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Re: Denver

We here in Denver have more marijuana dispensaries than we do Starbucks. Also, our alt-weekly has a weed critic. So there's...stuff... to do here. Don't group us in with Houston, man.

Fair point to the NCAA stuff.

So here:

Well done.

This would also work quite well as a spray-paint stencil. MGOBANKSY DEMANDS IT.

Re: stem routes

To add on to that point: Rudoph's "round" routes are intentionally so. Much more so than the traditional route tree, Kelly's receivers transition to soft areas of coverage and explore ways to morph around the D.

Smart Football took a crack at explaining some of this when Kelly was hired:…

I'll come out now.

I was the last copyeditor for TSB (Brian can check my email for factchecking purposes), so I lose one of my jobs. Such is the ways of working in Skynet.

FWIW, it was a really cool group of people. Dan Levy and Andy Hutchins were and are funny and kind and damn cool people. Fact, I interviewed Brian for the Michigan Review back in '05 or '06, so it was awesome to get a daily email from him with his post. Brian's posts were for the most part very lightly edited, his initial quality was pretty solid error-free. But we already knew this, didn't we?

And yes, my gig was probably further proof that MGoBloggers are everywhere.

Agree with your hopin' But disagree abt wrestling. Carwin's actually as big or slightly bigger than Lesnar, he walks around at about 300 lbs. Also, not a bad wrestler himself. Two other points: (1) this is probably going to be a quick fight, I think everyone will be surprised if it goes longer than one and a half rounds. (2) for those who don't know, this is Carwin's second job, he's a full time engineer, has his Master's in enviro engineering. So if you're a engineering major or geek who's always wanted an ass-kicking avatar, you know where your loyalty should be.
BOOO POLITICS BOOO BOOOOOOO #TotallyUnnecessaryInjectionOfPoliticsGetsThisEverytime
Was at the CU game [insert disclaimer about being a lacrosse fan at about a level 2 paladin with not even 12+ wisdom yet] You nailed it on the lackadaisical nature of the team. There were a number of early moments that were very similar to, in basketball parlance, Guy Makes Basket Then Steals Disinterested Inbound Pass From Other Team To Score 4 Points In 3 Seconds And Kill Other Team's Fanbase. Even as the game progressed, I could sense that there was this attitude of "Hey, what's the big deal, we got the horses to come back," only for it to kick in too late. Even though we lost, I will say that it was awesome watching the attempt at a comeback. We have serious fire power. Chalk me up in the Not Worrying About Winning Another Champeenship column.
For a brief moment I thought you were wanting to see Jon Chait on the field. The best part him at QB would be that he would probably also write the best and strongest denunciation of his own performance and defenestrate the coaches for such poor decision making that would make them put a fortysomething political writer in the backfield.
Easy Peasy Lemon Squeasy Another one-off of your phrase idea is to just remember the first letter of every word in a line from a song, play, book, poem, movie, &c. For capital letters, just the first word in a line or a sentence should suffice. So for example: AswyoYrfoAyftsaAtlyBtlaseTtgsfcAityfwiia Looks impossible to remember until you know where it comes from:
"And sometimes when you're on You're really fuckin on And your friends they sing along And they love you But the lows are so extreme That the good seems fuckin cheap And it teases you for weeks in its absence"
For Duke A benchwarmer for the Blue Devils is a family friend, and I've always wanted to say "I've beaten the hell out of a NCAA basketball champion, in foosball." This is my chance.
Without a doubt He will go to the Packers at the 23rd pick as GM Ted Thompson awakens from his drunken stupor to do something of Moderate Acceptability for once. BG will be the OLB in a 3-4 that Kampman never was, and proceed to rip Jay Cutler's head off on a regular basis while bitch-making Adrian Peterson. PleaseOhPleaseLetThisHappen.
Amen Surprised it took this long in the thread to mention him. If I'm ever forced to get married, he's running the ceremony. I feel we should all chip in a Rubadeau story to spread the gospel to the MGoBoard. Here's a starter: Rubadeau: here's how you remember the difference between "who" and "whom." Knock, knock. Me: Who's there. Rubadeau: Fuck. Me: Fuck who? Rubadeau: It's fuck "whom," you moron. ----- Viva la marginalia!
