Points changed Changed Changed by Description
-1.00 Cousin Larry
2.00 WallyWallace
2.00 Go.Blue.Hail
2.00 mmc22
1.00 Cousin Larry
2.00 maquih
2.00 TomJ
2.00 mmc22
2.00 DogTown
2.00 Johnny Blood
-1.00 Cousin Larry
1.00 Cousin Larry
1.00 Cousin Larry
2.00 Eastside Maize
2.00 Blue@LSU
2.00 Rabbit21
2.00 The Fugitive
1.00 Cousin Larry
2.00 ShadowStorm33
2.00 funkywolve
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 RGard
2.00 BoFan
2.00 The Fugitive
2.00 GoBlueGoWings
1.00 Cousin Larry
-1.00 Cousin Larry
-1.00 Cousin Larry
1.00 Cousin Larry
2.00 The Victors
2.00 Go.Blue.Hail
2.00 Mark
2.00 AWAS
2.00 Gulogulo37
2.00 ex dx dy
2.00 UMAmaizinBlue
2.00 maquih
2.00 93Grad
2.00 blueheron
2.00 ShadowStorm33
2.00 MichiganiaMan
2.00 Hotel Putingrad
2.00 Jack Be Nimble
1.00 Cousin Larry
-1.00 Dailysportseditor
-1.00 Dailysportseditor
2.00 the Glove
2.00 Teddy Bonkers
2.00 blueheron
2.00 BlueTimesTwo