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Since Michigan is a rich…

Since Michigan is a rich school, I thought the plan was that the boosters create a bowl game insurance fund.  So if a player gets injured, like Jake Butt, they get compensated.  Yes, the money wouldn't be enough if they are the NFL number 1 pick, but most players aren't that.  

I didn't even think the fund would be that expensive.  What are the odds of a season ending injury forces the fund to pay out per bowl game 1 in 10? 1 in 20?  

The Question with all three…

The Question with all three recruiting powerhouses Alabama, Clemson, and Ohio State is what happens after the big man leaves?  Many assume that as long as they hire an idiot that nothing will change.  However, coaches really do make a difference or Miami and Tennessee would still be dominant teams.  Why isn't Texas a dominant team now it certainly meets all the preconditions. 

 This current era has lasted so long it seems permanent.   None of the other eras of college football have lasted.  This will pass too.

Also I am sure Day is a decent coach.   However, Ohio State could have gotten almost anybody for that job.   If you were hiring for one of the best jobs in College Football would you really pick Day?  When Alabama picked Saban the guy had already distinguished himself both at Michigan State and LSU as an exceptional HC.  What has Day done?  He is unproven.

Unless Ohio State gets very lucky again, their Meyer era and all that implies is coming to  a close

Talk about a nightmare.  I…

Talk about a nightmare.  I just read a very plausible play by play for 24- 17 Ohio State Victory. 

What happens:  We hold Dobbins and the Ohio State Run game to below average yards but Dwayne Haskins manages to make some good throws -  resulting in 24 points for the bad guys.

Meanwhile Michigan gets bogged down in/at the edge of the red zone and on top of that the simulation has Quinn Nordin as the kicker and furthermore has him flaking out twice.  Hopefully we go with our new kicker.

Yikes the next Simulation has Ohio winning again 20-16.   Maybe this simulation isn't for me.




Yes, as we all remember…

Yes, as we all remember sharing a cabin on Amtrak did not work out well when Clarence took the train from Dc to New York during Xmas Break carry the OJ crop reports. 


So definitely get a sleeper.

Besides the MGoPodcast, the…

Besides the MGoPodcast, the there are two other college football podcasts I listen to as well.

The Blurb:

Podcast Ain't Played Nobody is a college football marriage of numbers and words featuring Bill Connelly, the inventor and proprietor of the S&P+ Analytics System, and Steven Godfrey who probably, unfairly, hates your school.

As per the promo Godfrey has weird tiff going with MGOBLOG's Brian, but I found this the best general interest college podcast.  The Podcast is on the analytic side.


The Shutdown Fullcast is a college football comedy podcast.  The humor is very hit and miss, but when it is funny, it is funny. 

Good Thing all these …

Good Thing all these  commercails allow me to read this entire thread during the game  /sarc

Long time Lurker, wishing…

Long time Lurker, wishing Ace the best.  He will be missed

That sounds familar

That sounds familar

Didn't they realize that…

Didn't they realize that this report would be read by the national news media?  In some ways Ohio State would have been better off immediately suspending Urban Meyer for 3 games then making this damning report public.



Harbaugh has been an…

Harbaugh has been an excellent coach with 2 provisos:

First he has not been lucky and luck plays a big part in college football success.   Since he has been here - winning that one game against Minnesota with Speight I feel was our only lucky break.  Do I have to outline all the bad luck, bad referee calls, bad fumble recovery etc. in the Harbaugh era?

He is also unlucky as both our rivals, along with Wisconsin are playing at Historic peaks.  It is also frustrating that Franklin was able to turn around Penn State so quickly.  Although he made some good hires, I believe  Franklin got lucky and has over preformed. 


Second I would like to see an actual top 25 Michigan offense.  I believe a Harbaugh type offense can succeed and prevail in the modern era.  But once he has his offensive pieces in place I would like to actually see it.  

Things have changed in the…

Things have changed in the past 30 years.  Especially downtown and on North Campus.   The whole town/campus has become a lot ritzier.  If your family has specialized dining requirements you'll probably have an easy time finding establishments  that cater to your needs.   


I am in the same boat.

I am in the same boat.

So right at the top of the…

So right at the top of the cable bubble, right before streaming services start taking off, the B1G Ten invites Rutgers into the league in order to secure the 'New York' cable market.

Remind my never to invest with the B1G Ten.

I always preferred sedans,…

I always preferred sedans, but with all the vehicles on road around me SUVs and Crossovers I am getting a terrible view of the road ahead.  It is like being the shortest kid in class when every body is standing to see something.