Det News On Speight's Post-Injury Fiasco At Purdue

Submitted by LS And Play on

Angelique Chengelis was able to speak with Speight's parents on the experience, and what a nightmare it was. This is totally unacceptable from a Big Ten university (or any university, for that matter). LINK and some lowlights: 

Michigan and Michigan State have full X-ray capabilities at their stadiums, and they also provide police escorts if a player needs to be transported to and from the hospital. It’s not clear why Speight wasn’t transported directly to a hospital by ambulance.

Instead, Wilton sat in the front seat of a van provided by Purdue and driven by a student. The Speights, two medical trainers, a doctor and Thai Trinh, an orthopedic sports medicine fellow at Michigan, piled into a van to be transported to the student health clinic, about two blocks from the stadium.


“They take us in the basement,” Bobby Speight said. “It’s very dimly lit. Halfway down the hall, there’s a (radiology) technician. Wilton is in (partial) uniform and still wearing cleats, and she asks Wilton his name. The (van driver) says he needs an X-ray. (The technician) looks at me and says, ‘I need your insurance card.’ ”


“And we waited 20 minutes for the rescue squad team,” he said. “At that point, Wilton says he has tingling in his legs and is in substantial pain. The EMT riding in the back of the ambulance asks us if we need an IV or vital monitoring and Trinh replied, ‘No, but we need him stable and immobile. This is a back injury.’ We stop at a light, and the Michigan doctor asks how long is it going to take, and (the EMT) said 30 to 45 minutes on game day.

“Our doctor asked him, ‘Couldn’t we please turn on the siren and make better time?’ And (the rescue squad member) said, ‘Don’t you get smart with me. You said this is a non-vital trip.’ Our doctor said, ‘I don’t care what I told you, this boy has tingling in his legs. Turn the siren on and go.’


October 27th, 2017 at 1:33 AM ^

mobile, cruddy network, double post. What I get for surfing the internet at 1:30 in the morning two nights before my wedding, out in the boonies, at the future in-laws house.


October 27th, 2017 at 4:18 AM ^

Unbelievable. Anyone else find it odd that this is just NOW being recognized? Those locker rooms and this trash facility have been there since forever (seemingly have only been improved over time to their current state). Seems crazy that no one has in the past had any issues or injuries that would require some of these similar steps to be taken to get the word out that Purdue is in serious need of help with their facilities.


October 27th, 2017 at 6:04 AM ^

You do know they have a big drum, right?

I'd have probably laughed if someone had suggested this was possible at a B1G University in 2017. Shameful just doesn't even begin to cover this.


October 27th, 2017 at 8:03 AM ^

The unbelievable part is that no other player, player's parents or coach (of Purdue or an opponent) has ever called this out. This does include former Michign players/ coaches.

Why help Purdue cover up?


October 27th, 2017 at 8:33 AM ^

As much as we hate OSU I am very confident they would give an injured Michigan player first class care and vise-versa.  Purdue looks like a second rate school pulling a stunt like this, it's pathetic.


October 27th, 2017 at 12:20 PM ^

OSU doesn't scrimp on their facilities. They were there for Tommy Armstrong, and I am sure that an injured Michigan player would get first class care.

We'd have to listen to a bunch of Buckeyes telling us how awesome the care was, of course. but it would be there.


October 27th, 2017 at 8:42 AM ^

Hearing this and knowing Harbaugh was likely informed that weekend further justifies Jim speaking out in a public way at that Monday presser. Purdue deserves to be blasted for this woefully incompetent medical treatment. And those who felt the need to throw flames at Harbaugh? They can eat another dick.


October 27th, 2017 at 9:14 AM ^

I knew that smug ass letter from Purdue was all BS anyway. They should have a functional medical facility on the premise; I don't care if other schools are equally shitty.


October 27th, 2017 at 9:14 AM ^

I broke my C3 vertebrae at a wrestling event in Greenville Michigan in '91. They had me immobilized and to the hospital within 20 minutes and then an additional 30 had me on a life flight to Butterworth. So essentially I got better medical care in the early nineties from a nowhere highschool sports event than a power 5 conference school with a medical program...... Ridiculous


October 27th, 2017 at 9:23 AM ^

should have been immobilized and put on a stretcher with his head strapped down on the field and taken by ambulance to the hospital, not sure how this was not done. i thought every football sporting event, high school, college, pro, were required to have an ambulance at games. 


