OT: Maderna Covid Vaccinating

Submitted by RedRum on December 30th, 2020 at 6:17 PM

My community, quite by surprise, had established a vaccine site. The vaccine in my state is administered by the county health department. I found out from a city email when it was operational. 

important items to note. The protocol are for those over 65 to obtain the vaccine. My state requests that those over 75 receive the vaccine first. Medical front line folks have their own procedures for obtaining, in my community, the volunteer FD and EMS are encouraged to also obtain the vaccine, as they do not have their own administrative procedures. There is some ambiguity regarding teachers, I would think teachers should attempt to obtain unless your county/state declares otherwise. 

I bring this to the board’s attention to encourage those over 65 and/or are a front line care provider/first responder to research with your county health care office to learn the protocol in your respective area. What we don’t want is a mad rush to the administration sites. As the most vulnerable amongst us receive the vaccine, we will be well on our way to stomping out this thing. That said, there are two doses, a month apart. Continue the safe social distancing, et all. We are close to kicking this plight. God Bless! Go Blue. 


December 30th, 2020 at 7:35 PM ^

Clearly a troll post. I doubt “your doctor” said that, and if they did, they’re saying that on no basis whatsoever. No healthy people should get the vaccine? Ok I guess we’ll just keep spreading it around until it mutates into something new and prolongs the healthy crisis we’re in.

Please cite any source you have that gives rationale as to why “healthy people should never get the COVID vaccine”. I’ll wait.


December 30th, 2020 at 8:06 PM ^

Just in case anyone is wondering, RandallFlagg is lying, or he sought out a "doctor" who isn't really a doctor.

Vaccinations are specifically FOR people who aren't sick with the disease the vaccine is designed to prevent. 

GTFO with your bullshit.


December 30th, 2020 at 9:18 PM ^

Ask him what evidence he's basing that decision on and what other medical groups have consensus evidence based recommendations that is guiding this decision.

Cause it sounds like he doesn't have any if he's saying a health person shouldn't get the COVID vaccine.  A vaccine isn't always just about protecting you, it's about protecting others.  


December 30th, 2020 at 6:38 PM ^

We need to average at least a million vaccinations per day to start making a dent in this.  So far, we're averaging less than 200,000 per day...... and blaming underfunded States. 

If we don't get to a million per day, kiss all of 2021 goodbye.


December 30th, 2020 at 9:46 PM ^

From what I understand, the  20 million vaccinations by the end of this year was more of an optimistic goal set by the federal government than it was a promise. But you see, this exact pace at which we’re vaccinating people isn’t going to be a constant. We’re literally just getting started and we’re at well over 2.5 million so far with only two vaccines that were approved within the last few weeks. Others, including Johnson and Johnson and AstraZeneca/Oxford (of which we have several million doses ready to go) are both likely being approved and distributed within the next month or two as well, and that will aid the rate at which people can get vaccinated quite a bit.

It’s fair to assume that within the next few months, especially as the almost at-risk and priority groups are being immunized, we’ll start seeing death rates and hospitalization rates plummet. As far as ‘when?’ I don’t think anyone can really say. Heath experts seem pretty confident that come spring and early summer, all of the at-risk groups will have been immunized or have at least been given the opportunity to be vaccinated. The vaccines should be widely available for anyone that wants it, at which point life can hopefully effectively start being normal again. 


December 30th, 2020 at 6:38 PM ^

I am a volunteer firefighter and got the moderna vaccine yesterday, a fair amount of arm soreness, but no other or unexpected side affects. Hopefully the rollout goes smoothly. 


December 30th, 2020 at 6:52 PM ^

I had the Moderna vaccine on Monday.  Site soreness, mild headache, minor joint pain.... but I'm not intune with my normal aches and pains, so it could be just normal every day pain that I have. 


December 30th, 2020 at 6:56 PM ^

I am a bit irked that I have already received the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine, but neither my 94-year-old father nor my 99 year old father-in-law have heard anything about getting it. Hopefully soon.


December 30th, 2020 at 7:06 PM ^

I'm not likely to get the vaccine for a while due to my age and relatively healthy outlook, but I cannot stress enough that if you can get the vaccine, do so.  It's going to be a long time before we're all protected but we need to start now and not delay.


