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Under 21

1. why is he

Under 21

1. why is he spying on his daughter. It shows a lack of trust and confidence on how he raised his daughter

2. Teens nowadays (including me) send naked pics, listen to horrible music, say outrageous things to friends on social sites, do drugs, and get pregnant. But the thing is: parents will never know or have the slightest clue! His spying and IT skills is totally unfair but I cannot blame him. He is saving his daughter from being a Yuri Wright, BUT what she did was minor to some of the other things I previously listed. He didnt have to take it that far. I have plenty of high school aquaintences who have had sex inside of school, made porn via cell phone camera, and under aginly used drugs & liquor in public places. The thing is their parents never knew and that is the way it should stay because even though they aren't responsible enough to know they aren't ready to accept the consequences of those activities, they sure are responsible enough on how to keep it away from adults.

3.  I can see if he caught his daughter doing those "vices" i mentioned, or posting it online, then I could be totally fine with him doing this. I just see this as a little extreme

4. I still agree with it. There are way too many Yuri Wrights out here that think what they post wont hurt them, and media & internet is blinding kids. I know plenty of people who posted pictures of themselves with guns or bragging about committing crimes on facebook and  month or so later they are in court with a laptop being shown their old posts as evidence for conviction. So this dad is leading a crusade against idiotic posting but geez, atleast she wasnt uploading naked pics

I just find it hilarious that

I just find it hilarious that the chart was missing majors, and inaccurate. Damn Urb, didnt want to show the whole truth?

iwasnt trying to imply that I

iwasnt trying to imply that I was just wondering who did the sites think was better AND whether you guys had on opinion of who will see field first

excellent to see them getting

excellent to see them getting due recognition. I think dawson is slept on a lot and does this mean taco will take objemudia spot? Im too lazy to do research on how mario was ranked but i liked his film better than taco's.

Someone give me their thoughts on Taco VS Ojmabooty

i prefer snapbacks. my head

i prefer snapbacks. my head doesn't do well with strapbacks but i dont have a problem with either strap or fitteds. Snapbacks are just whats in style. (first post)