OT: OSU Announces $42 Million Stadium Renovation

Submitted by FauxMo on



Before reading the article, I assumed most of the money would go to human waste removal, a shitload of Febreze, and seat widening. It turns out, no...


EDIT: I changed it to just OSU now, OK everyone? But I swear to God, if even one person says "Ohio State, or Oregon State?" I'm going to piss in your gas tank...

Wolverine Devotee

March 29th, 2016 at 6:20 PM ^


After reading the small block of text on that site, it doesn't really sound like a big deal. They're just updating things. It's mostly suites they're upgrading so nothing their common fans will see.

In reply to by Wolverine Devotee

A Fan In Fargo

March 29th, 2016 at 6:33 PM ^

is a suckeye loving d-bag, I knew it all along. Stupid Avatar too and most idiot movie ever.

In reply to by Wolverine Devotee

UM Fan from Sydney

March 29th, 2016 at 8:20 PM ^

I literally cannot stand the whole "the" thing and especially typing "tOSU." It is one of the dumbest things ever.

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Perkis-Size Me

March 29th, 2016 at 9:33 PM ^

No matter what happens on the field, I can still take a heavy dose of satisfaction from the fact that you must have absolutely nothing else going for you in your life than to come here as an opposing fan and troll several times a day.

Want to talk about truth be told? There it is, my friend.

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March 29th, 2016 at 6:34 PM ^

It sounds like a bunch of seats (~2600) will be lost beginning in 2018, but it doesn't specify whether they will ever be added back. If not, I'd call that the biggest news here.


March 29th, 2016 at 7:24 PM ^

I've been posting here for what, 8 years? Yes, it was all a ruse so I could have cover when I start trolling. To answer your question, I know what rcmb posts are like because they're hilarious when they're not from your fanbase, and embarrassing when they are.

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