December 30th, 2020 at 7:49 PM ^

Serious question: What's in the vaccine? I'm not asking to start an argument, but I've genuinely searched online and am still clueless. I just want to be informed about what I'm encouraging family to get.


December 30th, 2020 at 9:48 PM ^

They've been doing a good job on the basics and the illustrations are solid. That article in particular was a nice, clean way to lay it out. But most of their reporters aren't subject matter experts and miss some of the interesting details. This edition is going to be a doozy.


December 30th, 2020 at 11:19 PM ^

Hope this helps... These mRNA vaccines "artificially" produce antibodies can recognize "the crown" of the highly contagious real Corona virus, so when the real virus comes our immune system can recognize it and beat it.  It takes two applications and they still have no significant clinical trial data (yet) on how long the immunity will last or how it affects children and pregnant women. 

Nice article on these Vaccine Ingredients: 


Kerry McGee, MD December 18, 2020, 


  • The Pfizer and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines use pieces of genetic material (mRNA) instead of virus particles to create an immune response.
  • The vaccines do not contain live virus, inactivated virus, or preservatives.
  • The genetic material in the COVID-19 vaccines falls apart naturally in a few days, after your body has had time to make antibodies against the SARS-CoV2 spike proteins.


December 30th, 2020 at 7:55 PM ^

I got the Pfizer vaccine first dose last week. No different than a flu shot. Mild arm soreness for a day. I could still work out and operate. If you can get either vaccination, get it. 

oriental andrew

December 30th, 2020 at 7:58 PM ^

Wife (RN) got the Pfizer (I think) vaccine today. Signed up on our county website for myself, kids, and in-laws (77 and 81). Hopefully the in-laws are near the front of the line. 


December 30th, 2020 at 8:11 PM ^

I got the first Pfizer dose last week. My son, who is a nurse caring for Covid patients is in another hospital system that doesn't seem as organized as mine and hasn't gotten his yet. Today he tested positive.


December 30th, 2020 at 9:20 PM ^

Got the Moderna one last week.  Arm hurt more than my seasonal flu shot, but no where near as much as my last tetnus booster.  Heard it's similar to a shingles vaccine from some colleges who are of the age to have gotten a shingles vaccine.  We'll see how the second dose goes since immune response to the second dose is what causes crappy feelings after a vaccine.  But you know, also what makes it so we can beat this whole COVID thing.  Small price to pay to get out of this shit show, resume normal life, and prevent legions of people from dying.

Perkis-Size Me

December 30th, 2020 at 9:23 PM ^

I’m trying not to get hyped up over vaccines right now. Not for myself, anyway. 

I’m not a medical professional, senior citizen, teacher, first responder or elected official. I’m at the way back of the line and don’t anticipate even getting access to the vaccine, or being just eligible to get it, for the next 4-6 months. As far as when I’ll actually get it, who knows. I just hope for two things:

1) Mrs. Perkis is a teacher. Her number better damn well be called before too long. Teachers get shit on enough in a normal year. This is something they deserve.

2) Anyone who can get these vaccines, please for god’s sake, take them.  

6th Blagdon

December 30th, 2020 at 9:46 PM ^

Be aware that there is a delay in developing immunity with the vaccine.  I was lucky enough to have received my first dose of the Pfizer on the 22nd (thru my hospital where I see patients) and then was "lucky" enough to test COVID positive 6 days later.  Nothing but a coincidence and shit luck. Not an indication of a poorly performing vaccine or a "did you get it from the shot" like so many of my friends have asked.  Again just an alert that even with the vaccine you're not in the free and clear immediately...

Sparty Doesn't Know

December 30th, 2020 at 10:25 PM ^

I don't care if it's microchipped or if it even works.  I want normal back.  Microchips may backfire though as I am pretty sure most of us live boring ass lives.

I wish everybody here health and prosperity in the new year! 

USMC 1371

December 30th, 2020 at 10:30 PM ^

I’ve had every vaccine known to man I think. We used to get in line and go through a gauntlet getting shots with those jet injectors then one needle in the butt cheek. I’m surprised when I hear other vets say they won’t get it. We used to get called down to medical every other month for a blood sample or get a shot. Most never even bother asking what it was for. Can’t be worse than the anthrax. Don’t be a wussy.