UT football players allege school and donors coerced (them) into staying for “The Eyes of Texas”

Submitted by bsand2053 on March 3rd, 2021 at 6:31 PM

This is pretty rough 



[Edit @ 8:10 pm] I would prefer to allow this thread to remain open. Let's everyone help to keep this thread alive by discussing thoughts, insight, and ideas rather than attacking others who are partaking in the discussion.  Thank you all.

-rob f

​​​(PS: I also edited the title, per the OP's request)​​​​​​


March 3rd, 2021 at 6:41 PM ^

Feel like the pretty obvious solution to this is that the song stays the fight song, is played at games but if any player doesn't want to participate, they don't have to. 


March 3rd, 2021 at 6:48 PM ^

Some of those donor emails are crazy backwards referring to the players and minority students as “the blacks” lmao. It’s crazy we share a country w/ these morons. 


March 3rd, 2021 at 7:06 PM ^


At any game in the stadium, if Michigan isn't absolutely dominating, there is a fairly notable segment of the fanbase that will absolutely turn on the players. It's awful to hear (particularly if you have kids)  and kind of cringe worthy (when the vast majority of those yelling couldn't run to the corner).


March 3rd, 2021 at 8:55 PM ^

The Devin Gardner stuff pisses me off to this day.

Here's a dude who had his career totally fucked up by a bunch of incompetents and the guy never fussed once -- because all he wanted to do in life was bleed Maize and Blue.

Fuck anyone who ever sent him hateful shit.

It's awful to hear (particularly if you have kids)  

I coach youth soccer and it's a complete shit show.  We've had to go a silent sideline rule and also putting all the parents across the field on one sideline and both teams on the other.  It feels a little like hockey with both teams on the same boundary. 

It also never ceases to amaze me at the number of parents who say "it's not me" when in fact, they are part of the fucking problem.

So if we cannot even fucking get along at a rec league soccer game, it's no surprise to me this stuff happens at big time sports level.  Especially where people think money buys them entitlement. 


March 4th, 2021 at 2:45 PM ^

it varied...

My kids played in Minnesota and SD and depending on location and tournament it was not consistent.

Personally I like the players on one side and the coaches on the other (we called those college rules) versus having the parents and their kids on one side versus on the other.

The advantage to the latter is that it is easier for the refs to determine which parents are being dumb.


March 4th, 2021 at 1:05 PM ^

As you should.

However, I'm curious as to what happens (as the vast majority of this blog wants) when college "kids" start earning increased monetary compensation?  

Entitled fans will always feel entitled, and assholes will always be assholes; but at what dollar amount can a fan watch a college student who is now making bank feel ok to make a decision on whether they are getting their money's worth?

Does it matter how much they make?  Whether their classes are challenging or not?  Are they even "playing school"?

Food for thought.


March 4th, 2021 at 11:37 AM ^

I'm referring to the interview which was really awesome. It's blocked.

I remember MM saying the reason why he went to Austin (vis-a-vis Hollywood) was because the culture.  And he said it an a matter which was respectful of everyone, right, left, regardless of who they worship, who they love, the color of their skin, or what's between their legs.  He did it without name calling, censoring, or introducing politics into the discussion.   

rob f

March 3rd, 2021 at 9:56 PM ^

If you think injecting "Qanonsense"  into the discussion is ok or will be ignored, you are wrong, "Michrider41".

I just took a look at your posting history and can tell you this: one more strike and you're banned. 


March 4th, 2021 at 1:12 PM ^

All he said was Trump might be back, and that warrants a threat of a ban?

But y'all are fine with people wishing death on conservatives, and shitting all over our Former President Trump without repurcussions?



March 3rd, 2021 at 6:48 PM ^

If it turned out The Victors was a Nazi theme or something horrible I would support changing it as fast as they changed the Amazon icon.


March 3rd, 2021 at 11:22 PM ^

I'm sorry, but who exactly was 'got' in this scenario? The Amazon logo is not a person; it cannot experience the negative consequences of being associated with Hitler. While I can agree with most level-headed people in saying that the Amazon logo absolutely did not look like Hitler, if enough people, also known as customers, don't like Amazon's logo, no matter the reason, then Amazon has the right to change it as they see fit. This is yet another instance of people confusing "cancel culture", which is not really a thing anyways, with the free market working as it should. If a business recognizes that their bottom line is in jeopardy for whatever reason then they will act to ensure their profits are maximized. I'm sorry if you feel really strongly about the Amazon logo; in the future, I would try not to let an immaterial company symbol dictate your feelings.