Anyone else sick?

Submitted by Commie_High96 on March 21st, 2020 at 8:19 PM

I had a fever, cough and achy body Wednesday, have been on and off with what I would describe as a “mid-level cold” but certainly not bad enough to qualify for testing.  Hoping down the road an antibodies test is available to see if this is or is not the Covid.

anyone else out there in this limbo where you are obviously sick but not really badly sick?


March 21st, 2020 at 11:56 PM ^

I was the sickest I have ever been in January, here in NC.  Fever and exhaustion for days.  Still have a heavy feeling on my lungs.  I had pneumonia a few years ago, so my lungs always feel heavy after I'm sick.  Thought it was the flu, on the third day of misery I went to the doctor's office.  Tested negative for Flu A & B.  Was told "it appears to be some nasty virus, stuff is going around."  Two of my three kids had it first and I got it from them.  No idea if it was Covid but it 100% was not the flu.


March 22nd, 2020 at 2:16 AM ^

Same thing here with myself, my wife and our teenage daughter getting the worst of it though. Fevers came and went over three weeks, as the "unproductive" cough lingered that long. I have another friend in PA who said his daughter had the exact same thing - not strep, not A or B and a lingering cough for weeks and heaviness in the lungs. January it is for all of us.


March 22nd, 2020 at 3:41 AM ^

Coronaviruses are a family of viruses that has been around for many years,  it is possible to have symptoms of covid-19, but actually a person had the past common versions of coronaviruses.  This is probably why the testing return for positive is below 20 percent even though we are only testing those with severe symptoms.  It might be true that the death rate is 1% but then you are only looking at t  gf at result judged in time when there are enough hospital beds and health care workers.  If the virus spread too quickly It overwhelms hospital capacity  in the US and the death rate will be higher because of this.  U.S. death rates will more likely resemble The European countries  not Asia.   Asian countries are lower because in their culture they are more germaphobic, it’s acceptable that many people walked around with masks and gloves and they would accept long lockdowns.  Trump is kind of right that he did a early shutdown  by his Chinese traveler ban, but he basically squandered two months of prep time because he was ignoring the pandemic warnings from virus experts and intelligence community.  We need to flatten the curve, since even Trump is saying that then remaining dismissive people should stop dismissing the seriousness of this all.


March 22nd, 2020 at 12:25 AM ^

We don’t know.  

China dismantled all of their temporary hospitals already.   Why?  And they have 25% of the worlds population and scored zero case this week?   Right.  I don’t believe a word those fuckers say.  Huge shame on them.  
But you can’t hide dismantling temp hospitals.  Is this a good sign?

Italy (and Iran).  Are a disaster.

Russia?   Zero cases?  Did they already have the vaccine?

The Maize Halo

March 21st, 2020 at 9:54 PM ^

I called my doctor. Pretty sure I have it. Either that or I randomly got sick with flu at the same exact coincidental time as all of this when I normally never do.  So -- IDK obviously. Started last Sunday with a sore throat / aches. Definitely fatigue / malaise like the flu but not as bad. Never a crazy fever. The breathing felt "off" but never really bad to where I couldn't finish sentences. Today was the first day where I felt "pretty good" again. Doctor said that it wasn't worth it to get a test rx because it wouldn't change anything other than just chilling at home like I have been unless it got to the point of a high fever or where I couldn't finish sentences without breathing.  So -- yeah -- we are all going to get it. This is all happening so we don't all get it at the same time for those who actually have it bad.


March 22nd, 2020 at 1:07 AM ^

Me and a coworker got the same mystery mid-January illness except I'm in metro Detroit. I had gotten a flu shot beforehand but it knocked me on my ass for like a week and was really bad. My coworker went to a doctor and was told that it wasn't the flu and was some sort of general upper respiratory infection.

I seriously wonder if that was it but I don't know if there's any way to know for sure.

