Clearly OT but irresistible: FB rebrands itself as "Meta"

Submitted by wolverine1987 on October 28th, 2021 at 2:57 PM

Apologies for off-topic content, but FB announced that as part of their future focus on the Metaverse, they are officially changing their name to "Meta." IMO this is an all-timer in terms of dumb business moves. And check the calendar, it is not April 1st. 


October 28th, 2021 at 3:01 PM ^

That's what you try to do when you get bad publicity and are constantly called before congress to explain yourself. (No politics - it's a reality with their current brand problem). 


October 28th, 2021 at 4:18 PM ^

Yeah, cheese corporations trying to lay claim to whole huge domains of human activity through stupid naming conventions is a bad, dumb look. Like--you already occupy too much of me and my family's life, chump. Colonize us all some more? Kiss my grits! 

Now that the attempt to get us to worship some of these wankers has worn thin (Bezos, megalomaniac with a decidedly hackneyed world view; Gates, typical womanizing old guy friend of Epstein, buying his way into the WHO; Musk, taking hundreds of millions in Cali tax incentives and running for the Texas border; etc.). . .

Deeply corrupt heat-seeking device that it is, there's a valuable version of FB lurking in there somewhere--I lived all over into my 40s and it keeps me in touch with dozens of people I care about. Wish someone would get going with an alternative soon.  


October 28th, 2021 at 5:01 PM ^

Twitter is just as bad, if not worse. Imagine trying to encapsulate thoughts about complex subjects in 180  characters.

Plus there is the weird permitting people to put the Hammer and Sickle next to their name. Apparently one type of mass murdering ideology is a-okay to Twitter.

Twitter is incredibly toxic and hypocritical. Yet, like Facebook, underneath it has something  worthy to offer. Both need to be reformed,


October 28th, 2021 at 6:34 PM ^

That logic applies to the swastika too.

The Rising Sun or The Meatball as my Marine Gramps used to call, it isn’t on Twitter so irrelevant.

The Hammer and Sickle represents an ideology that was originally well intended but was soon hiijacked  by psychopaths the world over. It represents an ideology, not just a country.

The Union Jack represents an Union of four countries, all three of which were invaded(two successfully) by the English who in turn were occupied and colonized by the Normans. I cannot think of a flag more illustrative of the complex and breadth of history than the Union Jack. But I completely understand why some do not like it as I do with Stars and Stripes which also reflects a complicated past.

You have a point in regards to flags. But my point was how can they ban the Swastika but allow that of other   violently repressive ideologies? It reflects our tendency to ignore or excuse one groups crimes whilst focusing on those of another.


October 28th, 2021 at 7:17 PM ^

Your view of killing in war depends on the circumstances and your point of view.  Are you the aggressor nation (like Germany and Soviet Union invading Poland; like Japan invading China)?  Are you the victim nation?  Are you attacking another nation to help a victim nation?  Depends on which nation you are, how you see things, and all can be seen though cynical lenses.

However, there is also the aspect of governments killing their own people.  Concentration camps, genocides, and politically motivated mass starvations.  A lot of the large-magnitude ones are communist regimes killing large numbers of their own people.  See, for example, Soviet gulags, purges, politically motivated mass starvations, etc., est. 10-20M people in total; People's Republic of China's labor camps, politically motivated famine, mass murders during the Cultural Revolution, est. 50-70M in total; Pol Pot's Cambodian killing fields, North Korea, etc.  Then, of course, all the people killed by the Nazis (not communist, but socialist).

Every nation and every surviving tribe of mankind has killed others along the way.  Every single one.  America is no exception.  But to equate the Stars and Stripes in this regard with the hammer and sickle or with the swastika is to have no grasp of historical magnitude.



October 28th, 2021 at 8:24 PM ^

If the US wasn’t fighting on 3 fronts at that point I could see that but Russia literally had one front with Germany. Now you can say Germany has their best their but if Japan wasn’t occupied with the US in the pacific do you think Russia holds on? I don’t.  They should be thanking people like my grandfather for island hopping as well. 


October 28th, 2021 at 9:11 PM ^

Oh no doubt. My grandfather was 1st division Marine Corps. Was in Okinawa and apparently also did a lot of work with the Windtalkers but I don't know a ton of details. I have this debate with my brother at every holiday, lol. We pretty much went dick-first into every major front and single handedly won the pacific theater with one hand tied behind our back.


October 28th, 2021 at 7:34 PM ^

People forget that hammer and sickle and swastika were allies at the start of WWII in Europe, with a pact to co-invade and divide up Europe.  That's why the Soviets and Germans both invaded Poland and divided it between them.

But soon, the Nazis stabbed Stalin in the back and invaded the Soviet Union.  That caused the Soviet Union, of course, to switch sides.

Most of the fighting and dying in Europe (like 80% of it) was between Germany and the Soviet Union.

The Soviet Union perhaps could have eventually handled Germany on its own.  But if Germany didn't have to worry about the other allies at all, who knows how it would have gone?


October 28th, 2021 at 8:59 PM ^

I saw this earlier and did not have time to address it.

If the reputation that followed each of us were based upon our worst behavior-oh my!

Here specifically, with Ron Artest, I have something akin to-as dear Paul Harvey would have said "The Rest of the Story". 

I was a pediatric oncology nurse for  15 years in the two largest Indiana health care systems-in Indianapolis. All the most notable professional athletes routinely came through bearing gifts and greetings to our young patients and their families. (I admit to having great bias relative to how people interact with children.) Ron Artest was one of the celebrities who graced our walls. I cannot say enough good things about how he interacted with our kids. When a grown man will get down on the floor and play with kids for hours like he did-I will never be dissuaded from the goodness he had within him-he was an A+...the very best by many miles of anyone that came through.

Now, I won't go on a full-blown rant about who was the worst. I will say that Ashley Manning was wonderful but her arrogant, aloof husband can go to hell. 

Sometimes we just don't know what we don't know. 


October 28th, 2021 at 3:07 PM ^

Didn’t British Petroleum try a similar rebrand to “Beyond Petroleum” and then immediately spill millions of gallons of oil in the Gulf of Mexico? Good times, good times 


October 28th, 2021 at 3:11 PM ^

Watching this be explained by Zuckerberg is...definitely a thing.

I get the desire to rebrand but I have to imagine they could have found someone a bit more, um, engaging and charismatic to announce it than the guy who is synonymous with all the bad things you've been accused/shown to have done the past 10 years or so.