
June 3rd, 2020 at 12:00 PM ^

That's too bad, I was hoping all of the mouth breathers, and 'no hand washers' would benefit from a culling of the heard. (or those holding COVID parties)

L'Carpetron Do…

June 3rd, 2020 at 1:11 PM ^

Excuse me for missing your sarcasm - you come across as hateful and abusive in the vast majority of your posts and you are typically disdainful of most people. So it wasn't a big leap for some of us to think that you actually wouldn't be bothered by the deaths of hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of Americans. Even if you weren't serious, it was unnecessarily dickish. And then of course you went on to make some weird tough-guy comment about the cars in CB's garage and then resorted to bashing Michigan's academics. I mean, why? What's the point? Just chill the f--- out and stop picking fights on here. 




June 3rd, 2020 at 3:39 PM ^

It's regrettable you can't handle my 'directness' but unfortunately that's how you get through all of the bullshit (and my bullshit meter maxes out here) that's woven on this site. You've proved my point, you ARE willing to actually open your ears and close your mouth for a few moments (rare in an M grad... since you seem to want to keep moving your lips to prove how intelligent you aren't).

Of course I don't approve of killing millions on a whim or via willful misconduct... but I also don't approve of legislating to the lowest common denominator because people haven't been raised properly, and then listen to political nut-jobs like yourself blame it on politics (right or left). I think it's disgusting that the president of the free world has to keep reminding people to wash their hands and wear a mask in public (WTF & SHIT?).

You sir, live in a country where people... yes "WE THE PEOPLE" believed that cell towers caused Covid 19 (now mind you that's a small percentage of tinfoil hat wearing morons...but they're out there). We have groups of people having "Covid Parties", they're doing it as a science experiment to create antibodies, or just because they want the attention; need I mention the "toilet bowl licking challenge"...so yes I have no use for people like that, our public education system isn't that bad folks... and if I'm wrong, and it is... then we've got an illness in our society much worse than media/politics/pandemic all together.

Furthermore, the point in asking an irrelevant question was asking the question in the first place, c'mon keep up bruh, that's why I asked about the cars in his garage... he KNEW I wasn't serious. So he played stupid, then tried to play smart... I just chose the option of treating him like he was stupid!



June 3rd, 2020 at 12:25 PM ^

Vaccination is based on the homeopathic principle, which I think is correct, so strictly speaking, I'm not an anti-vaxer. 

Nevertheless, it would behoove one to do a little research about what they're offering as a vaccine.  It's not a true vaccine, it does not provide an inert covid-19 virus to provoke an immune response (vaccine research for corona viruses has failed miserably).  What they are offering is based on new mRNA technology, injecting genetic material in the body with the idea it will instruct the immune system to create antibodies for it (technically, this is what the body does already).

Now, mRNA tech is new and there are no major applications of it at this time.  Essentially, everyone receiving this type of vaccine is a guinea pig for a scientific experiment.  If you approve of being an experimental subject, by all means, have at it.  For myself, I choose not to, and I think it's a very rational response.

I recently saw a poll, 48% responded they are not interested in a vaccine produced so quickly, so I'm hardly alone.


June 3rd, 2020 at 12:48 PM ^

I'm more interested in the vaccine being produced by the Oxford group, which has been working on coronavirus vaccines for more than a decade.

However, I am excited about the new vaccine technology that has been developed in the States, particularly around administration. It's 2020, we shouldn't have to administer vaccines to children (and scared adults) via giant needles. I'm an MD and I hate needles! Someday, vaccines will be administered as patches, which have micro-needles, to slowly deliver the dose over the course of a couple weeks. Parents will be able to self-administer the patches on a schedule they see fit. It could be a game-changer, unless people just find a new thing to be worried about with regards to vaccines...


June 3rd, 2020 at 12:51 PM ^

'Vaccination is based on the homeopathic principle'

no it's not, it is based on vaccine immunology. this link is a great source of information. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3068582/

'Essentially, everyone receiving this type of vaccine is a guinea pig for a scientific experiment.'

clinical trials are underway already. only if the vaccine pasts various stages of the clinical trial will it be available for the public.



Clarence Beeks

June 3rd, 2020 at 8:36 PM ^

What is the long term range of those clinical trials, though? There is literally nothing the FDA approves that doesn’t have a long term study component and this surely will not. To try to invalidate skepticism over things like this as irrational is actually, and ironically, the irrational position.


June 3rd, 2020 at 1:43 PM ^

My family will also not be getting any type of COVID vaccine they come out with.  Neither me or my family is in the at risk population and would rather build an immunity to it naturally, not thru a crap shoot vaccine where we have no idea of the long term impacts.  

I am not an anti vax person but I am selective based on what disease you are trying to treat.  I also do not get the flu shot because my body can fight the flu and build immunity.  When I am 65-70, I will probably get it but until then, I'll let my body do what it was built to do.

This is why most older people did not have huge reactions to the swine flu... they had already been exposed to one 50 years ago.

The Mad Hatter

June 3rd, 2020 at 2:38 PM ^

I just found out that my 33 year old cousin had a covid induced stroke. She was in great health and just had a baby a few days months ago.

