OT - Sunday Night TV is back (GoT Doc, TWD, Better Call Saul)

Submitted by MGoBender on

Sunday night TV is back as of tonight.

At 7:30, HBO is airing it's 30-minute "Day in life of making GoT"

At 9pm we get the (mid)-season premier of The Walking Dead.

At 10pm we get the series premier of Better Call Saul.

And in 8 weeks, right after TWD wraps up, we get the start of the final episodes of Mad Men as well as the start of Game of Thrones season 5.

My sunday nights just got a lot better.

Anyone expecting much from Better Call Saul?  I'm cautiously optimistic.


February 8th, 2015 at 10:58 PM ^

because I'm one of the very few people that don't adore a completely unrealistic show in almost every way. The whole "chemo guy becomes a badass when he puts his hat on" & "I'm so young and hip that I say bitch after everything" were just two things I found embarrassing level bad. I shudder to mention the idiotic wife, BLIND MORON brother in law (lol), etc. I just think it's one of the most overrated/outrageously unrealistic shows in my 30 years of life. I don't knock anyone that likes it! Obviously tons do, the vast majority. I wanted to like it! I admit to liking a couple episodes but overall I'd give it a 55/100. Again, Odenkirk was, IMO, the best character on the show BY FAR (and I also like Cranston along with others on the show). The guy that played Jesse will forever be Jesse. Fans will always yell to him, he'll always make guest appearances & have to end every sentence with "bitch". Sometimes that's good but in this case it just shows the lack of range in the character. Finally, the timeline was terrible, IMO. The show was a real world 5-7 yrs, right? The show covered, IIRC, 4 years & 2 years were the last season alone. By that standard they were in some crazy life or death pickle every week lol. IMO, horribly overrated. I could go much further but won't. I'm on app & I'm not trying to sway anyone. Just my genuine thought.


February 9th, 2015 at 10:55 AM ^

I think you are in the minority there. A show doesn't have to be realistic to be good, how easy it is to suspend disbelief is part of what makes a great show. As for the blind moron, I've met cops much smarter than him and I've met some that aren't, so he isn't really all that unbelieveable.

LOST was totally unrealistic too but it made it easy to suspend that disbelief every week and still present a great show without getting bogged down by all the, "is this possible?" questions.

The point of the show is to entertain, not be realistic.


February 8th, 2015 at 10:01 PM ^

TWD keeps finding new ways to disappoint.

What the fuck is the reason to kill off Tyrese?  Simply for the shock value?  Is that what TWD is turning into?  Make up for lack of plot development by killing off a character?


February 8th, 2015 at 10:07 PM ^

Maybe weave in and out of the timeline with the comic. In the comic, the governor kills Tyrese and you see the symbolism with the Governor coming back in this episode and haunting him, telling him he needs to pay his due. A great character nonetheless and sad to see him die, especially with Carl still there for the taking.

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February 8th, 2015 at 11:09 PM ^

I'm SO done with this show. They clearly ran out of ideas a while ago abd the writing team is just awful. Who say in the writers room for this episode and DIDN'T stand up and scream they it was ridiculous, nonsensical & a complete ripoff of The Shining!?! 99% of the budget has to go to Rick, Daryl & effects. No other explanation for how bad this show has turned. Just when the first half of this season was pulling me back in. That was THE worst TWD episode I've ever seen. The only reason to get rid of Tyrese was he got a better acting gig or they're poorly pandering to the "kill em all!" crowd. I agree there needs to be more if a sense of not being safe but that was a lame, emotionless death. Embarrassing to watch. So bad. The girls might have well been saying "come play with us..." haha. I'm done. Officially. Glad to see BCS was good. Waiting for Thrones to return. I'm done with TWD. A moron could see that "the cure" was a lie but now they'd be better off if it wasn't. The show has no direction anymore. It jumped the shark tonight, IMO.

Doc Brown

February 8th, 2015 at 11:04 PM ^

If you are a fan of jockey, then you need to see Of Miracles and Men. It focused of Slava Fetisov's time with the Soviet ice hockey program to his release from the Soviet Army and eventually winning the Cup with the Red Wings.

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Matt Millens M…

February 9th, 2015 at 6:40 AM ^

I still can't believe people watch the Walking Dead. The writing is so amateur. Rarely anything happens. Even worse is that Talking Dead show after. Watching these asshole actors get so emotional and in depth about their character like they're curing cancer. Your playing a fucking fake person. That's it. It's a tv show. Your not solving world hunger you dope. I bailed on that show after season 3 and I only leashes that long cause the wife wanted to watch that season. She bailed too....

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February 9th, 2015 at 7:13 AM ^

Read the WD comics, the writing is better and the art is amazing. Half the characters on the show were never in the comics. And if you think the show is brutal the comics have ten times the violence and heartbreak

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February 9th, 2015 at 9:21 AM ^

Ten times the violence and gore. Its not for everyone. I'm a huge TWD fan. But my comic book fanhood far out weighs my show fanhood. For example I can't stand Darryl who most people love and he doesn't even exist in the book. Also there is no way they cut Rick's arm off. Not to mention baby Judith...


February 9th, 2015 at 9:20 AM ^

This episode perfectly encompasses my like and dislike for TWD.  I thought the episode was well done, but at the end of the day, I just don't really care that Tyresse is dead.  I thought the episode was well directed and really well shot, but even though I liked Tyresse, his death really didn't feel emotional at all to me, and I just felt meh at the end of the show.  The show has been spinning its wheels and going nowhere for a few seasons, but if it doesn't really improve by the end of the season, I think I am checking out of this show.  I started feeling meh about the show in season 2 and it is one of those shows that is sometimes awesome, most of the time meh, and rarely awful.  I keep holding out hope but it is almost evaporrated.

Better Call Saul looks very promising, I enjoyed the first episode and hope it keeps it up.

Can't wait for Hannibal and Game of Thrones to come back, such good shows, and I am surprised that noone talks about Person Of Interest, it's one of the few shows to get better and better each season, easily the best action thriller on TV.


February 9th, 2015 at 11:25 AM ^

I watched the first segment with my 10 year old son. It was about a video game developer who went to work at DARPA. His role there is to fight cyber-crimes. My son got all excited and said, "I want to work there! Save this episode dad!" I was so proud.

In addition to 60 minutes, I watch Bar Rescue, John Oliver, The Good Wife, and will watch Mad Men and GoT when they return. Sunday is easily the busiest TV night of the week for me. It spills over to Monday and Tuesday thanks to the DVR. Friday nights have gotten pretty good with Blue Bloods, Hawaii 5-0, Shark Tank, and Bill Maher.


February 9th, 2015 at 2:09 PM ^

son works at DARPA someday.  He wants to be a biologist and I can only imagine (right now) what cool stuff he could come up with for national defense...now if he isn't as smart as I think he is then maybe we'll be dealing with boring TWD plots in real life.