Desmond tells Rece - "Is Desmond Howard gonna have to choke a bitch?"

Submitted by Rickett88 on August 24th, 2019 at 11:09 AM

He is sick of talking about how Michigan hasn’t beaten OSU. This has to be the year!

Hilarious as hell that he dropped that line on College Gameday. 


August 24th, 2019 at 11:51 AM ^

Oh man, I missed that. Good on him. Fuck all this shit talk about Harbaugh and OSU. Not like anyone else has had much success against OSU the past 7 years.


August 24th, 2019 at 11:56 AM ^

Sorry, under no circumstances should you say anything about   "choking a bitch ". 

We wouldnt and shouldnt tolerate it if someone else said it , it shouldnt matter that it was one of our own .

L'Carpetron Do…

August 24th, 2019 at 1:27 PM ^

Exactly - the root of the joke is that Wayne Brady, in this case, Desmond,  was heretofore known as a polite, wholesome figure. And that's why its so shockingly out of character - and funny. 

Obviously there is a lot of touchiness out there with the well-deserved, renewed attention to misogyny and violence against women. But I don't think Desmond, one of the classiest guys in sports media, meant to encourage or advocate for that. I think he was merely making a joke to a classic Chappelle sketch. 


August 24th, 2019 at 1:55 PM ^

He's obviously referencing the skit but the majority of the families watching live, and probably the majority of College Gameday viewers, probably haven't seen the skit. Chappelle was popular for a short window of time to mostly men in a narrow age range. 

Of the six people I was around watching it with, I chuckled and said "well that'll be news," my parents were appalled, my brothers were too young get the reference, and my girlfriend felt it was unfortunate to hear as a woman. 1/6 knew of the skit, 1/6 chuckled at the comment. But I am a male that likes Chappelle's comedy style and was in college during his peak. 

It's just a matter of knowing your audience. Don't make a dead baby joke in the NICU. Don't make a hitler joke at a synagogue. Don't make a violence toward woman joke on a football show.  It's insensitive. It's not a story. It doesn't change who Desmond is as a person or what he stands for. Just apologize and move on. 


August 24th, 2019 at 2:12 PM ^

Yeah, no matter his intention, it's just not an appropriate term to use on the air with kids watching. Most people won't get the reference and it doesn't matter anyway.  It's not a matter of PC-ness. Joking about "choking a bitch" is just offensive and inappropriate, and he will rightly be disciplined for it.


August 24th, 2019 at 4:06 PM ^

I'm sure he didn't intend it literally, no one's saying he did, but there will probably be half a dozen stories about domestic violence/sexual assault in CFB and the NFL this year, as there are most years. So while I normally agree that people should "lighten up," this is one context where people can be excused for cringing a bit at that language, IMO


August 24th, 2019 at 12:08 PM ^

Hahaha, I was cracking up over that as well. 

LeBatard said it well when he stated that no one at ESPN is allowed to age as gracefully as Corso is. It is really cool to watch the other hosts work around him and pay him the respect he deserves for all he has done for that show and College Football. 

That being said, we have to be able to laugh when he makes those cringe worthy mistakes. 


August 25th, 2019 at 5:33 PM ^

A comment meant for ‘just the guys’; Desmond has got to know in today’s climate that it won’t be taken well, though I’m sure he was just trying to make a joke.