OT: Talking Cars Tuesday - Your Road Trip Ride

Submitted by JeepinBen on July 2nd, 2019 at 10:20 AM

It's summer, which means road trip season. Whether it's the family truckster going on vacation, or the minivan out for one last ride, or the convertible that you rented on vacation and caused some sunburn, we've all had a road trip, or dream of a road trip.

What's your best road trip story? What was the car? What's the dream? Family? Solo? Was it about the destination or the journey? Get out there and burn some hydrocarbons (or electrons) and enjoy the summer.


July 2nd, 2019 at 10:25 AM ^

The historical one - family drove a Plymouth Voyager from Chicago to DC. I was maybe 10, it was fine.

The upcoming one - I'm taking my dad on a baseball trip in August. Leaving Chicago we'll catch the Cubs in Cincinnati, then the Royals at Comerica, with a game of catch at either/both old Tiger Stadium and Birmingham Groves (my dad's high school). The question is if we take my 2015 GTI 6M or his 2019 A4. The A4 is my dad's first automatic, so he's debating getting his left foot a workout and taking my car, but he also hasn't taken his on a trip yet and I'm sure he'd like to get time with all the tech.

The dream one - Alfa Romeos on the Amalfi Coast https://vimeo.com/113012765 Damn you Top Gear....


July 2nd, 2019 at 10:31 AM ^

Drove from Michigan down to Tampa for a cruise in August a few years ago with 4 other buddies in an older Tahoe with 350k+ miles. Got down there fine, had a good time. On our way home a few hours out of Tampa the Tahoe started on fire. 

We put the fire out and had the car checked out. The AC shorted out and caused the fire, so the car was drivable just no AC. So we got to drive in 90-100 degree weather back to Michigan. That ended up being the most memorable part of the trip. 


July 2nd, 2019 at 10:31 AM ^

Growing up, my family had a maroon 1989 Chevy conversion van that my dad both drove to work and we took on family vacations to Myrtle Beach, Florida, etc. It was pretty sweet - had the captain chairs in the middle part that my brother and I sat in, as well as a big bench in the back that folded down into a queen size bed.

My dad took out the small TV/VCR combo that came with the van and installed a 27" TV that he allowed us to hook our N64 up to for long trips. Many great memories of playing Mario Kart and GoldenEye while my dad navigated the West Virginia Turnpike and got us safely to our destination.

One particularly hilarious memory involved my brother getting unbuckled to go into the back to get my dad a Mountain Dew from the cooler (he pounded those things to stay awake) and a State Trooper pulled us over and spent 10 solid minutes giving my dad a lecture about child safety while semis barreled by ~5ft away at 70mph. He let us off with a warning after my dad asked him whether he was going to stand there and keep talking or if he was waiting to get hit by one of the passing trucks. Great times!

Blue In NC

July 2nd, 2019 at 10:33 AM ^

Historical story: While in college at Michigan, I spent a summer in California and Arizona.  Rather than buy a plane ticket home, I bought a 1969 Mustang convertible and drove from AZ to MI in one sitting, with the top down the entire trip except for about 30 minutes of rain.  Singing to the old radio and basking in the beautiful scenery around me as the miles flew by.

I was running against the wind...


July 2nd, 2019 at 10:34 AM ^

2+ week long family road trip to the UP to camp and check out waterfalls, lakes, pictured rocks etc.  I was about 10.  Parents took five kids, all under the age of 15, with the youngest being 3 years old.  In this.  Note:  Those aren't my parents in the photo.  No one was that happy looking at that van.  Also, the engine in this egg-mobile is behind the front seats.

One of the last evening there were were camping near Lake Superior.  Boys sleeping in the van, girls in the tent with the parents.  We decided to eat a ton of snacks out of the cooler and toss the wrappers out the window.  Needless to say bears showed up and we almost got our parents/sisters eaten while we watched from the van.  

If I were to road trip again, it would be on one of these.


July 2nd, 2019 at 10:35 AM ^

2003 Nissan Altima, because it will probably be the most reliable car i ever have. Last road trip i took was Oceanside, CA back to Michigan back in 2016. Nothing to see on the way back, but i was glad to finally be moving back.


July 2nd, 2019 at 10:40 AM ^

Tough to pick.

1964 VW Microbus, 1968 Pontiac Catalina station wagon, a pair of 1972 Datsun 510's, all to South Dakota - 2-day trips. Or 1984 Audi 4000S to Maryland - just a 10 hour drive assuming the cops don't catch you doing 90 the whole way..


