Happy Festivus: It’s Time for the Airing of the Grievances

Submitted by MGoVoldemort on December 23rd, 2019 at 6:59 AM

I’ve got a lot of problems with you people, now you’re gonna hear about it!

First Grievance: When I’m trying to read a post to find pertinent information, I find it impossible because 10-12 of you bastards have went off into a tangent replying with information that relates to an 80’s cover band or whatever sandwich you had at a place in Prescott Valley, Arizona. 

Get off my lawn!



December 23rd, 2019 at 8:24 AM ^

My grievance....

I hate web pages like this with horizontal banners and ads that don't load as fast as the text content.  Every time I try to click on a thread another banner or ad loads just before the click and I click a different thread or worse I click an ad.

Please move all of that bullchit to the sides.  There's room.  The layout sucks.

UM Fan from Sydney

December 23rd, 2019 at 8:28 AM ^

My grievance is people who create a thread and then make sure to be the first to reply because they are seeking more up votes. *looks up* Oh....here is one.


December 23rd, 2019 at 8:30 AM ^

The fact that there are adults that care about every wit and whim of 18-22 year old college athletes really grinds my gears. Get a fucking hobby. Michigan Football is what it is and it's in the best place it's been in over a decade.

Also - Jim Harbaugh is not going anywhere.

Also also - Jim Harbaugh knows better than you as to who the starting QB should be.

Also also also - this goes for LITERALLY EVERY POSITION ON THE FIELD


December 23rd, 2019 at 8:41 AM ^

I love mgoblog but the redesign is a disaster. It is particularly bad on mobile, where the delayed add loads make the page jump around. Terrible. 

I am sick of falling so far behind OSU. I miss the rivalry being the greatest in sports. 

I am bored and tired of working 50+ hours a week. Way too young to retire but I think about it daily. 


December 23rd, 2019 at 9:11 AM ^

Grievance #1: People complaining about MGoBlog.

Grievance #2: MGoBlog, with all its power, being unable to make the MGoBoard as useful as it was prior to the redesign. Why can't we see new posts easier? Why can't recently commented threads pop up to the top of the list on the MGoBoard? I don't understand how all that time/money could be spent and that could get worse.

Yes, I'm a hypocrite.


December 23rd, 2019 at 9:21 AM ^

Site related:

The fun of the mgoboard died with the redesign. Banners and ads take up half the screen space at all times. And no I can't just install ad blockers, I mostly browse the site at work.

Also, the inability to neg-bomb the incessant trolls and multi-account sociopaths has allowed them take over every thread. It's hardly even trolling at this point.. just RCMB-levels of vitriol and stupidity.

In general:

Music today is trash. The ability to have civil conversations with anyone is long lost. Cannot stand the cancel culture and cancel mobs that strive to control everyone's right to an opinion. The fact that people are offended by anything and everything now. 99% of social media is a cesspool. 


December 23rd, 2019 at 11:58 AM ^

There is so much good music available today. You just have to know where to look. It is harder to find, which is paradoxical, because streaming is so ubiquitous. But if you know what you're looking for, or spend enough time on Spotify, there is more good music being made now than ever.

Wolverine Devotee

December 23rd, 2019 at 9:27 AM ^

Grievance #1: this fanbase becomes more toxic every year. We get it, the football team can’t beat osu who is at a historic level right now. 

Guess what? No one else can either and especially not consistently. 

If your happiness with a season depends solely on that one game then you’ve had a very miserable existence lately. 

Grievance #2: People showing up late to games. It’s not hard to be on time. And no I don’t mean getting there as soon as the team is running out. Your lazy, probably drunk ass is inconveniencing everyone who did get there on time by making them stand up while you waddle through the 12 inch wide row. 


December 23rd, 2019 at 1:05 PM ^

Please let me pile on. Been to the live theatre lately? The 8:00 show doesn’t start until 8:12. Why? Because the house isn’t ready or they are waiting for late arriving patrons. I don’t care what the reason is, it is disrespectful to the rest of us, especially those of us who got there 15-30 minutes early.


December 23rd, 2019 at 9:32 AM ^

My grievance is Michigan fans who think Michigan is really an different from any other major college sports program. We have just as many mouth-breathing, hot-taking, idiotic fans as anyone else. We have players driving 'loaner' vehicles from friends of the program, we have coaches that we'd mock mercilessly for their antics if they were coaching for anyone else and if we'd been born in Alabama or Ohio and grown up there most of us would be Alabama or Ohio State fans.

Go Blue and enjoy the games, but let's quit the idea that we're somehow special or different.


December 23rd, 2019 at 12:09 PM ^

We're not different though.

M fans, especially after an OSU loss, act like all of M's players got 32 on their ACT.  How many movement science majors have their been on the football team as well.

Don't answer that.  It's a rhetorical question.

M may not play the bagman game to the extent of other schools.  But to look down own noses and say we lose to the ohios of the world because of academics is such a bullshit take.


December 23rd, 2019 at 9:36 AM ^

I hate that we don't have a mascot, and that they took the halo off the stadium.  I wish we could have the trough of piss back in the men's restrooms.  I miss smallpox, and hate it when both socks make it out of the dryer in tandem. 

True Blue 9

December 23rd, 2019 at 9:41 AM ^

I'm over people saying "bowl games are meaningless" when we conveniently have sucked in bowl games, in particular lately. 

Bowl games mean something to the teams that CHOOSE to make it mean something for them. Michigan didn't give a shit last year, and it showed. Florida gave a shit last year and it showed. 

If we beat Alabama, all of a sudden, the bowl game is going to mean something and people will stop with that narrative. Here's a hint: stop the narrative now. Bowl game's matter to the teams that choose to make them matter. 

Happy Holidays guys. Love connecting with so many people on here and sharing in our passion for everything M sports! Go Blue!


December 23rd, 2019 at 9:47 AM ^

Inflatable Christmas and Halloween lawn decorations suck, and those who put them up should be heavily fined for being lazy and having terrible taste.


December 23rd, 2019 at 9:47 AM ^

OK heres mine...PC CORRECTNESS...I do NOT want my straw to be  paper and WTF with the New Lightbulb (well not new anymore)  5 times more expensive AND they are not good for the enviroment...just yet ANOTHER thing to make people THINK they are doing something PC Correct..And Ill drink any size soda I dam well please thank you very much....Capiche?