Saturday Psycho 2020: Another round of Crazy Juice

Submitted by SMart WolveFan on November 7th, 2020 at 11:44 AM

I'm Back!

Had to return since your arrogance caught up to you again.

Comical this fanbase doesn't realize it's the biggest part of the problem.





  1. having or revealing an exaggerated sense of one's own importance or abilities.

    "he's arrogant and opinionated"


You suck as fans, congrats.

Look how brilliant:

RR was 0-3 vs MSU, Hoke was 1-3, Harbaugh is 3-3 and the consistent is this lame ass fanbase.

But you think Harbaugh is the problem. hAHa

At least the mods deleted

"Mel tucker has a punchable face"


You know what actually IS a punchable face:

Snapshot of the arrogance that has killed this program for 12 years.

Destroy his offence today and make him the little brother.




Of course, I already explained that the Illini Glitch is in effect this year and despite your lack of faith this is when it turns around, whether or not Harbaugh is coach for long:


College Football unfolds in cycles.

The main reason UofM is on the upswing?

That answer lies somewhere between the '17 and '18 recruiting classes.

In '15 and '16 Harbaugh maximized the talent Hoke brought in and set us up for unrealistic expectations, but he also had a team that didn't give up at the first sign of adversity, unlike '17-'19. The '16 and '17 recruiting classes were filled with bad "fits" who bailed quick; since '18 the recruiting has found better "fits" even though not as many stars.

This team isn't gonna quit, so I'm not gonna stop rooting from them.




November 9th, 2020 at 11:14 PM ^

I'm not sure I'm sober enough to understand what I read. Or perhaps you weren't sober enough to understand what you wrote.

But I'm pretty sure I hate you now.

Welcome to 2020. Where facts are unnecessary speedbumps on the way to knowing that I despise whatever it is you think you communicated.