
January 24th, 2019 at 2:48 PM ^

I’d almost forgotten about that ‘flavor-of-the-month’ meme.  We’ll see if he has real mascot staying power, like that psychotic Pete unit in Purdue or the creepy Reds (Big and Lil’) in Nebraska.


January 24th, 2019 at 4:05 PM ^

Before Michigan Stadium began selling out, one game a year was designated as Band Day.  Dozens of high school bands would show up and perform during half time.  The Athletic Department put an end to the tradition when they realized that there wouldn't be enough seats for the high schoolers.  An alternative was developed to host a Slippery Rock game.  As an added attraction, the San Diego Chicken was hired to perform along with the band.  I had been helping the band out with security for a couple years (a way to get into games for free) and as a result I was assigned to help the Chicken with whatever he needed.  The weather was in the 90s and the sky was cloudless.  I can't imagine how miserable running around in a chicken suit can be, but the guy was pretty foul (no pun intended).  If the little kids in attendance could have heard the language coming out of that bird their parents would have been appalled.


January 24th, 2019 at 9:59 PM ^

Pretty sure the date was September 29, 1979...on the way to the Slippery Rock game I proposed to my girlfriend, now wife at the corner of State & Packard...Still both goin’ Blue 38 years later!

(edit...thought I posted this to the Slippery Rock thread...must have mis clicked!)


January 25th, 2019 at 11:30 AM ^

Cute story, but there are about four worthwhile mascots and they fall into two categories:

  1. Mascots that have the potential to kill people in the stadium (Colorado/Ralphie, Texas/Bevo, LSU/Mike)
  2. The Stanford Tree -- Nightmare fuel with the best backstory and an application process that is governed by the following "rules" -- Don’t go to jail, don’t go to the hospital and don’t light yourself on fire

Most other mascots are just folks in furry/coplay costumes.