Boomers Not Taking This Seriously

Submitted by Commie_High96 on March 24th, 2020 at 11:22 AM

My Mother-in-law left Friday for Florida for three weeks with her sister to use her timeshare.  They are 70 and will be 1000 miles from home with no support in what is likely the worst state in America to be in right now.  This is despite their children begging them not to go. 

I have heard from other friends that their Boomer parents are also not taking this as seriously as they should given a possible 6-10% death rate for that cohort. I know users of this blog are all ages, but lots of us have parents in that age group, are your parents taking this seriously?

L'Carpetron Do…

March 24th, 2020 at 12:08 PM ^

Yes, its extremely frustrating. Because this attitude is making the situation worse. A lot of people are overreacting and turning into complete shut-ins but that's preferable to people not taking it seriously enough. Everytime someone doesn't take the precautions it prolongs this shitty situation and makes it worse for all of us. We all have to be on the same page. 

Someone on here made a great point ( I can't remember who and I apologize): use football as a motivator. Tell people: unless you don't want the NFL to happen, get your ass inside.

The more quickly and thoroughly we all do our part, the sooner this will be over.  


March 24th, 2020 at 3:28 PM ^

I'm afraid it's already too late for football season. Packing hundreds of thousands of people in stadiums week after week and having fans and teams travel around the country just seems incredibly reckless without a vaccine or 100% containment. I doubt we'll get either of those things by September. Maybe if we had taken the South Korea path of massive testing and militant isolation back in Jan/Feb, we could still have a football season, but I'm just not counting on it at this point which really bums me out. 

Perkis-Size Me

March 24th, 2020 at 12:46 PM ^

People who have no minds of their own deserve to look like clowns. 

If there was one university in the entire country that I had to guess would defy shutting down and ask students to return to campus, its would've been Liberty. Go ahead and try praying it away, you ignorant turds. See how far it gets you.

Maybe Freeze can lead on-campus Bible study for everyone. 

rob f

March 24th, 2020 at 11:42 AM ^

Very poor title, OP.  

This "Boomer" made his last purchase yesterday evening (ordered and picked up a pizza) anywhere other than online for the next 2 weeks, as I've decided to go one step further than Gov. Whitmer has ordered by starting a 2-week self-isolation period.

I'll still walk and bike for exercise but keep >6 ft distance from others and have been informing my adult children and other close relatives of my decision. But realizing that there's a distinct possibility that I may have been exposed inadvertently at some point to COVID-19, it's only the right thing to do. 



March 24th, 2020 at 11:47 AM ^

My in-laws are taking this kinda seriously. FIL has cancer and they're very worried about that, but they are going out when they need stuff. They are awful at making lists and remembering what they need when they go out, so they have gone out multiple times because they forgot they needed something.

As far as I know, my parents (dad, step-mom, and mom) are all taking it seriously. I don't think my mom has left her house at all during this and she's been able to work from home. My dad and step-mom are really healthy for being in their mid-sixties, so I am not panicked about them going out when they have to, but I don't think they've gone out much unless they're watching some of their 18 grandkids.

I have heard some horror stories about boomer parents not giving a crap about what's going on, but most of those are from social media and second-hand accounts.


March 24th, 2020 at 11:56 AM ^

Florida beaches were packed with kids two weeks ago, many of them stone cold Bernie loving socialists. I don't think this is a generational or political leanings issue by any means.



March 24th, 2020 at 12:02 PM ^

Florida is a great place to be.  It's gonna be in the 90's there this week.  Heat and sunlight destroy viruses.


March 24th, 2020 at 1:58 PM ^

Sunlight supposedly kills the virus, but after like 2 hours.  If an infected person coughs on you in the sun you are still going to get sick.   If you touch the rail they coughed on and touch your mouth in less than 2 hours, you're going to get sick....

Gob Wilson

March 24th, 2020 at 12:05 PM ^

Not all boomers. I have not been in a room or closer than 15ft with anyone other than my wife since March 4th. Working from home. I have not been in a grocery store, I've had our stuff delivered. We wash hands after handling the mail. I am a boomer. This is no joke. I live in Seattle but NYCity looks like it might become the next Italy. 


March 24th, 2020 at 12:06 PM ^

Many Boomers are taking this seriously as posted above me. Some Boomers are smart enough to keep some perspective on this virus. Why was the H1N1-Swine Flu outbreak not taken seriously some 10 years ago?

Let's all just do our part to keep this outbreak at a minimum. I'd hate to see this outbreak be a precedent for the next time that will make it easier to impose severe restrictions to our liberties and the damage the economy again.


1989 UM GRAD

March 24th, 2020 at 12:10 PM ^

My father is 91 years old and just began dialysis.  His response when I told him that he can't go out because if he gets coronavirus, he's pretty much done?

"I'm going to die soon anyway."

The reality is that the only thing left for him to do is to go to the grocery store.  Everything else is closed...his bridge club, the DSO, movies, etc.  My mother passed away three years ago, and now his lady friend refuses to even leave her house or see my father.

That's the issue here with anyone maybe 80+ years old.  Being that old can be very lonely...and then you add in being almost completely isolated...and I can see why some of them are going on like nothing's wrong.

1989 UM GRAD

March 24th, 2020 at 1:37 PM ^

My dad is pretty much playing with house money at this point.

Diagnosed with kidney failure at 70.  The doctors told him to think about "getting his affairs in order."

We had an 80th birthday party for him, at which he told me that we'd be celebrating his 90th birthday without him.

He often referred to how he would definitely predecease my mother.

Here we are in 2020...and he's 91 and in good health other than the kidney issue and still comfortably lives on his own in the house I grew up in...and my mother passed away three years ago.

He's been cut off from everything he likes to do and must be getting very lonely, so it's hard to forcibly get him to give up going to the grocery store.