OT: Stinging Article about Engler's "Leadership"

Submitted by Togaroga on

Article on Yahoo discussing the ridiculousness of Engler's behavior before and during the most recent Board Meeting.  I believe outside pressure is necessary to force change.  The media can keep this nightmare in the news cycle long enough to force politicians and voters to enact real change...starting with cleaning house at the top.



Late Bluemer

April 14th, 2018 at 3:36 PM ^

They want nothing more than this story to go away since they know that alienating the sparty readership will reduce already falling circulation and, in the case of tv, viewership. Case in point, on wdiv news last night the MSU hearing was like the fourth of fifth story.


April 14th, 2018 at 3:19 PM ^

This kind of stuff is almost unfathomable. Anyone with ties to MSU should be mortified that he’s handling things like this. What in the hell is he thinking? Even if he were trying to be completely self-serving he would not be behaving this way. What a moron


April 14th, 2018 at 3:53 PM ^

One of my friends is a professor at MSU. It disgusts her. She dreads waking up each morning and seeing what stupid, ridiculous thing Engler and the board have done that day. She has a lot of school pride, but that pride also includes integrity. Bad shit has happened, make amends and fix it. Her attitude is shared by the vast majority of professors and students. It's the administration and fans that you hear deflecting and covering up.


April 14th, 2018 at 4:53 PM ^

have done nothing. The professors have worked in that town and ignored headlines for 2 decades. Sorry, but "oh the horror" doesn't really cut it now. There are those who were not aware of course and I'll assume your friend was one of them. I don't intend or mean to dump on your or your friend, but "the vast majority" has gone to work, collected their checks and turned a blind eye. This hadn't existed in a vacuum.

Just one article



April 15th, 2018 at 12:05 AM ^

Just curious, what two decades worth of headlines are you talking about?  Yes, a lot has come out in the past year or so, but just as an example, there was far more publicity and headlines about Payne and Appling befriending a little girl with cancer and what pillars of the community they were than anything negative about them or any other basketball players. Yes, there were people who did know (or at least should have known) some of what was going on, but they covered it up.  Almost none of the sexual assaults and abuses that are leading to all this current public outcry were making headlines until recently.



Dorothy_ Mantooth

April 14th, 2018 at 5:21 PM ^

that could apply his/her political weight to help mitigate MSU's exposure, instead they just brought in someone w/immense weight that has made matters worse

Engler appears devoid of compassion and empathy - two concepts that should have been the foundation of MSU's "response" (to the victims) from the get-go


April 14th, 2018 at 3:45 PM ^

"Neither did Friday’s meeting when Lorincz was trying to get through her statement in the allotted three minutes. As she detailed the worst of Engler’s alleged behavior, she was, quite incredibly, told to stop talking … by no less than John Engler. “Kaylee, your time is up,” Engler said. “Your time is up.” What the actual fuck? How can anyone be so callous and tone deaf?


April 15th, 2018 at 12:59 AM ^

It’s hard to believe Engler could be that stunningly stupid. He has the blind arrogance of a person in power far too long. MSU cannot heal with him or the board in charge. He wont survive there much longer.

Indy Pete - Go Blue

April 14th, 2018 at 4:20 PM ^

He has astonishingly managed to outdo all of the other imbeciles in power before him, a truly dubious achievement.  This encounter sounds stranger than fiction.  An overwritten movie villain could not come off as crass, inconsiderate, foolish, nasty, and small-minded as Engler did.

He will be gone, and soon.  I know MSU has proven to be the worst at managing this crisis, but even they will succomb to the inevitable just end of interim president Engler.


April 14th, 2018 at 5:24 PM ^

They did clean out at the top. The school president and AD were forced into resignation. But they replaced their turd sandwich with a giant douche. They need to clean house and quit hiring msu spartans to replace them. Hires from outside the 'good ole boy' clan must be made who have no connection to any of the current board and trustees. If any sexual abuse survivors apply for high positions there I sincerely hope they are strongly considered because msu desperately needs people who will take their lack of institutional control and failure to monitor seriously. They are amidst the worst serial rapist in American history. That's not even counting the numerous student athlete rapes/assaults and cover ups as well. msu is a cancer to themselves right now and only focused on denial, deflecting, brushing under the rug, and victim blaming. They need a complete house cleaning and severe punishments. Sadly I expect neither to happen.


April 14th, 2018 at 6:10 PM ^

Does anyone know how this setup works? He isn’t a US special counsel, and the president won’t pardon him. But what is his legal position in this? Seems like he should be as able to get the sack as the next person. Though, yes, I have seen MSU antics leading up to this and I have no real reason to think he will step aside if honor dictates.


April 14th, 2018 at 8:17 PM ^

it almost seems like Engler is just a pawn, hired to take some lumps while trying to create some sort of chaos. almost like a hit man. while the board of trustees still remain in their seats, i don't think anything will change at msu. its really sad!

UM Griff

April 14th, 2018 at 8:42 PM ^

Needs to take place for MSU to move forward and become a place where women as both students and staff can work in an environment that is free from the degradation that so many have experienced. Former Governor Engler is only exacerbating the problem.


April 14th, 2018 at 10:33 PM ^

as defending MSU's honor and seeking to limit the damage financially that it faces going forward.

Attempting to silence a survivor at a public meeting is just a death knell for this administration. And the only reason this doesn't generate national headlines is because of our idiot president hogging media attention.

I mean internalizing all this negativity at the expense of those victimized does nothing to salve any wounds or change perception. How can Engler be viewed as anything other than what he is, a partisan with an agenda?

The idea that a tuition and state tax increase ought to pay for the massive legal debt that the university now faces from the flood of filed civil action against it is yet another example of passing the blame and punishing the public without acknowledging school financial culpability.

Why doesn't Engler promote a billion dollar donor campaign urging MSU alums to reach deep to pay for the legal damages? Because he knows no alum  wants to be connected supporting the financial fallout from incompetent leadership and knowing conspiracy that augmented the Nasser scandal and enabled other Title iX violations now coming to light.