October 27th, 2017 at 12:09 PM ^

My guess is that he was able to move around somewhat (probably adrenaline), and the staff isn't necessarily going to immobilize everyone who takes a big hit, even in the neck region.  But when you start hearing a guy saying he's got tingling in his extremeties and you are in a van with a student driver, the lack of basic medical facilities magnifies the issues.  I don't blame anyone for him getting off the field or if, say, Purdue didn't have a full x-ray setup at the stadium; it's bad because you have the money, but I can get not having all the equipment next door in the abstract sense.  But then, you should have a dedicated ambulance and medical staff to get injured players to and from a nearby medical facility, not a van to a student medical building 30+ minutes away in traffic.  

You Only Live Twice

October 27th, 2017 at 12:29 PM ^

some 5 star medical facilities and is a world leader in research as well.

You're from China, right?  Can you tell us if most Chinese citizens have access to these facilities?  It would be interesting to hear about.


October 29th, 2017 at 1:06 AM ^

have readily accessible health care. Most five star medical facilities are overloaded (duh!), but we do have free healthcare (in the form of insurance) and checkups barring major illnesses. Basically, China's healthcare is focused more on prevention. 

For treatment of major illnesses, it costs somewhere between 1000 RMB ~ 2000 RMB (150 ~ 300 USD) including a two week stay in the ICU. The diagnosis capacities of pretty much all facilities in China are not bad. For example, my great-grandfather was able to receive a timely CT scan and X-Ray that detected a stroke and the doctors were able to stabilize it at a 4th-tier city (5 tiers in total). However, MRI scans cost a few hundred RMB and require better facilities.

It takes a few days to get a surgical operation at a five-star medical facility in China from what I've heard barring emergencies.


October 27th, 2017 at 9:42 AM ^

To fuel the burning hatred inside for Purdue. Great job, can’t wait until coach reminds the team of this the next time we see them/ smash them into a paste. EMU would’ve treated him better. Unacceptable and I hope there is a medical review board looking into this. I mean, that much liability exposure and possible monetary settlement should make the money people take notice, right? Oh and I’m sure they care a lot about the health of students or whatever. Below low. Like Tressel wouldn’t have tried this low.


October 27th, 2017 at 12:26 PM ^

So now that we know more about Purdue's excuses:

1) The medical facility "two blocks away" takes 30-45 minutes to get to.

2) It's student health services, where Purdue students say they wouldn't take their dog ifhe had a potentally serious medical problem.

3) The tour of the facilities didn't include locked portions of the locker room, because the staffer didn't have a key.

4) We were told we'd get fans, but one of the two of them didn't work. (The locker room countdown clock also didn't work).

The main excuse seems to be that we should have known that Purdue's facilities are garbage, and brought our own fans, air conditioner, bathrooms, countdown clock, and back brace. Supposedly there's air conditioning, but only if you specifically ask, and there's an ambulance on site, but only if you explicitly ask. Maybe we should have asked not to have the late hit - that might have been available too.

Elno Lewis

October 27th, 2017 at 3:36 PM ^

I am just amazed such things weren't addressed eons ago by the NCAA, or at least the Big 10, if for no other reason--liability.


I know its too much to ask some schools to act responsibly...potato salad.


October 27th, 2017 at 5:22 PM ^

appears to be the equivalent of falling seriously ill on a major holiday i.e. your chances of receiving proper treatment in a timely manner are significantly reduced.

I get the sense that the problem at Purdue is that they don't really want to spend money on football and so you could imagine that the AD has to argue persistently to justify the needs of the Purdue football program. In that situation it might be a case of "Visiting Teams Keep Going. We can't take care of our own." where no-one will say "Hey what about the visiting team?" because if you can barely get yourself to consider adequate facilities for your own guys then why would you give a lick about the visiting team.