July 2nd, 2019 at 10:51 AM ^

My dad drove my identical twin (Hemlock Philosopher, where you at?) and I from Chico CA to Alaska (fairbanks, Anchorage and a lot of points in between) in a mid 80's VW Vanagon. 19 days total road tripping, lots of mechanical issues with the vehicle that boiled down to a loose wire and a lifetime of memories.


Hemlock Philosopher

July 2nd, 2019 at 12:17 PM ^

That was a great trip. I cannot believe I am about to embark on a long road trip with my son, who is almost the same age as we were when dad schlepped us all the way to Alaska, and my duaghter. I am hoping for no car issues with the Tacoma and no getting out of the tent in 40F rain in only my skivvies to put the fly on. But I am hoping for the bonding, good fishing, and sight seeing. 


July 2nd, 2019 at 10:59 AM ^

When I got out of the Army in 2006, we shipped our car from Hawaii to Long Beach instead of St. Louis which was the closest port to Michigan. We flew out there and spent almost two weeks road tripping through Vegas then Phoenix, Temple, TX then home to Michigan, staying at different family and friends houses along the way.


July 2nd, 2019 at 11:06 AM ^

My parents got roped in to a timeshare in Florida so we were forced to take a yearly trip to Orlando.

Because of this my parents saved on airfare by driving. I actually enjoyed it as a kid. Seeing each state down the east coast and landmarks in NY, D.C., Etc. Counting down the exits to South of the Border and hoping to hit it at night.

But to get OT of TCT the best was the Dodge Caravan. I think it has to be the best road trip car of all time, at least for a family.


July 2nd, 2019 at 11:10 AM ^

We have a dodge caravan.  Though I swore I would never drive a van, it's just plain practical.  I can haul lumber and large items.  I can fit my kids, large dog and suitcases for trips.  Or I can fold up the rear seat to bring my kids friends with us.  Its provided a place for us to have picnics in the rain, a place to change diapers or put a kid down for a nap in a pinch.  Lots of memories in our ugly caravan.


July 2nd, 2019 at 11:07 AM ^

1994.  Michigan to Texas for my aunts wedding.  In the backseat of my grandparents 1980 Impala.  I had several books and half my CD collection.  


Yes the car ride was painfully slow.  Yes we took frequent stops along the way for coffee and snacks.  But it was a fun trip where I got to know my grandparents better and appreciate them.  I wouldnt trade some of those memories for the world.


It also taught me to slow down and enjoy life a bit.  

Booted Blue in PA

July 2nd, 2019 at 11:08 AM ^

2004, I was flying to San Fran for work.  Walking through the airport, on my way to the rental car counter I get a call from my divorce atty to let me know that my soon to be ex had finally agreed to settlement terms (for 6 months she and her atty were trying hard to bilk me).....

I upgraded my ride to a convertible mustang and I cruised Highway 1 like a boss.....

stopped at Pacifica and watched the sunset on the Pacific from a cliff above the surf.... I felt like Ellis "Red" Redding drinking a beer on the roof.


July 2nd, 2019 at 11:18 AM ^

Drove my buddy from Toledo to Denver...following the “route”of dumb and dumber. 


July 2nd, 2019 at 11:33 AM ^

Road trips in India used to be a community affair, 40-50 people from the neighborhood renting a bus (typically used for public transportation) and going for a 3-4 day trip. I was not even a teenager. Had great times with cousins and neighborhood friends. 

First car based road trip was UP in 2000 summer in a 1984 Cadillac. too much space for three people, if you ask me. 

Now we use an F150 supercrew. Kids in the back seat. camping gear/luggage in the bed. 

East Quad

July 2nd, 2019 at 11:43 AM ^

My best road trip was on spring break of 1976 from A2.  I arranged a place to stay with my second cousin in Key West FL.  My Grandmother was there also.  My two friends accompanied me.  Both were in the 6 year accelerated med school program that was housed at EQ.  We loaded up my '68 yellow Plymouth Barracuda and left the cold and gray, heading South, way South.  My friends decided to eat some hash brownies that they made.  I drove to Georgia, but they were too high to take the wheel, so I struggled to stay awake and continued.  We hit the Florida line at daylight, so we pulled into a restaurant for breakfast.  It was a diner counter arrangement and my passengers were still high and paranoid as I got some food and coffee.  They giggled and looked at each other as they surveyed the red-necks across from them.  We drove on to Ft. Lauderdale, where I collapsed on the beach for a couple of hours.  Then we continued on to Key West.  My Grandmother fawned all over the two friends.  We got sunburned, found some fellow EQers and went around Key West, experiencing Mallory Square at sunset, Duval Street bars and the crushed coral beach during the day.

We enjoyed our brief break and drove back minus the hash brownies.  It was a fun trip, although ill-advised to drive 29 hours there and 29 hours back on a one week stint.


