This Week In Photoshop: The Stadium

Submitted by markp on

I shall now attempt to lose all my points by posting the following concept of new endzone decks and painted endzones.

Let the wrath ensue:

I'm not sure if this would work well and am not saying it is a good idea, but I've wanted to see what it might look like for a while and perhaps others have too. Thus, a rough concept was born.

You may now proceed to harpoon me for sacreligious photoshopping and sub-par fandom, or you can surprise me and discuss the idea.


April 6th, 2016 at 1:18 PM ^

I like the look a lot! The one concern I have is that the vision of the people sitting on the far edges of the new sections is obstructed by the suites.

If that could be fixed, I think we should move forward.