
November 20th, 2023 at 1:54 PM ^


Since we were out, I went to Michigan Insider. Devin did a great job discussing JJ's troubles against Maryland and what it pertains for Ohio.

Entertaining, at the least.

Devin discussing playing against Ohio with broken bones as opposed to playing Northwestern or Maryland with a ding.



November 20th, 2023 at 3:06 PM ^

The only thing I saw was an article about his press conference. Harbaugh dropped a Ted Lasso joke: 


"It's like that Ted Lasso show," Harbaugh told reporters. "Belief. What comes out of that is believe. And I'm just so proud, so proud of our team. Despite that noise, our locker room's in one piece. And I like that. For me, locker rooms, lot like my mom's bathing suits. Like to see 'em in one piece."


November 20th, 2023 at 1:57 PM ^

Seth, if you see this I've got some advise for you.

Me being a software developer, I've got experience in this field.  You NEVER do a deployment or updates during an important time period.  Especially the ones that you mentioned on Twitter. 


Do all that junk the week after the big ten championship game.


November 20th, 2023 at 1:58 PM ^

Personally, I felt like Schrödinger's cat this morning.  In the dark, wondering what was going on, what the future held.

It's great to bask in the light of MGoBlog once again.

St Joe Blues

November 20th, 2023 at 2:10 PM ^

Don't tell my boss but I got more done in the 3 hours the site was down than I have since the B1G first started it's witch hunt over a Level III violation.

My initial thought, though, was that pranks between schools are getting more sophisticated these days. Back in my day, we'd try to paint Sparty maize and blue. I wondered if this was a targeted prank takedown by OSU in the same vein

Perkis-Size Me

November 20th, 2023 at 2:12 PM ^

The minute I saw the site go down, all I could think of is "Oh s**t, what really bad news just dropped that caused the site to crash?" 

I must've refreshed the twitter profiles for Henschke, Webb and JUB 5-10 times to find out who else must've just gotten fired. 

Perkis-Size Me

November 20th, 2023 at 2:37 PM ^

Although Seth and Brian don't owe us anything as their content is free, I wish they would've posted a Meta update on the Board last night that said "Hey, at this time tomorrow, the site will be down for an update for about an hour, so please for the love of Christ do not panic and think the coaching staff just imploded five days before The Game like you'd otherwise think it would've."

Whenever the site goes down and its not in the middle of a game, its almost always bad news. Same thing happened last week when Michigan decided to accept the three game suspension. 

All I could think this morning was:

1) Who just got fired?

2) What new evidence did the NCAA just leak to ESPN?

3) Did Harbaugh just announce he's not coming back next year?