July 2nd, 2019 at 11:48 AM ^

New Year's Eve 1985 (about to be 1986).  I was on leave and was driving my brand new 1986 VW Scirocco.  I had started my trip on the 29th and drove straight through from Pittsburgh to El Paso in 28 hours.  Visited my college roommate who was stationed at Fort Bliss in El Paso.  Chilled with him for a bit then headed west in order to get to Monterey, CA by COB on the 1st when my leave was up.  I was attending the Defense Language school there.

I was headed west on I-10, the road was clear and I didn't see any cars. I decided to see how fast my VW could go and got it to about 105 mph going down a slight grade.  I saw the cop hiding behind a big boulder in the median and his radar gun must have been screaming murder as I swear to this day I made eye contact with the cop (at 105 mph).  

I slowed down, he pulled out and followed me gradually catching up. He never put his lights on.  Resigned to getting a ticket, I put my turn signal on and just pulled over and he pulled over too.  He walked up to my car, asked for the DL & registration.  I had a 'Valid without photo' Pennsylvania DL (renewed it while I was in South Korea).  I handed that to him and my military ID (angling for a break) saying 'here's my picture ID.  He looked at both and said, "so tell me Lieutenant, how fast do you think you were going?"  I responded, "I'm not exactly sure, but maybe it was 10 or 15 over." I didn't say, over what.  He looked at me and said, "How about we call it 10 or 15 over the speed limit?"  I agreed.  He told me, "slow the fuck down." I agreed.

He handed me a photocopied fine schedule and drove off.  I read the schedule and it only went up to 100 mph.  At that point it dawned on me that if he had written 105 on the ticket, I would have gone to jail that night.

That was the only bit of mercy I've ever had when pulled over for speeding and I have had speeding tickets in just about every state in the continental US.  

Blue Ninja

July 2nd, 2019 at 12:36 PM ^

Way back in 1987, I had recently graduated from high school and my dad decided to take a road trip to see family in Chattanooga, TN. So it was my dad, my younger brother and myself. We took the drive in his canary yellow 1970 Pontiac LeMans which featured a 350 V8. That car was awesome even without any AC. It was a great trip driving through the mountains and the only mishap was the water pump went out about 50 miles north of Chattanooga which delayed us about 1/2 a day.


July 2nd, 2019 at 1:04 PM ^

Man lots of options and memories.  Some were for the car, some for the people and some for the destination.


The one that made me smile-We were somewhere in FL, my sister and I were teenagers with my divorced dad.  It was our annual get away from the Michigan cold trip.  Dad had splurged to rent a convertible expecting a Mustang.  We got a convertible PT cruiser.  Father was less than happy.  That thing was a dog.  We are sitting outside a convenience store 'discussing' where to get lunch with the top down and a nice gentlemen with the exact matching car pull up.  Proceeds to tell my father what a nice car he has and ask if he's from around here with a big wink.  We never let him live that one down.


Best Views- Took my now fiancé with me to help move my sick father home from SoCal to Detroit.  3 days towing the largest UHaul trailer made some long days in the row.  Got to see the desert like I had never seen before.  Purposefully stopped in Kansas in an AirBnB as far away from the cities as possible because I wanted to show her the stars without light pollution.  We went outside after we got in at midnight from ~15 hours of driving.  We had to have seen 25 or 30 shooting stars.  Almost didn't believe it at the time.  Later learned that it was in the middle of the Perseid meteor shower.  That was a great night and trip in the middle of a real tough time.


I could ramble on about many more that pop up.


July 2nd, 2019 at 1:15 PM ^

Six months after we had our first kid, we rented a Jeep Wrangler am drove from San Diego to Napa with stops in Santa Barbara and Carmel. The scenic drive along the pCH, were 2kft peaks butt up to the coast are stunning. 

Highly recommend the trip 


July 2nd, 2019 at 7:17 PM ^

When my stepsister and I were in our 20's, we did a couple of really good road trips. One took us through Vermont, New Hampshire and Maine in the fall. We just drove wherever the road took us. Somewhere in Vermont, we found a geodesic dome pancake house. It was actually someone's house, and they made you pancakes if you came in. There were folding chairs and tables inside and reindeer in the yard. It was a weird place. We also found a Chinese restaurant in New Hampshire that served Parker House rolls in red plastic baskets on the tables. Nothing like authenticity. 


October 9th, 2019 at 1:44 AM ^

I decided to figure things out about vehicle transportation because I am about to move to a different state and as far as we have three cars in family, we'll have to transport them somehow. Anyway, while doing a research on the web found this web page with Boydstun vehicle hauler which looks just great. I mean, the basic concept is simple enough but I was pretty impressed with the engineering effort behind the whole thing.