Welcome Back

Submitted by Harbaugh4TheWin on July 19th, 2022 at 6:19 PM

Logged in to say Welcome Back Brian.  Your staff is great, but YOU, Sir, are MGOBLOG.


July 19th, 2022 at 6:28 PM ^

This times one hundred.  This is my favorite blog and place to hang out during games and random Friday nights while drinking.  Hope you are doing well. 

The Bos of Me

July 19th, 2022 at 7:21 PM ^

Welcome back to a talented writer and insightful analyst.  Not so welcome back to the political hot takes.   Politics is divisive and nasty and MGoBlog should be a shelter from the storm.  


July 19th, 2022 at 7:53 PM ^

It's his fucking blog. QED

And if you consider what Brian posted about AA politics, again, on, checks notes, *his* blog, was a political "hot take", then what rip van winkle dream have you been living in? It was like a the mountains turn blue when it's cold coors light political take.

That politics can be divisive and nasty, especially in our current times is granted. But if what you read what Brian wrote about AA city council (which, you clearly did) seems like it was nasty and divisive to you...really?

Brian has a platform and cares about his community to once in a blue moon use that platform to opine on local city politics. The horror. The horror. 

Welcome back Brian! Love your writing, keep it up. Sometimes you just have to rip that bandaid off and get back in the saddle. 


July 19th, 2022 at 9:30 PM ^

Perhaps would be one way to view that. I've been in the workforce long enough to know there are stated policies and then there is the degree to which each of those policies is followed, or even if it's not followed whether it's enforced (thank you mods, for all that you do!), or even if it's enforced, what the penalty is, to all the varying degrees, and on and on, your mileage may vary. 

About those policies, I was curious about the blog's take on this topic and found two specific mentions, 1) pertaining to the board https://mgoblog.com/mgoboard/mgoboard-faq ("unwelcome kthx- politics") and 2) pertaining to the blog's ethics https://mgoblog.com/content/offical-ethics-mgoblog ("things I won't post on- politics"). 

So first, the board policy doesn't "disallow" political discussions, per se, it says they're unwelcome. Not every comment or thread that is politically related gets torched/moderated- I have seen reasonable discussions about/related to politics on this board over the years, less of late, mind you. Every once in a while people on the internet can disagree respectfully without misrepresenting facts or resorting to ad hominen attacks. Especially on this board related to this university, people set a high standard. But it usually it goes the other way so it's better to have a policy that allows you to nuke it need be.

Second, I'm trying to remember, I thought Brian gave a spiel when he first started weighing in on AA politics about why he was, which sounds like something he would do, but I can't recall there, if anyone can help us out there? If he didn't, then if anything then Brian is breaking his own stated policy. But just like a little bit. Perhaps if the stated ethics policy were revised to include the terms of his writing about local politics might help clear things up for everyone?

Blue Vet

July 19th, 2022 at 8:45 PM ^

Denver, it's not my job to defend anyone else, but it seems to me that Bos was irked about the partisan shit that slides in occasionally, and not the actual people-trying-to-make-things-better politics that Brian mentioned.

In any case, may I mention in case anyone hasn't done it yet, Welcome back, Brian.

Clarence Boddicker

July 19th, 2022 at 8:05 PM ^

Welcome back. Your dreams were your ticket out.

Welcome back, to the same old place that you laughed about.

Well, the names have all changed since you hung around.

But those dreams they remain and they've turned around.

Who'd a thought they'd lead ya

Back here where we need ya!

Yeah, we tease him a lot, 'cause we got him on the spot.

Welcome back!


July 19th, 2022 at 9:32 PM ^

Welcome back - hope you are doing well/better. It is a tough time for many and especially for you - hopefully it is clear that the thoughts of many of the MgoCommunity have been with you.

And people bitching about you briefly supporting someone else's picks for AA city council should be sent to Bolivia.