Submitted by mi93 on January 15th, 2021 at 10:07 AM

It's Friday!  (I think.  They all run together.)  Time to get after it and power through to cocktail hour.

Have a great end of the week!



January 15th, 2021 at 10:52 AM ^

Here's something to posbang about. Since my ADHD diagnosis I've made some major life changes and after my weigh in this morning I've lost 50 lbs since May, and also just ran a 10k in under 1 hour (57:30) for the first time in my life. No alcohol, no binging on pizza and nachos and French fries anymore. This is the youngest and healthiest I've felt since I was 19 (34 now). I guess the lock down isn't all bad.


January 15th, 2021 at 11:12 AM ^

These are huge accomplishments. A hearty congratulations to you! I lost 60 pounds in 2019, and then gained 30 back after starting on new meds (known to cause weight gain) and the quarantine. Still trying to radically accept that it's an accomplishment to keep off the other 30, but it's a tough pill to swallow.

Here's to you and your continued health in 2021 and beyond!


January 15th, 2021 at 11:17 AM ^

I actually went through something similar in 2019 as well. Had kept a bunch of weight off and then gained it back. Sometimes you have to keep tweaking things until you find a lifestyle that works.

One thing for me is I never sit down anymore. Ever. For one, I can't because of my ADHD (basically will lose all motivation to do anything worthwhile) but also sitting for prolonged periods has a big impact on your metabolism, back strength, leg muscles and overall health. 


January 15th, 2021 at 10:55 AM ^


My weekend will consist of playing in the mud when not watching UMinn get sandblasted off their own ugly-ass court.  Last weekend I dug out most of the hole for the wife's new duck pond.  Tomorrow I'll have to employ the shop vac to drain it out because she partially filled it so the ducks could play, and it hasn't yet drained out through the VA clay.  Also, we're expecting a day of rain this afternoon - good times!  Once drained, I'll have to finish up the contour digging and then excavate the pump hole (heh heh, pump hole).  Also need to construct the plumbing, lay in the pond liner, and get everything in place to finally fill it by Sunday/Monday.

That's a lot of stuff, I need to get banged!


January 15th, 2021 at 10:59 AM ^

Last couple weeks have been the best I've felt in a long time. My parents just scheduled an appointment to get vaccinated next week. The light at the end of the tunnel keeps getting brighter and brighter.

Go blue!!!


January 15th, 2021 at 12:16 PM ^

So last week I decided to day drink and start a thread. This week I will skip the day drinking but share a great recipe. I know half the world hates grapefruit juice but this is a winner!

The Brown Derby

  • 2 ounces bourbon
  • 1 ounce freshly squeezed grapefruit juice
  • 1/2 ounce honey
  • Lemon wedge, for garnishing

St Joe Blues

January 15th, 2021 at 12:52 PM ^

One of the worst college football seasons in memory has ended, Juwan and his men are allowing us to hold up our heads with pride, and it's Friday. What more could you ask for?


January 15th, 2021 at 5:28 PM ^

I’m on a Covid routine of grilling really nice steak and having really cheap whiskey.  I can’t explain it.  But it works for me.  So.  It’s a 20 oz ribeye tonight with Canada House.  Yes.  There is something wrong with me.