A funny Harbaugh Story

Submitted by Kevin13 on July 30th, 2022 at 8:36 PM

Heard this from a former player. I got a good laugh from and thought it was worth sharing. He said at a practice all the players were complaining there was no music being played   I guess Harbaugh got tired of hearing it so that night he recorded his own song and played it on repeat for the entire 3 hour practice. I guess the players stopped complaining about no music 

This player loves Harbaugh and said he was his favorite coach he ever played for 


July 31st, 2022 at 12:01 AM ^

Probably not. First, he probably did not create a "public record" in the creation of this song. If he emailed it to himself you might be able to argue that the email is a public record an therefore the song, but 1) you would have to know he did this and the specifics (file name, approximate date, etc.) and 2) they could probably fight that anyway, since he wasn't conducting business.

However, that last bit I'm unsure about. Most of the public records request I file are regulated by state law, not FOIA. But I also believe that's what applies when making a request from a public university. For both FOIA and state laws there are exceptions.

I'm not aware of any exceptions that could keep a playbook from being considered a public record. We know it exists, it fits the definition of a record, and it's used to conduct the business of the football coach. Maybe I should e-mail Ryan Day with a public records request for his playbook and see how the OSU lawyers react.


July 31st, 2022 at 7:23 PM ^

Probably, I would have to review Ohio’s sunshine laws and applicable court rulings.

It would actually be interesting if you could make those types of requests because it would allow you to sidestep the paywalls of academic journals. If you think about it, research done with public dollars should be public. 


July 31st, 2022 at 12:16 AM ^

that's amazing. without saying who it was, could you give us an idea of the era, so that we musicologists can write theses on how his personal life may have affected his compositional style etc etc


July 31st, 2022 at 12:16 PM ^

With Lloyd, it would have been Lawrence Well.

With Richrod it would have been Wind Beneath My Wings.

With Hoke, it would have been the Benny Hill theme music.


July 31st, 2022 at 9:51 PM ^

I'll take the downvotes but this sounds pretty lame to me. Kids like music... Athletes tend to like music to get their blood and adrenaline flowing...

No wonder they can't recruit...

Is this college or prison? Ffs Jim is a maniac.

I see the humor in this in the sense that Jim has probably taken a few too many hits to the head in his day, but am I the only one to find this a little bit odd?