Not to ruin the griping thread But to answer the OP's sorta question: as the number of podcasts grows, and as the cheaper/easier/more ubiquitous mp3 players get, and as cars start having greater connectivity to said mp3 players, the closer to extermination local radio will get. I can fill my entire day with informative and entertaining podcasts with just 15 minutes a night on the iTunes store. And at the eventual future date when most major metropolitan areas are covered in high-speed broadband coverage, hello internet radio and goodbye terrestrial nincompoops.
Back to the OP's question (And while I'm not in the MGoLegal Dept., I am in the MGoJournalist wing so I know a bit about this) Slander and libel charges have a few hurdles to clear if they are to stick. Also, keep in mind that the burden is on the plaintiff- in my opinion one of the perks of living in a society that protects free speech. Anyway, the hurdles are (roughly) as follows: 1. The statement was made (check) 2. The statement was phrased as a fact rather than opinion (ehhh, this is where Drew Sharp would probably hide) 3. The statement is false (check) 4. The statement is about the plaintiff (check) 5. The statement was issued/published with requisite degree of fault (again, probably check, even if spouted from off the cuff) The problem is this: Drew Sharp is an opinion sports journalist for the Freep. Most every comment he makes he can claim as an opinion statement rather than a reporting statement. If a court found this to be the case (and let's face it, they would), there's really no slander charge to be found. Slander and libel are really thrown around way too liberally for what our justice system and Constitution provide. Love it or hate it, our governmental policy is designed to protect citizens from willfully malicious communications that harm their ways of life. It doesn't protect us from sniveling assholes who think their only way to protect their dying industry is through controversy and pandering (all the while killing the medium for fellow journalists *coughcoughcough*) making opinionated and cheap comments. As an aside, I find Sharp's comments even more offensive in the light of the justice system (as opposed to football recruits/sports in general). This is a man who is deliberately ignoring the woeful history of our country's criminal system (especially in relation to minorities) to make a silly and unentertaining talking point. I'm sure at some point in the future there will be a sports-and-justice issue where he is on the other side, and he will take the opportunity to then wield the race stick to berate all who disagree and claim a bereaved status to draw sympathy. I'm sorry Drew: when you say the things you've said in the past few days, you've cast your lot, and it's not with those of us who presume innocence before guilt.
Good conclusion, bad reasoning Considering that Northwestern makes close to double what Texas does in television revenue, considering that Texas has less than 2 decades of history with the Big 12, considering that their two rivals (OU and TAMU) can be easily scheduled with room for a Nu-Big 12 conference, and considering that the rest of the U of Texas staff, accountants, research scientists, professors, and grad students would crawl over broken glass to join CIC, they're dominant role in the Big 12 really holds little sway. That doesn't mean, however, that I think they will come. Growing up in Texas, I've had enough experience with obstreperous blowhard politicians that demonize everything north of the Red River to imagine a scenario where Texas politicians sign some kind of political block to ensure that the Longhorns aren't made to go play in the land of the Yankees. Trust me: Texas isn't nearly as satisfied with being a big fish in a (relatively) podunk pond. I can say pretty confidently that the members and numbercrunchers of the university would love the Big 10. Other Texans and UT supporters would be initially more skeptical.
Mom? When did you get an account?
Songs that came to mind - Those moves are straight from The Music Man's "Shipoopi" - "Masculinity" from La Cage aux Folles - "Gimme The Ball" from A Chorus Line - "Setting Up The Score" from Edwin Drood - "One of the Boys" from Woman of the Year - "A Cockeyed Optimist" from South Pacific EDIT: co-sign the "show tunes rock" comment. I know there's not many musical theater types here in the MGoCommunity, but every single one of the musicals I mention above is amazing, homophobes be damned.
Thank you for your service And you, ma'am, are an amazing woman. I thought this was a dude-only forum, and you have asploded that myth. Shame on me. I wish my mother was as cool as you, and I can only pray that I marry a woman as tolerant as you are of my internet tendencies. As reductionistic as it might sound: double-X-chromosome + understanding of my internetz tendency = marriagebait Again: thank YOU for your service.
Willing to take the negbanging for this But all things with bubbles in them are called Coke. I think it's a Biblical commandment. You can go to Taco Bell and order a Pepsi Coke if you want. On New Year's drink some champagne Coke. I personally like Diet Dr. Pepper Coke, but to each his own, to each his own.
