OT - NBA Player Jason Collins - "I'm a 34-year-old NBA center. I'm black. And I'm gay." [Locked]

Submitted by IndyBlue on

Here's the SI article where NBA Center Jason Collins comes out.

Read More: http://sportsillustrated.cnn.com/magazine/news/20130429/jason-collins-gay-nba-player/#ixzz2Rrq92saZ


EDIT: Mods feel free to delete if this is too political. If you've come to discuss the merits of gay rights and such, please just stop here.  There are plenty of other message boards where that can be done.

Mod edit: The relevant sports related stuff seemed to get hashed out earlier, but the latest comments are starting to sound more political, so I'm shutting it down before it gets too far out of hand. After 200+ comments there probably isn't much more to say anyway, at least not enough to make any potential headaches worthwhile. JGB.


April 29th, 2013 at 12:39 PM ^

where one' sexual orientation does not preclude them from being the baddest ass mo-fo on the block and is not even in the top 10 things that make up or define him.



April 29th, 2013 at 12:42 PM ^

Holy fucking shit.  Jason Collins is a brave, brave man.  Until others come forward, he is going to be a symbol, and an object of derision for the "old guard."  I hope his teammates have his back if he becomes the target of dirty play.  

Most of all, I hope the present treats him as well as history one day will.  And make no mistake about it; this is a historic day.


April 29th, 2013 at 12:40 PM ^

Only people who this as some big moment is the media who is making it a big deal and who for some strange reason expecting some sort of huge negative reaction. The vast majority of the country realize their gay people everywhere rather they like it or not. This isn't going to validate that, make any more or less except, or really get much of a reaction from any normal person. This will get some press, the dude will get praised as a hero by groups looking for attention and trying to force everybody to care, and some fringe group will be stupid because some people just like being stupid. However 95 percent of the people in this country will shrug their shoulders, say so what, and wonder why they have to talk about this instead of something that actually matters.


April 29th, 2013 at 12:57 PM ^

I don't want to give the wrong impression that I am against this or something because that's far from the truth.....but isn't the better reaction to NOT make a big deal out of this? He's very courageous for coming out but isn't it better to go oh, that's cool, and move on?

It was the same sort of situation with actors coming out. People used to make a huge deal about it, which I think actually made it harder for others to come out.


April 29th, 2013 at 1:04 PM ^

I applaud the courage that it took for him to be the first. I look forward to the day when orientation is irrelevant except with regard to the person sitting next to me at the bar.


April 29th, 2013 at 1:14 PM ^

Truly a momentous moment in sports history, but I wonder how much impact it will have in general.  Collins is a pretty low-profile guy in the NBA.  I doubt he has many endorsement deals to protect that would be jeopardized by making his sexuality a matter of public record.  Maybe that makes him the perfect candidate for being the first to come out.  Still, I don't know if this will enbolden other players to follow suit, especially those who might have more to lose if their public image was so radically altered. 

I compare this to PR salvage job waged back in January when all the Manti Teo stuff came out.  Remember all the speculation about how Teo was probably gay and the whole Lennay Kekua thing was a put up job to cover it up in the public eye?  Whether or not Teo is gay, it was clear that his PR team were very invested in convincing the public that he was straight, which tells volumes in itself.

Still, it will be very refreshing when the day comes that professional athlete X publicly comes out as gay and it garners no more attention than a team drafting a person of color does these days.


April 29th, 2013 at 1:22 PM ^

If I were a GM i'd rather deal with that then a player with drug issues or a trail of baby mommas. Really, if he can play and works hard and shows up sober who cares?


April 29th, 2013 at 1:23 PM ^

Good for him.  Happy that this isn't nearly that big of an issue to most people.  Shows the growth in society, if even on a miniscule level.


April 29th, 2013 at 1:29 PM ^

Good for Jason and for professional sports. Interesting that no one really commented on how this was possibly started by Britney Griner's similar announcement last week.


April 29th, 2013 at 1:35 PM ^

Agreed. What does it matter?

Are you good at your sport? Yes? Okay cool. 

I could care less what they do in their own privacy. Same thing goes for color or religion. 


April 29th, 2013 at 1:48 PM ^

I honestly don't think this is (nor should be) considered political, nor do I give a rat's ass if this offends anyone either or sends me to Bolivia:  I think this a tremendous first step in the right direction towards tearing down a irrational sports barrier.  It's now up to the athletes that play with and against him to be real men too and show the rest of the country that Jason is just another person, teammate and opponent like anyone else.

no joke its hoke

April 29th, 2013 at 1:49 PM ^

Congrats to Jason for being himself. He will be a role moldel for many young men for years to come. As someone who grew up with 2 kids that ended up coming out i hope that some day we can live in a world where gays dont have to "come out". 


