February 5th, 2016 at 6:52 PM ^

Lots of historical perspective and self reflecting going on here. I actually feel bad for Spartan fans. They had everything going their way and it's all crashing down. They'll be fine, but they've peaked in terms of everything around them being in their favor. And the vast majority can't seem to see it or are in denial. And it's going to be glorious to watch. But not as glorious as Michigan football.

UM Fan from Sydney

February 5th, 2016 at 6:27 PM ^

The replies to the tweet from MSU trolls...hilarious. So salty. They have no idea what's coming - that or they are just in denial.

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February 5th, 2016 at 9:56 PM ^

When Harbaugh was hired all we heard about "wait til we beat sparty" "Sparty is wetting their  pants!" "Sparty has peaked"  

Most of you idiots were so sure we'd beat at least 1 of our rivals in 2015.  100% MSU after they choked @ Nebraska.

It didn't happen, and the dominance (in the face of out recruiting them for the past forever years) just continued.

I love Harbaugh, and think he's our best chance of beating Dantoni & Urbs.(sounds like a salad dressing or a douche)
I even think he'll win more than he loses to them.


I like the Jay tweet.  Lets crow about an awesome recruiting class that gives us a chance to hopefully play for a national championship soon.

There's just a couple thorny teams in our way.

Dr. Emil Shuffhausen

February 5th, 2016 at 10:38 PM ^

I love the spirit folks.  We don't have to beat them to

talk shit.  Ultra confidence is not the same as being


We have the right coach, the right staff, and more of

the right players every day.  So let us rejoice and

shove and disrespekt back in their filthy green faces.

They have small hands and smell of cabbage, they

have dog poop on their shoes and two day old

chaw slobber around their mouths. 

Come this fall those slack jawed yokels won't

know what hit 'em!

Go Blue!!!

Bill Bafferty

February 5th, 2016 at 11:52 PM ^

Come on guys, we really can't talk crap about Staee. They are competing with Alabama for National Championships and they are so close. Maybe after another 8 years they can get it to 34 points.


February 6th, 2016 at 8:54 PM ^

Jay Harbaugh is like Jim Harbaugh's Vice Presedential running mate . . . he can say the smart assed things that Jim can't in his position.