Sarah Fuller scores first point by a female in P5 history!

Submitted by Hotel Putingrad on December 12th, 2020 at 4:33 PM

Vandy just knotted the score at 7, late in the first on Sarah's kick, straight and true.

Btw, Vandy has only 49 scholarship guys available today, and only 18 on defense. Oof!


December 12th, 2020 at 6:56 PM ^

Ohh, settle down...  You should have seen the uproar on my submarine veterans Facebook board when the Navy first let women serve on the boats a few years back.  Holy hell, you'd have thought the world ended!  Some of the old goats still act up toward it to this day.

This discussion was pretty tame by comparison...


December 13th, 2020 at 9:29 AM ^

But that's not really what anyone is saying.  What they are saying is, she can barely kick an extra point and got co-player of the week for a pooch kick.  That's total garbage.  But hey, if you guys want to do back flips about it because she's a woman, knock yourselves out.  Just stop screaming how open minded and accepting you are and calling guys that don't agree with it sexists.  It's patronizing, end of story. 

If a guy was pulled up from some other sport, as a backup kicker, started yelling at the 0-7 team to "get their heads up" and stay positive or whatever, they'd probably talk about how their new idiot kicker was running his mouth in the locker and tell him to sit down and shut up.

Total PR pandering move by a terrible football team.  And oh, BTW...if she was kicking 40 or 50 yard FGs and touch backs, or even deep kicks and still being the last defender, I'd be there celebrating her with everyone else, but that isn't the case.  A pooch kick, where she immediately starts making her way to the sideline (which is why they called the pooch kick, didn't want her involved in a return) and an extra point.  The celebrating is embarrassing.  

Neg away, bitches.


December 12th, 2020 at 6:59 PM ^

Congrats to her!  And to Vandy for some small point of pride to think about for this year!

"BTW, Vandy has only 49 scholarship guys available today, and only 18 on defense."

So the worst team in the SEC can man up and play with 49 scholly players and a girl, but Michigan chose to stay home.  Pending blowout, or not, that's pretty sad...

Rochester Blue

December 13th, 2020 at 9:51 PM ^

Probably no one is following this thread anymore, but serious question about Title IX to anyone reading who might know.  If this is now a co-Ed or women’s eligible team, how does that work with # of available scholarships to men vs women, in regards to equal access?  By letter of the law, is there an effect?