
March 22nd, 2017 at 3:40 PM ^

Deadspin wasted their freaking Money on this. Michigan has so much freaking support staff at this point that it would have been weird to find even a minor accounting error. Other than "Hoping," I can't see any reason why this made sense. This writer was a tool, to top it off. 

Robbie Moore

March 22nd, 2017 at 3:59 PM ^

...out there like Harbaugh does (bless him) every douche is going to come at him. For the smug satisfaction of taking someone down. Harbaugh knows he has to be cleaner than a microchip production facility but I know he is up to it. Just keep driving those douches crazy, Jim!


March 22nd, 2017 at 4:05 PM ^

Univision got a deal so they bought a highly profitable digital ad platform at discount betting a) these sites would still be successful without Gawker, and b) they could figure out fit as they go. Gawker also had a really profitable product reco business that has continued. If you're interested in the media business the whole lawsuit-bankruptcy-purchase saga is a fascinating one and worth Googling.

Red is Blue

March 22nd, 2017 at 3:50 PM ^

"How much does the highest-paid public employee in the state of Michigan’s milk lust cost taxpayers?" "there is nothing nefarious in these expense reports (apart from the fact that they exist because taxpayers inexplicably underwrite the University of Michigan’s minor-league football team)." Gee, think maybe the writer had and agenda?


March 22nd, 2017 at 4:02 PM ^

I doubt the author's "agenda" is anti-Michigan specifically, and is more general in a pro pay the athletes and anti NCAA, anti high coach salaries (because the money has to go somewhere if it's not the players) sort of way

I wonder if they FOIA'd a bunch of coaches but didn't find anything, so they just put up a post about Harbaugh since he's more likely to get a bunch of clicks? 


March 22nd, 2017 at 5:07 PM ^

I'd say "writer" is probably a bit generous.  It's deadspin; they will literally print anything if it means they can complain about it for 500 words.

It was interesting because it showed how sorta-boring Harbaugh is.  Like, he isn't one of those coaches who acts humble and simple and then switches into a suit and lives the high life.  He seems like a pretty normal guy with a really good job.


March 22nd, 2017 at 3:53 PM ^

looking for some salacious material to generate clickbait from.

What were they expecting to find?

Schematics for an ARC Reactor, diamond-studded nipple clips, and a 55 gal drum of goat's blood?


March 22nd, 2017 at 4:18 PM ^

That was my first thought as well, but like EGD below said it was a 16.6% tip. I've never seen an added gratuity that was a random number like that.

Maybe there are parameters set in place by the university that they must follow when expensing. Hopefully Harbaugh threw some cash on the table. Or maybe the service sucked. Who knows.

Gucci Mane

March 22nd, 2017 at 5:23 PM ^

16.6% is not a low tip at all. Why would you think that means the service sucked ? I tip 15% for avergae service. Technically you can tip 0% and face no reprocussions in any way, so why do people always bitch about tips ? Also my SO is a waitress and she always appreciates any tip becuase she says no one owes it to her. And with this mentality she often gets tips of 30% +. 

Everyone Murders

March 22nd, 2017 at 5:32 PM ^

Worked my way through both my Michigan degrees serving in A2 restaurants.  I agree that 15% is a fair baseline.  Do a decent job, that's a decent tip.  Do a great job, the tip goes higher.  Do a shit job - no tip for you.  All agreed.  (Especially since people tend to tip on the post-tax amount of the bill.)

HOWEVA, in the U.S., a server's income depends on tips.  When you go into a sit-down restaurant, there is a social contract that - absent crap service - you will tip fairly.  Can somebody stiff their server with no tip despite getting good or better service?  Sure. 

Is that person a dickhead?  Sure.


March 22nd, 2017 at 5:34 PM ^

Ok I'll bite. Does your SO make the $2.65/hr like most waitresses? They absolutely are owed tips on that salary provided they do a good job.

My point is that a waitress who is serving 23 people deserves more than 15%. When you add into the equation that it's a football staff worth millions, I'd expect them to tip higher than the average Joe.

Like I said, I'm sure the University just has a cap for tips on expenses.