Happy Father's Day

Submitted by bacon on
Happy Father's Day to all you MGoDads. A special welcome to all the first timers. What are you looking forward to most today?

For me it's the paintings my girls made in preschool. They're very proud of them. My five year old spent some time to sound out and write happy Father's Day. It's more like "hapi f:asprs de", but she did it herself.


June 19th, 2016 at 6:14 AM ^

A great one to all the dads out there. I'll be hanging with some family, a little pool time and golf, hopefully spending my last Fathers Day as a non-father. But don't say anything to my wife, she won't know about my plan until tonight...


June 19th, 2016 at 8:24 AM ^

Just remember sometimes it doesn't happen overnight, I said that same thing for 6 years. After pretty much every different medical helper was tried this is my second Father's Day as a dad, it was a long hard process, but it was worth it.


June 19th, 2016 at 7:06 AM ^

A great way to spend time with the family. Firing up the smoker with some ribs, pork shoulder, and salmon A cornhole tournament will ensue as friends and neighbors show up. Have a great day!

Goggles Paisano

June 19th, 2016 at 7:17 AM ^

For Father's day my son wants to hang out and play Madden '15. I've never played so hopefully my football knowledge will help me keep it close. I think I'm going with the Packers and I told him I get to be the home team.  

Prince Lover

June 19th, 2016 at 2:59 PM ^

There is not a more comfortable feeling than putting on a new pair of socks. Enjoy them my friend! And happy Father's Day to all. Quick question, is there a better activity than cleaning the pool while listening to the kids splash and play around. I could do it for hours on end....I love that Father's Day is in the summer.


June 19th, 2016 at 7:46 AM ^

filled out a questionaire at school and filled out the "my dad loves" part with "Jim Harbaugh" and then he drew a picture of us wearing block M shirts together.


June 19th, 2016 at 10:48 AM ^



MANY of my patients that are recent fathers, lament  at not having enough time to workout and end up gaining some weight.  After a couple years they usually seem to get back on track, but then they're in the hole...  Congrats!!!


June 19th, 2016 at 7:50 AM ^

This Mgomom wishes all of you a great day with plenty of food and family and some quiet time to spend with an adult beverage and HTTV.  Hail!


June 19th, 2016 at 7:54 AM ^

My dad and I flew from Oregon to Boston for Father's Day to visit Fenway Park. Watched a the Mariners Red Sox yesterday and today we get a tour of Fenway and are then sitting front row on the Green Monster for today's game.

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June 19th, 2016 at 8:20 AM ^

First and foremost, a Happy Father's Day to all the MGoDads up there.

I've already made the kids' breakfast and refereed the cats' breakfast, so it's starting as a typical weekend morning here, and I already got the gifts last night, so we're basically just hanging out today. 

I'll also throw a shoutout to my own father (who lurks here occasionally), who had no idea that he would spend all that money on a Michigan education for his son so that he could grow up to mod a blog (well, I have a job that pays well enough, but modding isn't that). 


June 19th, 2016 at 8:22 AM ^

Happy Father's Day - my stepdad worked at the US Open last year so we didn't get to see him. We're excited to take in the final round today at a cookout (not a BBQ - sadly we will not be smoking anything)

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June 19th, 2016 at 8:26 AM ^

Happy Father's Day to MGoDad's and MGoDad soontobe's!!

I did the yardwork yesterday so I wouldn't have anything to do today other than sit around and read HTTV.  But we'll do more than that.  Wifey asked me what I wanted to do today, my reply surprised her.  Said I wanted to take the 5yo to a park and play with him.  I usually get home from work too late, and too tired, during the week, and am busy on weekends doing chores and maintenance around the mini-farm here, to play with him as much as I'd like.  So today I'll spend with him...


June 19th, 2016 at 8:36 AM ^

We went out yesterday to celebrate. Live Irish music at the Motor City irish Festival in Livonia. Then I took the family to Mudgies and ate outside on the patio. It was the first time the rest of the fam dined there and they really liked their meal. We finished with dessert at Townhouse. The place was hoppin. My wife and kids were amazed at the nightlife going on in Detroit. I'm down there almost everyday so I'm fully aware of what's going on. It was a perfect summer night and Father's Day celebration.

Craig Dunaway

June 19th, 2016 at 8:56 AM ^

Nothing like having two teenage boys. I give us until noon before a driveway basketball game or simple game of catch turns into heated competition, gamesmanship and something akin to Stark vs. Lannister. That's when MGoMom puts her foot down and the day changes to watching/talking U.S. Open, NBA Finals, and everything M.

Wouldn't want it any other way.