Got Milk?

Submitted by Blue Vet on August 2nd, 2019 at 2:55 PM

Milk's good for ya! Considering Harbaugh's well-known fondness for milk, this community might be interested in a little science, that milk "diminishes the risk of metabolic disease."

That info is from an article about the risks of excessive sugar, "The Sharp Bite of a Sweet Tooth," by Jane Brody in the New York Times on July 23, online:…

Of course sugar itself is not dangerous. HOWEVER, the extra loads of sugar that companies have dumped in our food over the past 50-60 years IS a danger.


August 2nd, 2019 at 4:11 PM ^

I myself cannot answer that question for you. However, because this milk graphic was surly put together using indisputable, empirical scientific evidence, I would have to assume that 2% is only used in emergencies because it doesn't contain all the benefits of whole milk. As for the candy-ass shit. You might as well just ass some white food coloring to your water. At least you'll get the benefits of drinking water.


August 2nd, 2019 at 4:15 PM ^

Nut milks aren't milk (nor are oat or soy milk).  Milk only comes from mammary glands of mammals.  If we're being accurate, it should be called "nut water" or "nut-based milk alternative".  It's called "milk" to market it as a milk substitute for those than can't have milk due to diet or religious reasons.  It doesn't have the same protein or amino acid content of milk. 

Almond milk, for example, is a manufactured almond product. It's made from grinding up almonds with water then finely straining to remove the residual solids. Then additives (like carrageenan) are added to increase viscosity and mouthfeel (to simulate milk).  Plus sugars or other sweeteners.  Similar process for oat or soy. 

tldr: Not milk!  Harbaugh would not approve!


August 2nd, 2019 at 6:42 PM ^

I'm not lactose intolerant but and milk and soy protein intolerant.  I get strep throat conditions for like two weeks if I have too much milk or soy protein.  It really sucks.  I spent 6-12 weeks sick every year until I was 40 and my sister found my condition on the internet.  I knew about milk but not soy.  

I drink almond/oat/coconut milk as a milk substitute.   People complaining that a milk substitute should be something else because they think it effects sales are thinking it through.  I'd still drink "nut splooge" as a milk substitute if it was called something else because I can't drink milk.


August 2nd, 2019 at 4:43 PM ^

Hate to break it to you but milk has a ton of sugar in it. 

And not sure if the article addresses it because some people, like the OP, feel the need to link to articles behind subscriptions 


August 2nd, 2019 at 4:45 PM ^

If milk is so freaking great for you, how come so many people have GI issues from milk and milk products so early in life?  I attribute Harbaugh's quirkyness to a lifetime of milk drinking.



September 20th, 2019 at 11:28 AM ^

I try not to drink milk actually. Studies say that it's better not to consume lactose for adults. But I can't help drinking coffee with it. Moreover, recently I got hold of a new grinder Baratza Virtuoso+ and now I make 3-4 cups of coffee a day. Hopefully, milk I use doesn't affect negatively on my health given that I don't drink too much of it.