Who will start at QB for Michigan State?

Submitted by blueblue on

Mary had a little lamb, it's fleece was white as snow. And either of them could start at quarterback for the Spartans on Saturday.

(This didn't turn out right last time we tried it, but it was fun, so let's do it again.)



October 26th, 2016 at 2:00 PM ^

The more pertinent question is: which QB will be alive by the end of the game?? This could be like that one year at ND where Weis had his QBs drop with injuries, lose their confidence, and literally quit. One QB didn't even bother to tell Weis he was done - just didn't show up. Roll that year into one game, and that's what this weekend could be like for Sparty. I want to hear a story that they found Lewerke crying under a bench in the locker room, begging his coaches to not make him play the second half.


October 26th, 2016 at 2:12 PM ^

It looks like Lewerke has completed 53% of his passes but is less than 40% on 3rd down. He does have decent touch on his passes but that OL is Bad and their receivers don't seem to get much separation.

If he is out, then it is DeWeaver, I believe.


October 26th, 2016 at 2:12 PM ^

plays QB.  I don't care who the RB, WR or DBs are.  All I care about is winning by a lot.  Yes, a 35-28 win would be cool, but I would be disappointed.  I want to win Harmon to zero (98-0) and go for 2 on every TD.


Go Fuck Yourself Sparty.  Time to pay for all the dick-ish behavior and asshole-isms of your players, coach and fanbase over the last decade.


Reparations are due bitches.


October 26th, 2016 at 2:51 PM ^

I can understand feeling bitter about being in the shadow of Michigan for so long, but the day they turned the tables they wasted no time throwing their weight around.  2015 was the cherry on the shit sundae; Michigan had to outplay atrocious officiating all afternoon and still almost won but crapped the game away, and MSU spent the next year sauntering around like a botched snap had anything to do with them.

Little Brother found the liquor cabinet keys but instead of getting happily buzzed they trashed the place and pissed all over everything.  They went way, way overboard and are now overdue for a good spanking.

My only fear is that they won't go quietly to their rooms.  Little Brother will always be a bitter, spoiled child that doesn't understand, so they'll play that way.  I'm expecting a win, but Michigan might get frustrated at refs swallowing their whistles when they commit 3-4 dirty fouls every down.  I'll be happy if they escape EL without any gruesome injuries.

father fisch

October 26th, 2016 at 2:45 PM ^

I don't think it matters who is playing QB for them.

The idea of our D-line collapsing the pocket, sandwiching the QB, and just plain wreaking havoc is testing my patience.  C'mon, Saturday!  Get here!


October 26th, 2016 at 2:54 PM ^

I predict that whoever starts will not finish the game due to injury.  How many starting quarterbacks have we knocked out of games this year so far?


October 26th, 2016 at 2:59 PM ^

I don't care who starts but I want all of them to play at some point. I want each Sparty QB to feel the wrath of this defense and their future.