I transferred to UM I started out at Pepperdine, which for those who don't know is pretty much right on the beach in Malibu. Even though I do wonder what it would've been like to spend 4 years there, and even though it seems like nearly all UM athletics have been on a near-historic decline since my decision to transfer (came in a few days after the '05 Rose Bowl), no regrets here. Part of the decision was based on sports stuff, but part was the academics and part was the prospect of living in Ann Arbor. Take it from a Coloradoan that has no geographical loyalty in the BCS conference debate: regardless of how the football teams do, the Big 10 is head-n-shoulders the best conference for college towns.
Senior year I lived directly above it, in the room next to the dude that runs it. You could get a contact high just walking into the hallway at 8 am. Almost needless to say: it was awesome.
I'll answer Hell yes. And 9 times on each weekend. I'm a sucker for batshit-insane theatre majors. But that's just me.
I'm here for the kittens. I just put up with all the sports talk.
+1 For your honesty.
+1 Hell yes. Quality position coach > a recruit or two.
I lol'd at West Fuckin Virginia But I ROFLMAO'd at the wondering about Krag1N1.
Right In My Wheelhouse For the burbon (sic) stricken amongst us, there's some good ones, but I'm going to recommend the Old Forrester Birthday Bourbon for 09. They've done a solid by us, this year having a fruity nose like a muthafucka and a body like Joan Holloway. Old Rip Van Winkle is an old standby that hasn't disappointed. And to you under-agers and economical men with a beach volleyball court in your front yard-- Evan Williams tastes quite similar to Jack with about $12 less per 1.75 (Colorado prices). That'll do the trick, IME.
From the land of Oregon Deschutes Brewery has Mirror Mirror, their double batched Mirror Pond Pale Ale. It's technically a barley wine, since they age some of it in oak barrels. It is just tits.
Clarification From Wikipedia* "A "STUPIDIST" is someone who subscribes to the Stupidism School, founded in Everytown, USA in the 2000's, which suggested that society was STUPID and that the most appropriate response from the creative class was to engage in a nonlogical sophistry consisting of nonconforming lolcats pictures and applying for admission to schools of higher learning located in the state of Ohio. A Stupidist would most likely subscribe to the idea of The Show Two And A Half Men and propose a greater adherence to the Irrational Firing of A Football Head Coach After Two Years school of hermeneutics." ----- *God, I wish this was true. And that I was more drunk.
Requisite Disclaimer Not that there's anything wrong with that.
Disagree, sirrah. I can't quite recollect the location, but I believe my wife is in Azerbaijan at the moment as the result of a transaction brought about by a recent spat involving an unclosed milk carton, a 100-point decrease in our credit score, and a squabble over garbage duties. Time-sharing a spouse was the best decision I've made since my prison-gang Pledge week.
Wrong Andy Reid writes well, does good investigative work, and actually reports on the news. Mitch Albom is a hack who relies on schmaltz, he has literally mailed-in pre-written columns, and he represents nearly everything pompous and undeservedly arrogant about dead-tree journalism.* -1 to you, sirrah, and may the tentacles have mercy on your soul. ----- *For the record, this isn't one of those "only say it online" kind of comments. I've told as much to Mr. Albom, to his face. I've never met Mr. Reid, but I'd do him the same courtesy.
456 That our covert operatives in Red Hot Chili Peppers "ruined" a kick-ass show for Columbus-ites with "The Victors" in their encore. 456(a): RHCP > O.A.R.
OT But Ike and Tina divorced in 1978. For the social science majors amongst us: that was more than 30 years ago*. Do we have an acrimonious and violent and in-the-public-eye relationship in the past three decades we can update this allusion with? I'd hate to think that I'm going to have to explain things like Ike and Tina to my children, which will also require me to explain what "records" were, what "R&B" meant, and how someone could actually overdose on cocaine like Ike**. I'm probably missing an obvious one, but I can't seem to find a more contemporary physically-abusive relationships. MGoBoard, we can do this. ----- *I'm one of them: BA in Economics in '07. **Okay, I'm probably alone in this: but I imagine that the future is going to be AWESOME, meaning that we'll have 1)invented a cure to overdosing on cocaine by the time I have kids, 2)made cocaine widely available, including the local school cafeteria.
