Per Schlissel: UM will not have football this fall if students not on campus

Submitted by crg on May 24th, 2020 at 8:53 AM

WSJ article just out this morning has a discussion with UM president Mark Schlissel (pointing out that he is also a formally trained immunologist)  - he believes a decision will be made in the next few weeks, but if students are not back on campus neither will football.


May 25th, 2020 at 4:29 PM ^

Toilet, why would u say the lockdown has worked inadequately? No one knows the truth right now. US reports 100,000 deaths? How many of those r suicides? Heart attacks? Strokes? Flu? Car accidents? It’s a shame some states report properly and others report every death covid because they get more money, it’s very sad and we don’t know how serious this actually is. My personal opinion I think 100,000 could be cut down to 50-60,000 if all deaths were counted appropriately. 

and my daughter was really sick in January tested negative for everything and got diagnosed “some virus”, 99.9% it’s already been thru our household and we are good, stronger that went thru it. 

Also I don’t care about going to a football game, I’m very content spending time home with my family and watching on tv. It’s pretty stupid that kids have already been thru 2 cycles of this (it started in October) and now they wana lock it down  when this has such a small effect on kids and young adults. 


May 24th, 2020 at 3:49 PM ^

Personal note:  This shutdown to save the vulnerable argument is a challenge for me.  I am officially in the vulnerable (age and heart) category as is my mother (older and with a weaker heart) and both of us would rather there was never a shutdown.  Watching relatives die of Alzheimer's (in my opinion) is worse than watching them die of coronavirus.

Two lessons that are hard to master - If you need help, ask for it.  (Most of tend to suck it up more than we should.) If they don't ask for help then you probably shouldn't insist on giving it. (Talk them sure but accept their decision.)

Point is, I circulate among the most vulnerable and the people I know would rather their children were working than following stay at home orders.  It seems that some controlling people are playing the guilt card as science, medicine, and data suggest the shutdown hasn't worked better than not shutting down.



May 24th, 2020 at 1:52 PM ^

There are a lot of NCAA and medical committees working on how to play football as we speak, which include starting late and only playing conference games, a delay while keeping the full schedule, and even moving it to Spring.  

If the UM President prevents football from playing while others are playing he will be about as popular as the freep reporters who instigated practicegate.

People should have the freedom to decide whether or not to take the risk, whether it is going to school or going to a football game.


May 24th, 2020 at 2:44 PM ^

While a seemingly reasonable take, you don't have the "freedom" to be a vector for the death of others. This isn't "oh, I'm willing to take the risk" this is rather "I'm willing to infect a bunch of people and have some of them die". That is not reasonable.


May 24th, 2020 at 8:41 PM ^

HP, You are one of my favorite writers but would you support a governor that made rules about driving lanes but did not follow the rules themselves?  Or that made rules that were opposite of what worked in other countries, say Russia perhaps?  That wouldn't explain the rules or correct inconsistencies?  That paid good money to paint lines on gravel roads?  That only put in driving lanes where it harmed her political opponents (ok, maybe that one.)


May 24th, 2020 at 2:07 PM ^

Kids should be in school. That age group has relatively zero risk for serious infection results. Accommodations should be made for those faculty, staff, and students at risk.  This is becoming insane.

And yes the damage to the football program and the university would be significant if the rest of the Big Ten is in session and we are not.  We would look foolish not prudent. 


May 24th, 2020 at 2:53 PM ^

The risk is low but hardly zero. Let's say the risk of death is about 0.1% and that it's unpredictable who will die in that age bracket. With 30,000 undergraduate students that's 300 kids needlessly dead. In spite of your magical accommodations, you'll also lose faculty and support staff around campus. Plus, those kids will then spread the disease throughout the city and kill hundreds or thousands more. And just because you survive the disease doesn't mean you are fine - many will have permanent lung or cardiac issues and some will lose limbs.

I actually live in Ann Arbor, so maybe it's a bigger deal for me. I'm not sure you and I agree about the meaning of the word "prudent".


May 24th, 2020 at 4:52 PM ^

You’re just way wrong on the numbers.  The math and the % of young adults.

The number of college age kids who have died or been hospitalized due to Covid without preconditions is close to zero.  

So you don’t want them in school because you live there?  


May 24th, 2020 at 5:19 PM ^

ppToilet - Clarence already highlighted your failure at math, but in case you didn't get it: 0.1% of 30,000 is 30 not 300. Is that too many? Where DO we draw the line? Zero deaths is unattainable. 

We need to get this virus controlled to the point where it's impact on the health system is comparable to a bad flu season. Period. Nothign more.