UofM Die Hard …

March 22nd, 2020 at 12:35 PM ^

Also live in Seattle and something ran through our house as well around January.  Mild fever, 2-3 week nasty nasty cough with slight breathing issues, and achy bodies. Took about a full month to get all us out of it.  We also suspect we had it and it’s been here longer than most think ...and the kids just spread it everywhere hence shutting the schools down until next year. Right move. 

our opinion only, don’t kill me 


March 21st, 2020 at 8:24 PM ^

My wife works at a hospital, they have to take their temperature every morning before she goes to work. As that's a sign of the virus. So I do hope that you have  Nothing major

Hotel Putingrad

March 21st, 2020 at 8:28 PM ^

Not yet, knock on wood.

i do call my 88 year old dad every other day though to make sure he’s taking his temperature. Though he had pneumonia in early February, so maybe that was it.

1989 UM GRAD

March 21st, 2020 at 8:38 PM ^

I'm just trying to keep my 91-year old dad - who started dialysis a few months ago - from living his life as though nothing is wrong.  Thank goodness his bridge club, the movie theaters, and the DSO shut down.  Otherwise, he'd be out and about.  Still going to the grocery store every day, though.  I told him that he needs to stay in the house.  His response?  "I'm 91, so I'm probably going to die soon anyway."  My response?  "I realize that, but I'm hoping it's not next week."

His healthy, realistic attitude toward aging is very refreshing...until it puts him at risk!

1989 UM GRAD

March 21st, 2020 at 9:21 PM ^

Dad was born in 1928.

Graduated from U of M in 1949.  (And, have to give my mom (of blessed memory) a "shout out," as she graduated from U of M in 1952!)  They both also went to Central High School in Detroit, but didn't meet until much later.

I actually graduated in 1990, but 1989 was my "expected" graduation year.  (Yes, I've been lying to all of you for all of these years.) 

So, our graduation dates were 40 years apart.  The math does work...for those of you keeping score at home.


March 22nd, 2020 at 1:01 AM ^

My Dad likes to fish.  He could be a guide.  He is a former All American wrestler for Michigan.  My Mom likes to cook. She is a good cook but he still coaches her. They are late 70s. 

I bring my Dad bait and tackle and my Mom food to cook. I drop it off.  We talk outside but stay apart.  She cries because we can’t hug.

I am mostly concerned for them.  I am also concerned about how we are all dealing with this.  We are all on the same team. 

1989 UM GRAD

March 22nd, 2020 at 7:15 AM ^

Our dads would probably like each other!  My dad was on the wrestling team but ended up being the student manager due to his lack of skills.  He is also an avid fisherman.

Sorry to you and your family for how difficult the experience has been.  I can only imagine what my mother's mental state would be like right now (she passed away three years ago). 


March 21st, 2020 at 10:53 PM ^

I get the flu shot every year so I'm not the one who kills my 80-year-old mother-in-law. Who's great, even with dementia--so we're more than a little concerned. 

My family tends to live forever or die relatively young. Both my parents died in their early sixties; I had two great-grand-parents live to be over 100 and one grand-parent who nearly got there (and all the rest of them made it to 80+ despite smoking heavily).


March 21st, 2020 at 8:38 PM ^

They're cancer factories 

Yes... 7 of 10 will die of cancer now... huge national study of 3,500 goldens is going on now to try and combat it.

I lost my three goldens at 4(!), 9(still way too young), & 10 to cancer.  Won't own another... I have an Irish setter now instead.

Not to shit all over the OPs parade though... enjoy the dog.  Hope it works out for you!  Prior to 1 year old is really the best age -- you're not sick, just enjoy how playful they are.



March 21st, 2020 at 9:08 PM ^

I can only go based on dinner table conversations. 

Yes, labs love to eat anything and everything. I.e. foreign body surgery galore. In fact I'm pretty sure the only reason we could afford our family's vacation to Disney World a couple of years ago was thanks to a bra my wife pulled out of a 6 year black lab's upper intestines.