Video Games: What are you playing?

Submitted by Darker Blue on April 10th, 2020 at 11:51 AM

The remake of my all time favorite video game (Final Fantasy 7) came out today. 

I'm still waiting for my copy to get here, I live in the middle of nowhere without high speed internet so digital download was out of the question.

I'm super excited to play through midgar in a fully functional 3 dimensional world.

What are you guys playing?


April 10th, 2020 at 12:22 PM ^

A lot of em.

Just recently finished God of War about a month or so before COVID started spreading like wildfire.

NBA 2K20 as a sports game.

Mario Kart 8 and Overcooked for group play.

Was told to play Detroit: Become Human which was a fun cinematic game.

Just finished BOTW for the Switch and moved to Animal Crossing. 

BL3 and SMB2 for online play.

If the moves on long enough the FF remake and Outer Worlds are next on my list.



April 10th, 2020 at 12:23 PM ^

I don't have much time to play anymore with my career being all consuming.  I generally get 1 long story based game a year and get through it an hour at a time.  Currently I've been playing Red Dead Redemption 2 since February.  I'm about 15% through the story line.  

Last year I played Assassin's Creed Odyssey and it took me a year and 3 months to get through.  I don't play to get 100% completion, but I do take the time to complete most of the side missions. 

RDR2 is a great game, but I feel like Rock Star added too much with feeding and grooming your horse, cooking food and doing chores around camp.  I do as little of that stuff as possible and focus on the interactions with random people throughout the open world.  

Perkis-Size Me

April 10th, 2020 at 12:39 PM ^

Guh-reat question. 

Finished Fallen Order a few weeks ago. Too short and linear for me, but it was good story nonetheless. 

Replaying and just about to finish up Last of Us. Was doing it in preparation for Last of Us II coming out next month, but now that's been delayed indefinitely. Sucks, because the first game is one of the best games I've ever played. Hoping the second one is even half as good. 

Depending on how devoted I feel, I may replay RDR2. There was a lot of stuff I'm sure I didn't do or pick up on the first time around, and like everything Rockstar does, the game was just awesome. If I don't want to commit to something that big, maybe I'll replay Spiderman. 

Also playing a little Madden on the side, but as much as I love football, I've never been a big fan of football video games. 


April 10th, 2020 at 12:44 PM ^

I got Jedi: Fallen Order for Christmas but am just now starting to play it. Very cool so far.

And I always get drawn back in to another campaign in EU4. Playing in east Africa for the first time with Adal. 


April 10th, 2020 at 12:45 PM ^

Prior to this Covid isolation, I preferred dungeon crawler solo RPG games.  Now I primarily play fast paced group/squad games to have some fun interaction with friends and family.  I play a lot of Fortnite, COD: Warzone, and on mobile I play Mobile Legends Bang-Bang (League of Legends knockoff).  I still work from home all day, so game time is not what I'd like it to be!

Perkis-Size Me

April 10th, 2020 at 1:13 PM ^

You're going to get the same level of access to violent games pretty much across the board. Most games these days can be played on multiple consoles. Red Dead, GTA, Mortal Kombat, all some of the more violent series of games I've ever played, and you can get them on either Playstation or Xbox. Only a handful, like Halo, God of War or Gears of War, are exclusive to one console. 

Just be smart about what you let them buy and you'll be fine. Ask them to tell you what they want, and then do the research to see what parents say about the game, or read reviews. If violence is what you're worried about, don't let them convince you to buy anything made by Rockstar. Not at the age they're at, anyway. They make some of the best videogames ever made, but they are as violent of games as you'll find. 

If you don't want them exposed to any violent games whatsoever, then just do yourself a favor and get them a Nintendo Switch. 


April 10th, 2020 at 12:46 PM ^

HELP:  when i was young i played a game on the commodore 64 called M.U.L.E. 

You played against other people and/or computer, and had to evaluate land, setup either food/energy/ore/crystalite on the land, and produced, then went to the open market to sell what you had or buy what you needed.  It was a simple, cheesy, but heavily addicting game.

Does anyone know where i can find this again (probably renamed/rebranded) on either android or xbox/ps4?


uncle leo

April 10th, 2020 at 12:49 PM ^

Still working through Nioh 2.

Plan on either Doom or FF7 after this.

Actually just did something REALLY cool the other day. My buddy and I rekindled an old game we grew up with, Heroes of Might and Magic 3.


April 10th, 2020 at 12:57 PM ^

I don't personally play, but I have an 8 & 10 year old and recently purchased Zelda: Link's Awakening and Luigi's Mansion 3 for the them (switch).  They absolutely loved Zelda, which they tackled first, because it is easy enough for them to play without a massive learning curve and the game itself is cartoon-ey beautiful.  They have beaten it a few times each, so are now just starting to get Luigi going.


April 10th, 2020 at 12:59 PM ^

Great question.  If  I could find time with my buddies, might have a different set of answers.  I like others have a few story-esque games a year I enjoy.  Also like team-based FPS, but really need a good team or it sucks.  PS4 and Switch owner.  

Overwatch is the best game for FPS, easy to learn, tough to master.  Great balance.  So fun.


Story games.  Am almost done with Control - cool game and storyline.  New God of War is awesome.  Just started Death Stranding - a little close to home today but graphics are simply stunning.  Game can be slow but a completely different game than any I have maybe ever played.  Hideo Kojima is legend (think Metal Gear V is next after DS for me).  



April 10th, 2020 at 1:04 PM ^

Mainly Animal Crossing. I also bought Sniper Elite 4 because it was $12 on Steam for a few days. I'm about to boot that up. I'm also finishing Red Dead 2 and playing through my season on MLB The Show 17.


April 10th, 2020 at 1:15 PM ^

Destiny 2 on Stadia.  Probably going to buy Doom Eternal for it too.  Still shocked at how good the quality is for streaming with this.  Works great with my setup and understand some have had issues but it's a great service.  2 months free for everyone right now.


April 10th, 2020 at 2:01 PM ^

When someone invents a more playable, fun game than Super Punch-Out for SNES, I'll get back into gaming.

Until then, get off my lawn unless your name is Hoy Quarlow and you're coming at me with a staff.

Lou MacAdoo

April 10th, 2020 at 2:07 PM ^

I downloaded Marvel Contest of Champions on my phone to show my son all the superheroes. That was about a year ago and I'm still horribly addicted. Haven't had a gaming console since PS2. 


April 10th, 2020 at 2:11 PM ^

Just started Uncharted The Lost Legacy yesterday. It’s a couple years old now but it’s wildly entertaining for the $14.99 price point.

The Uncharted series is far and away my favorite games of all time.

The Dirty Nil

April 10th, 2020 at 2:25 PM ^

MLB the show 16 on PS3. Thank god for roster uploads so I can keep up to date without having to buy a new system and game. I hear MLB the show is coming to other platforms though, so I can finally play it on my Xbox one maybe next year, fingers crossed.