoy them more for not letting racists get away with blatant racism.

Saying their un-essential after two months of begging them to play and debating it says otherwise—and they know it. And they will still have a free education, to boot, for playing a game people love to watch them play. 


June 27th, 2020 at 9:09 PM ^

So is the white guilt. My Facebook is full of people falling over themselves to prove how much they love black people.  Going to black owned restaurants is great but to have to take a picture with the owner and post it with their public review urging people to also go is fucking pathetic. My best man and vice versa is black and he knows exactly how I feel about him and his family without me having to post a work status proving how amazing I am. But since being woke only counts if it’s done online, I must be a bigot/racist. 


June 27th, 2020 at 8:59 PM ^

Damn, what happened to George Floyd was wrong, but we're actually going to deify him to this extent? Who gets to decide if something is offensive enough to kick a student out of school?



Bo Harbaugh

June 27th, 2020 at 9:10 PM ^

It's not about the deification of the individual, it's about a student - with a history of hateful/intolerant remarks - spitting in the face of a current social movement that is important enough for the student athletes to make this stance.

Who decides you ask?  In this case, the university that has the power to expel or retain him based on their assessment.  


June 27th, 2020 at 9:27 PM ^

I think people having been giving the current social movement a bit too much reverence and lese majeste.  It seems that anyone who raises any criticism of the movement and/or the actions of its participants is immediately disparaged and persecuted.  The movement has some positive aspects and goals but is NOT beyond reproach.  We should never allow public emotions to restrict our freedom of rational discourse.  (I'm not talking about the jerk doing this tweet, although his speech is still probably constitutionally protected, I mean more generally.)


June 27th, 2020 at 10:18 PM ^

Bo H-

As summarized in Wikipedia, "Hate speech in the United States is not regulated, in contrast to that of most other liberal democracies, due to the robust right to free speech found in the American Constitution. The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly ruled that hate speech is legally protected free speech under the First Amendment."  As despicable as his Tweet was to some, he still has the right to say it. Are we currently willing to give up the rights that has made our country what it is? Aren't the KSU players asking that he lose freedoms, which the movement that they are supporting with their protest is trying to gain? Our country is based on giving minority opinions the ability to be heard within our society, no matter how unpopular. 

Bo Harbaugh

June 27th, 2020 at 10:41 PM ^

Interesting.  Thanks.  I’m not sure how they handle this, but as the poster below states there is the other side of the coin which is - guy can keep his free speech but university can disassociate itself from him.  I’m not sure How that would work at a public university.


June 27th, 2020 at 9:10 PM ^

What he sad is atrocious. He should probably for his own good remove himself from campus and seek help for his racism.


It is deeply disturbing that a football team is trying to compel an university to dismiss a student. 

KSU should cancel the season and ask themselves  whether they still want a football program. The program cannot be  bigger than the university.