Brady says he has 7-8 more years

Submitted by Primo on

This article tries to make a mountain out of a molehill (shocker) regarding Brady supposedly "taking jabs" at Peyton in private emails which were made public as part of the Deflategate court proceedings.  What I think is newsworthy though is Brady's prediction that he has "another 7 or 8 years" left of football.…


August 6th, 2015 at 9:38 AM ^

What's funnier is all the wrath Tom is getting in the comments from people who think Flannelly's email was written by Tom Brady and not TO him...sometimes I hate this country.


August 6th, 2015 at 10:07 AM ^

Most people and even marsupials are more or less on auto pilot.  Some tubby Dad bod embracing soft ass skim milk drinker will open up ESPN and look at the article titled "Brady is an asshole and takes jabs at Manning" or something like that and then they're like "YEA! he is an asshole" with his jowls wagging and go straight to the comment section to spew his garbillygook.  AND then more intelligent beings like us come here to bitch about it.  This is the way of the world.


August 6th, 2015 at 9:42 AM ^

past Brady's age now and I can say with confidence Brady has no idea how fast his body will deteriorate in the next 5 years, and I don't play NFL football.


Good luck with that.


August 6th, 2015 at 10:25 AM ^

As a lawyer, I'm wondering why emails about Payton Manning were produced in the Deflategate inquiry.  They clearly were not relevant to the issue the NFL was purportedly investigating.  If they were part of an email chain that was relevant, this is why lawyers make redactions.  

Obviously this is a minor issue but the more I learn about this case the more I question the quality of the legal counsel provided.  What a shitshow.


August 6th, 2015 at 10:54 AM ^

The NFL has continued to "leak" propaganda throughout this whole cluster F.

Proving Tom was smart in not providing his phone. No way would private or personal information would have stayed private. Anything in that phone would have been made public. No matter its relevance to the investigation.


August 6th, 2015 at 1:57 PM ^

It's possible he plays 5 more years especially cause he's been relatively injury free his whole career. 8 is unlikely


August 6th, 2015 at 4:13 PM ^

I like Tom Brady as an athlete and have admired his success.

However, everyone is expendable and I hope to see Tom retire out on top of his game.  Didn't like the way Brett Favre went out.