April 29th, 2013 at 2:07 PM ^

All the other implications of this aside, I am just happy for him. It must be a huge weight off his shoulders. I can't imagine keeping such a huge part about who you are a secret for so long.


April 29th, 2013 at 2:25 PM ^

Apparently, he's the first active male athlete in the four major sports to come out as gay. So he's broken down a significant barrier. I don't see why this should be viewed as a political issue. Unfortunately, greater society has immorally made sexuality a political matter. I don't think I'll ever understand why some people feel they have a right to discriminate against others and even control others in such matters.


April 29th, 2013 at 2:28 PM ^

Other people do, which is why this matters.  If you're so tolerant that this is not an issue to you, then that is great and I look forward to the day where that is true for most everyone.  But there is a lot of homophobia in the locker room, and attitudes are due for a change there.  There are also other athletes out there that aren't as yet "out," who, perhaps after this, will be a little more emboldened.  Same goes for our youth, many of whom look up to these guys, for better or worse.

Who cares?  Well, maybe once everyone that is gay is comfortably out, no one will care anymore.  In the meantime, this is still a big deal.


April 29th, 2013 at 3:14 PM ^

My thing is why do they need to be "out"?  Why should it matter?  Why should a private thing like one's sexual preferences need to be made public?  

There's no such thing as "normal" when it comes to sexuality.  Everyone's unique.  So should we really all broadcast what's unique about our individual sexualities?  

I just find the whole thing tiresome at this point.  I don't understand why people in our culture are so obsessed with what other people do in bed and who they do it with.  Maybe *they* should come out of the closet for their quasi-voyeuristic tendencies.

People need to grow up already.  


April 29th, 2013 at 5:16 PM ^

You say it doesn't matter.  There's no such thing as normal anyway.  You're actually right, in my opinion.  I AGREE with you on that.  However, not everyone agrees with us.  This announcement is important for them.  Furthermore, not everyone that sees themselves as gay, bi, otherwise varied (as we all are, after all,) realizes that there are people like you and me out there, who don't see sexual orientation as a big deal.  If it doesn't bother you and me that there are gay people in pro sports, struggling kids ought to know that.  It could potentially help them in their own lives.


So you're right, on one hand.... But not everyone thinks like you.  So maybe this kind of announcement isn't for you.  This is for them.



April 29th, 2013 at 2:40 PM ^

As historic as Jason Collins' statements in today's SI are, it will be even more historic when he actually plays in an NBA game next season.  As a free agent, there's no certainty he'll be signed for next year.


April 29th, 2013 at 2:42 PM ^

Just as a sidenote, it's awesome that the person to break this barrier is apparently, a very good writer as well. His article does a great job conveying the pressures pulling him in different directions as well as the process that led him to decide to come out. 

The short article by his twin brother is really sweet as well.


April 29th, 2013 at 2:53 PM ^

As a gay sports fan myself, I am extremely happy to hear this news. 

I know Jason Collins is considered to be at the end of his career in the NBA but I am hoping this can be used as a stepping stone.  And there needed to be one because the fact that in 2013, there were zero out athletes currently playing in the four major sports, that spoke volumes.  And it still does.

Alas, listening to the callers phone in on Doug Karsch/Scott "the Gator" Anderson show on 97.1, about half of them remind me that we still have a loooooooonnnnnng way to go towards more tolerance but I feel that Collins coming out can be the start towards that direction. 


April 29th, 2013 at 2:56 PM ^

Brittney Griner is, by far, more well known than who ever this guy is.  If someone created a board post in regards to her coming out, I missed it.  Everyone is entitled to thier opinions and believes, I personally disagree with quite a few people's believes on here.  But, respect that in our country we have the right to have a diffrence of opinion, just like Jason Collins has the right to be with whoever he wants.  Regardless if I agree with it or not.  Even though I personally don't agree with it, I also don't care if someones gay, they are still a person and should be treated no diffrently than any other person.


April 29th, 2013 at 2:56 PM ^

I too hope this will be greeted with a collective shrug and a "moving on now" attitude. The other thing I think is interesting is that as far as I know, his twin brother Jarron (also an NBA player although I think he's out of the league) has made no such announcement. Don't know (and don't care, really, except for the more data points thing) if he is also gay, but it is interesting from a why-are-some-and-not-similar-others pint of view.

Feat of Clay

April 29th, 2013 at 3:17 PM ^

Someone on facebook posted something commending his bravery for outing himself as a member of the Washington Wizards, a fact he'd been attempting to keep hidden from friends and family alike