Hat they put on Paul - was that Bo’s old hat?

Submitted by MGoArchive on October 30th, 2022 at 4:12 PM

The hat they put on Paul looked REALLY old. There’s a story there.


October 30th, 2022 at 6:40 PM ^

Well, c'mon. His son said Bo punched him in the mouth when he tried to tell him about Anderson. That wasn't hearsay. 

Weenies sitting here knee-jerkin' when Bo's name comes up remind me of something, though I can't think what. Oh, it's reactionary MSU fans acting in knee-jerk defense of THEIR icons when THEY fuck up! Curious coincidence! You folks need to at least develop enough self-awareness not to be this obvious in threads like this. 



October 30th, 2022 at 7:14 PM ^

His son's story is so full of holes only a moron would give it any credence whatsoever; e.g. the year he says it happened, Anderson was not the team doctor and Anderson and Bo had never even met.

Plus the idea that Millie Schembeckler let her son go to a doctor unaccompanied, then allowed Bo to sweep the sexual assault of her son under the rug, is absolutely absurd and an insult to her memory.

There are credible accounts of players complaining to Bo about treatments they received from Anderson, and there's no doubt that bo should have treated the matter more seriously.  However, there's also no doubt that what the players described to him were actual medical procedures that Bo had himself experienced (prostate manipulation and manual testicular checks).

It's despicable that some "fans" believe the worst of Bo and take patently false statements as evidence that he was "an enabler," when none of the actual evidence shows that to be true, and everything we know about Bo's character tells us that it is false.


October 30th, 2022 at 8:17 PM ^

Bo was a bum. Most of the people who worked in the admin of the university hated him. Known tyrant, fit-thrower, and apologist for a rapist. 

But what's pitiful HERE is the number of moronic Michigan homers that you can assemble to defend Bo in a thread whose SUBJECT is MSU homerism! 

You clowns give mgoblog a bad name. 


October 30th, 2022 at 8:27 PM ^

"It's despicable" that some "fans" believe the worst. . . You couldn't write worse dialogue for a bad 70s movie, my friend; you may hail from that old, dead world yourself, who knows. My dad worked for Bo, and Anderson's exploits were common knowledge around Ann Arbor, where I grew up. 

This tripe about these "procedures" being common is the most garbage fig leaf of all. There's a difference between rape and those procedures, and everyone knows it. Hence the FOUR HUNDRED NINETY MILLION dollar settlement. What inspires people to hang on so dearly to such ugly will always be a mystery--PSU, MSU, U of M. But--again--that you clowns pop up to defend Bo in a situation where MSU fans are being such ludicrous homers just. defies. gravity. 


October 30th, 2022 at 9:33 PM ^

Bo's son Shemy vehemently denies the allegations and he was closer to Bo than Matt was. Matt seemingly always had a grudge, going back to a news article all the way back in the late 80s/early 90s where he complained about Bo yelling too much and accused him of bullying because of the fact. Matt also was ticked and sued Bo/the university in 1999 because they didn't let him keep/sell some old benches.

Maybe Bo did know, who knows, he isn't here to try in court. What I will say is that Matt has an...interesting history with his family. Always seemed/seems to be quarreling with them.


October 31st, 2022 at 8:52 AM ^

If you don’t think bo knew than you must think bo was an incredibly stupid person with no knowledge of what was happening in his program and no connection or personal interaction with his players beyond coaching them on the field. Because those are the only two logical options 


October 31st, 2022 at 12:53 PM ^

Bo was a product of the 50s and 60s.  He served in the Army.  He likely underwent a few Army physicals.  He probably did not view gays favorably (not many did in the 50s and 60s).   He likely respected doctors and could not conceive of a doctor abusing his players.   The type of sexual abuse we have learned about in recent years wasn't on anyone's radar in the 50s, 60s, 70s.

If you think Bo was an enabler and should be canceled is to think he knew and understood that his players were being sexual abused by a university doctor.     Why would a man like Bo enable that?  If Bo knew that his players were being sexually abused by a doctor he would more likely marched down to the doctors office and kicked his ass and called him some homophobic slur.  

2022 is not 1970.   We get it now that people in authority over young people can be abusive and all of our guards are up.   That was not the case in 1970.

The evil person in this tragic history is Dr. Anderson, not Bo. 


November 3rd, 2022 at 11:32 AM ^

This is true. 1970s<>2020s.

The statue exists in the 2020s, however, and there are better images for the university to celebrate given the 490 million dollar payout, the facts that came out to get there, and Bo's iconic leadership.

It does not help that the 70s happened to all of us. Similar stories, notably at PSU, MSU, and OSU, are arguably worse. However, the skank of another era (where Doctors and Coaches were above the pale) does not excuse Michigan's lack of leadership in leaving the statue up or keeping the namesakes.

What happened is on Bo and Michigan, and it sucks, plain and simple. We do not need to re-read the findings, nor should we rewrite them.

You seem to say that renaming Schembechler Hall and taking the statue down would be a rewrite. The inverse is true. Not taking action denies the past and the harms that live on. Norms of the past are a part of history but not it's legacy. Leaving the statue up does more harm than good.

How far does it go? Should Yost Arena be renamed? Yes, it should. History is celebrating the ideas that matter, not the wins or losses.

Not taking action prevents Michigan from moral standing in present and future incidents. This is privilege, and it does not feel right.