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We can tell from the photos that his left hand is extended . . .

We can tell from the photos that his left hand is extended out towards the 1st Down line and the ball is behind it in his right hand.  So, in the video footage attached to these two tweets, if you look at where his left hand was {as a point of reference}, at his furthest point of forward progress, it is easy to see that his right hand/the ball were well behind where his left hand was extended to, and from that point on his left arm came up and out and his right arm/the ball fell back:

Most of all, HOW DO THEY NOT EVEN BRING OUT THE CHAINS to measure the spot in a game of that magnitude???  RIDICULOUS!!!

This Guy's Videos are Basically Indisputible Video Evidence...

I hate blaming offciating for losing a game, but when it is on a level like that game was and especially when the game should have ended after that 4th Down play, it makes it extremely difficult not to.  That still frame of a ridiculous angle way to the right that at least 1 Ohio State coach and countless useless nut fucks keep distributing in an embarrassment!  This guy's videos are basically indisputable evidence that it was NOT a 1st Down:

eli on Twitter: "Somebody explain this... that's home state cookin"

Last night, a die hard Ohio State fan who is a technical producer on Fox Sports Radio even admitted that he didn't think J.T. Barrett got the 1st Down.  Also, the fact that they DID NOT EVEN BRING THE CHAINS OUT AND MEASURE in a game of that magnitude is a gross negligence of officiating responsibilities, and further proof that they wanted Ohio State to win for whatever reasons {i.e. most likely these}.  Oh, and the explanation the ref gave Harbaugh saying that he got penalized because it would've been a technical foul in basketball might be the most incompetent response I have ever heard!

Sorry, needed to let that out...

Yeah, Refs Did Suck But . . .


Up 3 points and had perfect opportunity to foul within the 3 point line.

I'm sure it's easier for me to tell on an 82" 1080p TV, as opposed to those monitors the refs look at, but the inbounds play before that was off of Lumpkin's hand.