Friday Night Football Games

Submitted by Catchafire on December 18th, 2020 at 8:01 PM

1. Nebraska vs. Rutgers

2. Oregon vs. USC


Let's chat away friends.  Go Blue!








December 18th, 2020 at 10:04 PM ^

he's just asking for families, right?  i don't think that's the stuff of super spreader legend.  they've been having 10-20K attendance at some games and i've heard nothing about super spreading. in kelly's case about families, you're probably talking about less than 500 total family members, maybe 1,000 at most, in a stadium that would seat 70-90K depending on where they play.  


December 18th, 2020 at 10:39 PM ^

Can you point to the evidence that an outdoor event attended by very few people in a giant empty stadium has actually caused any significant problem? There have been hundreds (maybe over a thousand?) of college and pro games, thousands of high school games, and I haven’t heard of a problem.  You must have heard of horrible sickness and death to be so convinced of this, so please help educate me.


December 18th, 2020 at 10:49 PM ^

I don't agree with most of what you say about the pandemic, but I do with this.  Outside is no big deal, especially if you're wearing a mask whenever you get close to others.  I really don't see the issue...  Just wear the damn mask if you hang out with others!

Clarence Boddicker

December 18th, 2020 at 11:02 PM ^

Because these aren't just fans. These aren't locals from the area showing for a game and going home to quarantine immediately after. These are parents and assorted relatives flying or driving in from all over the country, staying in hotel rooms, interacting with each other and their children who are on the teams in indoor spaces, then returning to their homes all over the country. Any player thus infected will then bring it back to their campuses. One infected person creates a national vector. You can't see a transmission risk there?

Seriously, this type of simple blindness is why this shit isn't going away.


December 18th, 2020 at 11:37 PM ^

Clarence, I understand the concern, but beyond that concern, I have heard of zero occurrences of same, with thousands of separate events in the sample size.  Zero.  And I have sons on three different teams, one in college, so even anecdotally this hasn’t happened.  It seems this fear may be as overblown as the one about all the players dying if a season was had.  Have you heard/seen/read differently?


Clarence Boddicker

December 19th, 2020 at 12:19 AM ^

Do you not get the news where you are? Do you not realize that we're experiencing a surge right now? And that college kids are now returning home and people are traveling for Christmas which increases that risk? Or did you not read what I just typed? That what Kelly is asking for--for the bowls to arrange a site where all parents can attend from various locations around the country is different from the other sporting events that have occurred. Because those parents will almost certainly interact with each other in enclosed spaces because that's one of the things parents go to bowl games to do. It is less likely that they will simply attend the game and go home. Those events where we have seen large stadium attendances may very well have led to surge where they occurred, since the absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. Are you an expert in airborne viral transmissions? Or are you just hearing that same borrowed talking point you keep repeating over and over?

rob f

December 19th, 2020 at 1:28 AM ^

Thank you to all you guys for keeping it civil.  I knew I was risking opening a can of worms with my earlier comment on Kelly but I was pretty confident that, in the spirit of the season (if nothing else) our better sides would prevail.

Now back to the $ubject of the royal purple-ne$$ known a$ Brian Kelly: I don't believe for a $econd that ND would allow Kelly to pur$ue a forfeit.  $omething $mell$ of grand$tanding, if you a$k me... 


December 19th, 2020 at 8:03 AM ^

look, i get the logic that you are throwing out.  it's not unreasonable to think like that.  but after 4 months of football and thousands and thousands of games, if that hypothesis was true we would have evidence of it.  you/me/we could point to those thousands of games and show all the bad stuff that happened because of them.  i have found none and my request (again) is simply 'show me'.  

i would add that whether the games are or aren't played, those same kids are going home for the holidays.  so i can't see much of a net gain or loss on having the bowl game with family allowed to attend.  my family went to a bunch of games this year.  and we're a big family.  no problems at all.  and as per usual i coached this year.  over the season we had 3 kids on the one team basically quarantine for some time because of the concern re: covid.  no problems, no hospitalizations, etc.  on another team we had 2 kids and a coach get it right at the end of the year and the team was forced to cancel.  but again, no deaths, no hospitalizations, etc.  done out of caution, but not a catastrophic event. 



December 19th, 2020 at 2:23 AM ^

I’d argue that having football in general probably qualifies as “petulant and tone deaf”.  It’s hard to argue against parents attending games when their kids are already accepting the risk to make their schools money for this “non-essential” service.  Seems like there should be plenty of room in a stadium for parents to social distance....very low risk of exposure and spreading especially if outdoors.  The only thing not logical is continuing to play football, but if that’s what they’re gonna do, you don’t really have a leg to stand on to prohibit parents.

Blue in St Lou

December 19th, 2020 at 12:02 AM ^

Pretty funny final play of the game. USC was at its 50 with 3 secs left, needing a Hail Mary to tie.  QB  was swarmed at the sideline before he could get off the Hail Mary, passed it to an offensive lineman, who (illegally) lumbered about 20 yards down the field with the ball before lateraling to a skinny guy who could probably actually run, but the ref blew the whistle. I couldn't see, but probably the lineman stepped out of bounds.. The ref had thrown a flag with the pass and, after the play was over, he announced that it was intentional grounding, which it clearly wasn't because the ball never hit the ground. It was a pass to an ineligible receiver. But no matter, the game was over and USC's hopes of an undefeated season had died.


December 19th, 2020 at 8:11 AM ^

Haa!!  I actually laughed watching the OL lumber down the field!  Nobody on the defense wanted to get in front of him!  Finally, some poor damn corner lined him up, stood directly in the path, and got flattened!  If it were basketball, that was a charge by 4 steps - OL didn't even try to dodge.  After he took the brunt of the hit, others joined in...

If I'm that poor damn corner, I'm drinking free beer the rest of the week...


December 19th, 2020 at 1:16 AM ^

Oregon won the PAC-12 championship with 243 total yards of offense. And somehow scored 31 with their QB throwing for less than 100.