OT: Talking Unsolved Legends/Events Wednesday - Death of JonBen'et Ramsey

Submitted by Eli on July 31st, 2019 at 8:21 AM

Happy Hump Day everyone! Today we are going to talk about the JonBen'et Ramsey case. Also, from this point forward I will try to include the basic wikipedia link to save you some time of having to google. I know a lot of people say wikipedia has inaccurate information, but most of the time it is a great quick lookup. Anyways...

For those that don't know this 6 year old girl was found murdered in her home on Christmas Day of 1996, in Boulder, CO.

It gained a lot of publicity at the time and still some today. They have never found the murderer. She was strangled and hit over the head and they also suspect sexual assault, but not sure on that cause it varies source to source. The parents and the brother were both suspects at one point, but never actually charged. The mom died of cancer about 10 years ago.

Many other suspects have been investigated, including a former child photographer who was just arrested on child pornography charges last week. Police say he has always been a suspect. The girl was involved in beauty pageants, which has brought much controversy to the case. A ransom note was left, but was very fishy and many believed the mom faked it. 

As for a prediction on this one, I got nothing. I have always been so thrown off by this and could never actually get a decent gauge on who did this. This was a sick and despicable act and I really wish they would find the culprit. 

Let's not forget about John Mark Karr, this nut gave a false confession because he's, well, a nut. This dude was an elementary school teacher, and you wonder why more and more people are choosing home schooling. The sequence of him being arrested on the news from Thailand was unbelievable for those that remember.

Anyway... Who do you think did this and what are your thoughts on what I brought up and anything else in this case? I hope link helps, I had to look up Makari Paige as well.. ?



July 31st, 2019 at 5:59 PM ^

I know perhaps 15 families (including a sister) that home school, and to a person it is because they are terrified that their children will learn critical thinking skills unless they indoctrinate them at home.

Not that schools are great at teaching critical thinking skills, mind.  Lots of parents who home school aren't willing to take the risk, though.


July 31st, 2019 at 10:43 PM ^

We homeschooled this last year and it was for none of the reasons speculated.  Many different people homeschool for many different reasons.

You have freedom to gear lessons toward your kids unique interests, have the ability to adjust pace, can change things up on the fly.  

We are sending them to school next year, but homeschooling is still great and we recommend it...and may go back to it.

And yes...our daughter is great at making friends and talking to people.  Not some stereotypical anti-social sheltered kid, so that stereotype can be thrown away.


July 31st, 2019 at 11:00 AM ^

I still think she never died. I'm pretty sure I worked with her a few years ago. At least this "Julie" was the same age and looked like what the Aging app would've made JBR look like in another 20 years 


July 31st, 2019 at 7:42 PM ^

I'm not. The statement "It's no wonder more and more people are choosing to homeschool" implies that teaching attracts creeps.

I guess because there are some bad or unethical doctors out there that we shouldn't go to the doctor anymore? 

I'm sorry if I'm sensitive to people piling on my perfection, but between being constantly told that we are overpaid and told we get summers off (we aren't paid over the summer unless we choose to stretch our checks), I've had it. 

M Go Cue

July 31st, 2019 at 11:52 AM ^

Used to run into the Ramsey’s attorney, Lin Wood occasionally, nice guy.  Also used to see John Mark Karr around town as well.  Kinda creepy. Cool story, bro?


July 31st, 2019 at 11:56 AM ^

2 possibilities in my eyes;

First is the son/brother did it and the parents covered it up for him.

Second is the parents were taking money in exchange for giving pedophiles time with their daughter. One of those sick bastards did it but the parents covered it up because of their own guilt.


July 31st, 2019 at 12:23 PM ^

It was most likely the brother (or someone else in the family / close to the family). The whole ransom note, most likely written by the mother, leads to either someone in the family being the perp or the mother thinking it was someone in the family and that along with the police and prosecutor's bumbling, and other interference and lack of cooperation from the family means we will probably never know whodunit.

Chicago Blue Fan

July 31st, 2019 at 11:09 PM ^

Not a theory, but there is a website devoted to alleged backward messages in people's speech as supposedly indicative of what they really mean as they talk. They have a clip of an interview with the Ramseys and the Mom says something to the effect of "I'm the one" when talking about who killed her daughter.


July 31st, 2019 at 11:58 PM ^

It was flat our pedo-perverse that the mother and family dressed up that poor little girl as Little Miss Sunshine and paraded her in those child "beauty pagents".  That was flat out sick to begin with.  It was definitely an inside job by someone in the family or close to them.