As someone pointed out The criticism of "your problems will still be here when you sober up, drinking is useless" is worthless. Using the same logic, no one would ever go to the Bahamas for vacation- why bother if your troubles are still going to be there. No, sir. I'm drinking, not to make the problems go away- I drink to make the problems, at least for a few hours, feel like small foibles that I can snigger at, a snigger that will eventually devolve into sloppy laughter and then tears.
I didn't know that anyone was still a Dog Coroner
As a man who grew up in the 719 And with approximately 50 USAFA cadets and grads as family and friends, I can assure you that the code of conduct for the cadets will squelch any quality signs. The men and women of the academy carry themselves with competence, maturity, and dignity, three attributes that we all know are the opposite of funny. I think it was Muggeridge who said: "Good taste and humor are a contradiction in terms, like a chaste whore."
You're absolutely right. Called my dad, said he'd misspoke to me, that he's met a daughter in law of Millie. He thinks she's the wife one of the sons from the previous marriage to Bo's, if he recalls correctly. I think there were 3 boys? I'm not too clear on the history of Chez Schembechler, so more info would be welcomed and appreciated. Skynet, your punishment is just and fair and correcting. I'm duly chastened.
Ditto I had images of a Steve Gutenberg smack-down. Police Academy 4?! SMACK
This problem was fixed for me when I decided to become a teacher/tutor. All my "coworkers" are my students, so I get to freely say SHUT THE HELL UP, YOU GO TO CU at them as much as I like. Power trips. Give one a test drive, let me know how it goes.
Tangential Point My parents (in Colorado Springs) have met Millie Schembechler, Bo's 2nd wife, several times around town. Even saw her getting a new Mercedes at the local dealership. Said she's an utterly delightful person, wonderful to talk to.
Goddammit people We just spent like 8 or 9 years beating back that synthesizer and drumbeat from the chorus into a brief corner of Japanese game show themes and Korean snack commercials. And now some of our own done gone and fucked up all the hard work. This is almost as bad as when we abolished the Peruvian flute bands and I almost got eaten by a guinea pig in a pirate costume. Almost.
Me just now. *Laconically scrolling through what I was anticipating was another overheated board post. See this* *Snort, spit half of my 4th gin fizz all over my 24-in Mac and my $4,000 Versace silk kimono* Me: MY GOD! *Fulgencio, my Cuban house boy, looking up from his latest Utne Reader, murmurs* Fulgencio: Something wrong, babe? *Wiping said gin fizz from my full-but-soft moustache* Me: Nothing dear. Just surprised to see a bracingly-intelligent comment from a fanboard less than 48 hours after a meltdown. Could you pass me the Shamwow? I seem to have a mess on my hands.
Uhhh But the question's "what's six by nine?" So I don't see how that really answers.... ohhh... I see what you did there.
Okay I guess I could start a separate thread for this, but I feel that it would match with the current demographics: Does anyone else find themselves drunkenly pos-or-neg-banging people on MGoBoard? Get enough in me, and I become a drunk King Solomon, offering Thumbs Up and Down to things I'm not actually certain I fully comprehend.
Dearest Sir, Are you familiar with the greatest every-once-in-a-while-published publication, Modern Drunkard? Based out here in the Denver metro area, it's, no sugar coat, the greatest thing ever written. The reason I mention it is because I noticed some shame/sadness at your Solo Drinking. A few hours in the MD's library will quickly disabuse you of such weak emotions. We Drinkers of Solitude are a proud bunch. There is NO shame in drinking alone, for any reason: a neighbor's having a bar mitzvah for a firstborn that you weren't invited to, your wife is sleeping with the local elementary's crossing guard, we can't seem to find a way to stop Isaiah Williams, your pillow's too fluffy unless you're too drunk to recognize it. They're all good. Cheer up. I raise my glass of straight lukewarm Smirnoff in your direction.
Outstanding This is the kind of communal action I was talking about. Give MGoBloggers enough time, we'll create the Wikipedia of Drinking for Hobos. No Mad Dog citations, tho. Anyone who's ever actually enjoyed a dinner at the Red Cross (which is all of us, right? RIGHT?) is familiar with that warmth-giving elixir. That's a low bar to clear. Moar plz.
Edit It took me posting it to realize that Wednesday's doesn't have Large sized cups for a shaker, Wendy's does. And I still need more whiskey...
I don't know I'm pretty sure that Bo actually said those last lines as well, but the puritanical historians redacted them. Okay, it would just be way funnier if that was true.