
November 15th, 2011 at 4:46 PM ^

of the media in a different city...

You have to ask that question... and if he walks out, he walks out...and it looks bad on him.

It's not about "Shannon" trying to make herself part of the story, it's about giving people information that they want to know.

What's the focus of Illinios Fooball right now for fans reading a newspaper or watching a TV??...   and you have to include casual fans as well...not just people like us that live and die this stuff.

TV and newspapers are still a business...there are not enough people like us that care about a lone play or player enough to get people's attention.  They, a majority, care about the overall general idea of Illinois football and where it and if Ron Zook is the man to lead them.

And the question on a lot of people's minds is if can he lead Illinois to wins.

Clearly he is not confident in himself to do that... and that's obvious by him walking out rather than facing what he needs to face as the head of a major college football program.


November 15th, 2011 at 4:49 PM ^

Zook clearly knew that's a hot topic... Something a lot of people care about and want to know about... that's why he mentioned it.  Those paying for season tickets deserve to know the direction of the program and deserve to know about Zook and his ability to do the job.

He needs to answer the question, even if it's just a "I really only want to talk about the kids who are busting their butts for me."

Walking out only makes him look weaker, like he can't handle the job, or doesn't care enough to do the requirements.

He needs to man up and answer to his losses.


November 16th, 2011 at 9:14 AM ^

really?  wow.  answer this... did her question illicit news or create a reality tv moment?  it's pathetic really.  And i know you people are just pawns or tools of our society but have some self respect.


November 16th, 2011 at 10:15 AM ^

Zook did... by acting lke a moron and walking out.  It's his job to talk with the media and answer those questions.

He could have brushed it off or answered it in a different way.  ZOOK WALKED OUT.  He created the drama..

Coaches are asked all the time about job status and it's never talked about unless the coach blows up and walks out. FACT

Coaches are paid a lot of money to represent the university and that means stepping up to the plate and taking the heat that comes with all the money and glory.


November 15th, 2011 at 6:36 PM ^

What a difference the last four games have made. After the first 6-0 start in, like 50 years, the Fightin' Illini find themselves at 6-4, fourteen pt underdogs to visiting Wiscy this Saturday.