Otherwise, why aren't we shutting down the economy EVERY WINTER for the seasonal flu? We could - without a doubt - save thousands of lives every year. But we have NEVER taken that action. We wouldn't (hopefully) have shut things down if the final tally was estimated to be a "bad flu season" (50k-75k). It was the 240k - 2m estimates that convinced/scared people.

Again - I get that the measures taken were necessary. Not debating that. But it's time to move forward. And YES, I wear a mask in public.


May 24th, 2020 at 5:56 PM ^

I am very pleased to see that the president of my alma meter is characterizing the current pandemic properly and setting appropriate expectations for when students and other members of the university community can return to campus.

Seeing the current behavior of some individuals gives me the impression that they are either willfully ignorant or consciously selfish.  What disturbs me more are those who want to turn the health crisis into a political rallying cry.

Simply put, people need to "suck it up", change their behavior, and practice social distance and where masks.  For god's sake, when did caring about others get equated with infringing on people's personal rights and freedoms?  This is the least people can do to protect health workers and hourly wage earners in the service industry who have no choice but to work. Rather than advocating for reopening the economy haphazardly, how about advocating for a new federal spending bill to give those making under $75K a year a monthly $2000 check and to give real small businesses, like restaurants and bars, no interest loans so that folks can get through this pandemic in the safest manner possible?



May 24th, 2020 at 9:07 PM ^

When did personal liberty for all become selfish?  It is the essence of being human and creative and gives us the ability actually help others.  I don't see how training  people to do nothing is a good long term strategy for America or the human race.

Ignorant?  Why is it rational to act as if this virus has super powers beyond the other viruses in the coronavirus family?  The W.H.O. does not recommend that the general public wear masks and if the W.H.O. disagrees with the CDC then how conclusive would be the mask thing.

A strawman is a false argument but let us try one anyway.  What is more likely, the virus never goes away, goes away on its own, or goes away after four more weeks of total shutdown?


May 24th, 2020 at 6:01 PM ^

Schlissell is just being honest here, which is quite refreshing. Most of what we are hearing from other universities is premature at this point and is being done to tell the world "we have a plan" and to project confidence. The schools need to project confidence in having live classes this fall since their entire business model relies on butts in classroom seats along with the related tuition. The longer they keep up the confident talk the more likely parents will pay the tuition and stick with their plans for the fall. The schools can always flip the switch in the fall if we have a second wave and go to remote learning. At that point the tuition is in hand and its the parents and students that are burned. But they'll never have that flexibility (or the $) unless they project confidence now. 

The Mayor

May 24th, 2020 at 8:32 PM ^

Could care less if we play this year but the whole mask argument should be personal preference. So tired of the so called “intellectual elite” trying to tell people what they should do. I wear my mask anytime I’m out and at work but if others don’t, big deal. I have 4 sisters in nursing on the front line and in major cities and one hasn’t had a covid patient in 2 weeks and she works on a covid floor. Get back with me in 2 months and I’m sure you’ll change your tune.


May 24th, 2020 at 9:17 PM ^

easy you idiot, dumb ...uh..whatever something something must not be a Michigan what you have sisters who are actual nurses and work Covid (thick with sarcasm Mayor...I kid.)


May 25th, 2020 at 4:17 PM ^

No I think most simply want some consistent information and more than anything a return to some form of normal. The dialogue started with flatten the curve to prevent overloading hospitals and masks are useless and we need them for health care workers and 2.2million will die

It then became we need to stay locked down IN CASE WE get a spike. And masks and social distancing are the key. And probably 500,000 in the US will die 

Then it was we need to keep everyone locked down, states can make their call how, and a second wave is coming. WE are already at 100,000 dead and the estimates are underreported. SCIENCE...DATA

Then states who soft opened were hiding numbers and false reporting because reopening has to lead to an explosion of cases. And triage hospitals closed, many never treating a single patient...but science, data, facts. 


May 25th, 2020 at 2:01 AM ^

I'm throwing in the towel on this season. It will not happen since most classes will be done online. Hopefully by 2021 everything will improve to have a college football season. I do expect some conferences will have a season, especially the SEC and may be several teams from the B1G but not Michigan.


May 25th, 2020 at 9:58 PM ^

per Governor Cuomo...

New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo admitted Monday that coronavirus projections from experts were all wrong -- and he's getting out of the business of speculating because of it.

Cuomo said he can't predict when the hospitalization and death rate numbers will drop to the necessary threshold required for reopening certain regions because as he put it, "we all failed" at predicting.

"Now, people can speculate. People can guess. I think next week, I think two weeks, I think a month," Cuomo told reporters on Memorial Day. "I'm out of that business because we all failed at that business. Right? All the early national experts. Here's my projection model. Here's my projection model. They were all wrong. They were all wrong."


you don't say...