The stroke was sudden, and she didn't know she had the rona until they tested her at the hospital.

So yeah, I'll be getting a vaccine for this thing when, or if, one is available.


June 3rd, 2020 at 7:52 PM ^

You are free to get the vaccine just as I am free to not get it.  There are one off adverse reactions to just about everything.  You stated she didn't even know she had COVID until they tested her.   Was the stroke cause by corona or did she have a stroke after childbirth (not common but happens) and just happen to have corona?  Childbirth is no joke medical wise.

I have a friend that had a stroke after childbirth in her late twenties.  She was super healthy and it was a fluke.  Stuff happens.  I am not saying it wasn't 'caused' by corona but are you sure it was?  My brother in law is a doctor and they are making them list the cause of death as corona even if they were symptom free and died of heart failure, heart attack or something else age related.  


June 3rd, 2020 at 7:55 PM ^

I have no belief that it is superior.  I just believe that I am healthy and I choose to let my immune system do what it was designed to do.  Why eat sugar vs artificial, why eat organic vs processed?  I am just choosing to let my body function as it should while I am healthy.  


June 4th, 2020 at 11:50 AM ^

organic is a method of cultivation. processed food is a method of cooking, baking or preparing food in general. organic vegetables can be processed into chips. that's a false dichotomy.

i am understanding your 'let my body function' as an appeal to nature. getting a vaccination is allowing you to stay healthy so your body will function as it should in a pandemic.

why wear a jacket out in a windy breeze when your healthy body can withstand it naked?


LV Sports Bettor

June 3rd, 2020 at 3:26 PM ^

I go to one of the top hormone doctors in the United States(best thing I've ever done for my health). He left the standard medical industry about a decade ago because he was upset with how pharmaceutical industry completely runs the way doctors operate now. 

He's the healthiest doctor I have seen despite being 50 years old. I could go on and on about his reputation and credentials but anyways he runs a concierge service and he told all of us that he does not advise getting a covid vaccine shot for a variety of reasons and he's not an anti-vaxer 

Think you're going to see lots of people not take vaccine.


June 3rd, 2020 at 3:08 PM ^

They are still going through trials—meaning those three phases are guinea. Moderna claims to have produced antibodies in trial subjects in their first phase and are now starting phase 2. Changing the way to produce bodily reaction doesn’t mean it isn’t a vaccine. Is it disconcerting that things are being rushed? Yes, but at some point an advanced society should be able to advance the timelines for application of scientific discoveries. They’ve been working for ten years on coronavirus vaccines for other outbreaks, but the funding for those went down once those epidemics were controlled or localized. I recently read that 70% will take the vaccine—polls are polls, especially when vaguely referenced.

Desert Wolverine

June 3rd, 2020 at 6:35 PM ^

Thank you for trying to explain why there is some degree of trepidation about the new "wonder" vaccines that they are touting for COVID.  At this point in time I am not too excited about being the firs tin line for the "cure".  There have been attempts at curing disease that end up with something worse (think thalidomide) for a segment of the population.  I would like more time for the unintended consequences to manifest themselves


June 3rd, 2020 at 8:04 PM ^

Yes. I think the more your knowledge of science, the more your knowledge of how science can go wrong. My wife and my father are MDs (UM Med school!), I've worked in two national laboratories, we vaccinate our kids fully - but we'll be very, very cautious with how we approach this. Haven't made any decisions yet. I hope it turns out to be awesome. But right now, I think hesitation on the consumer's part is the most prudent course.


June 3rd, 2020 at 12:03 PM ^

I am sure I am not alone but is this not alarming? That is really quick in terms of creating, testing and distributing a vaccine. 


Mitch Cumstein

June 3rd, 2020 at 12:23 PM ^

I thought the same thing, but recall some discussion in a different thread that the accelerated timeline has more to do with the financial risk being removed for the developers and manufacturers through govt support vs the medical risk accepted being higher.  Would like to hear from those with knowledge though. 

EDIT: and see below in this very thread for an explanation


June 3rd, 2020 at 12:30 PM ^

Yes, no offense to Dr Fauci, who's doing a good job in very trying circumstances, but consumers can't even readily buy basic virus protection (e.g., disinfecting wipes; hand sanitizer) in stores and it's June---we're going to have discovered & developed a safe *and* effective highly complex medical product that can be manufactured, priced, distributed, and injected in patients in 7-8 months?

That would be awesome, but nothing suggests we have a system set up to do that. And if he's just talking about "we'll have the doses manufactured by end of 2020" that will be hard enough. But it's not enough to have the stuff in a warehouse somewhere--it's got to get to patients.

To give an idea, look at remdisivir distribution: that was for just a few hundred thousand vials for a drug that made a small (but meaningful) difference, and we screwed that up (though now it has been fixed). Can you imagine the organizational skills it will require, under tremendous political pressure, that will occur when we try to do this at 150 times the volume for an extremely high demand vaccine? Which states get it first? Which people (teacher? cops? nurses? politicians?) get it first? Who pays for it?

I like optimism, but we've got a long way to go regarding the vaccine.
