A plea: before rushing to post the latest internet rumor as fact, PLEASE check the credibility of the source

Submitted by FrankMurphy on January 14th, 2024 at 4:52 PM

The app formerly known as Twitter is a wasteland of horseshit. Anyone can post anything, blue checkmark or no blue checkmark. When you see a tweet (or whatever they're calling it these days) reporting some "news" that isn't being reported by anyone else, chances are it's fake news. A ten-second Google search should be enough to confirm this.

This is important, as many of us rely on the MGoBoard not just for breaking news from Michigan athletics, but for all breaking sports news. Let's all take steps to ensure that what we read here is accurate and reliable. 

Relatedly, as of the afternoon of Sunday 1/14/2023, Jed Fisch has NOT yet agreed to become the next coach at Washington.


January 14th, 2024 at 4:55 PM ^

I deactivated my Twitter account this morning. After seeing all the people say they had insiders telling them that JJ and Harbaugh were announcing they are coming back last night and we all know that didn't happen. It's toxic and I spent way to much time on it


January 14th, 2024 at 6:26 PM ^

It’s insane how often the “insiders” are blatantly wrong and people still hang on their every word as gospel. People legit pay money for their “intel”. Not ripping on you if you pay for one of those sites, just for the insiders having a pay model that forces them to throw any piece of information out there without vetting any of it to justify their premium services. 


January 14th, 2024 at 5:05 PM ^

It's not just a Twitter problem. Avoiding that rabbit hole though. There used to be a 24 hour rule with these things, maybe it's time to resurrect that? OR much like OT topics are tagged, if you're pulling something off the Google machine, Twitter or anywhere else for that matter, it must be tagged RUMOR until said target of rumor has confirmed x,y, or z news item. 


January 14th, 2024 at 5:13 PM ^

Thank you for this thread. Amazing how many people will post something from “Reelfootbawl.com” or “Buckeyesocket” as a “report.” Kinda explains why half the country believes anything they read online. 


January 14th, 2024 at 6:23 PM ^

I would never share Twitter to this site except when it is from one of the more established sources. The problem is that there are parody accounts and then just people pretending that too many people - not necessarily here, but in the general population - share on boards because it conforms to wants or beliefs, neither of which should be the concern of news. 


January 14th, 2024 at 9:10 PM ^

You insult horseshit by comparing it to whatever the fuck nutjob musk has turn $44,000,000,000 into. 

But I strongly support your general point: Don't be an echo chamber for horseshit. 


January 15th, 2024 at 8:15 AM ^

Yeah, idk man people just need to stop using twitter.  At this point it's no better than overhearing something on the street.  If you do find something on twitter, don't share it.  Find the source and share that instead.


January 15th, 2024 at 9:04 AM ^

I come here for Michigan sports info only. I don't care about former coaches, players, cheerleaders or janitors unless they have something to do with the Detroit sports teams