OT - it should probably be noted that the HBO Paterno biopic

Submitted by jbrandimore on
Debuts tonight at 8pm on HBO. I do hope that a Hollywood type is in touch with Rachael Denhollander to give a whole new movie treatment for “300” when it comes to Spartans. 300 victims.


April 7th, 2018 at 5:59 PM ^

As many Rodney Dangerfield jokes as have been made about Dantonio, we would need to cast someone who could be Dangerfield but taciturn, even morose in an interview. That would be a very difficult balance, but a talented actor could do it. 


April 7th, 2018 at 5:43 PM ^

what I understand, the movie is entirely focused on the time period immediately after the scandal broke, and is very unapologetic toward Paterno. It is certainly not a fluff film about him. I have always believed Paterno’s role in that situation was a lot more ambiguous then current sentiment posits him, and I am anxious to see Pacino take on the role.


April 7th, 2018 at 10:24 PM ^

Great movie and made your skin crawl. Fuck everyone who every supported those men and who defend them today. However JoPa’s daughter seemed to be a shining light.


April 8th, 2018 at 8:35 AM ^

was really good. What I thought was most interesting is that, while it was strongly suggested that he knew quite a bit, and suspected even more, the reasons for his inaction as depicted was less cowardess and preservation and more hubris and preoccupation. He simply could not be bothered enough to care, until the scope of his omissions was put on full display and couldn’t be ignored. Pacino also played the role with great nuance. It became clear that “being known for” being a leader of men was much more important to him than actually being that, and the “we are Penn State” moniker was all the more hollow because of Paterno’s disconnect, or disinterest, from what they thought it meant. It was a really good movie.

In reply to by ijohnb


April 8th, 2018 at 11:08 AM ^

It's a movie, not a documentary, of course - so I took it as that.  And I suppose that people will be debating the "why did JoePa act as he did?" question for awhile.

But the movie did answer that question the way I tend to.  To use your words, I do think JoePa acted more out of "hubris and preoccupation" vs. "cowardness and preservation" side.  Whereas the likes of Curley and Spanier acted in a reverse fashion.  JoePa as an active participant in a cover-up?  I don't know.  JoePa thinking that PSU stood for Paterno State University and he was bulletproof?  Yes.

The movie portrayed word-for-word JoePa's retirement statement, for instance - except it did not (curiously) include two lines from that statement: "at this moment, the BoT should not spend a single minute discussing my status.  They have far more important matters to address."

Can you imagine being on the BoT and hearing that?  He probably gets removed from his role before the Nebraska game anyway, but OF COURSE that happens after that.

JoePa thought he was bulletproof.  Until it was very obvious that he wasn't bulletproof.

Pre-2011, I never compltely idolized JoePa but I did think he was a good guy, a credit to my alma mater.  Someone to be proud of.  Now, he's not.  It certainly didn't have to be like that.  Re-inforces what should be a central tenant for how to live our own lives.  Do the right thing in life.  ALWAYS.


April 8th, 2018 at 10:38 AM ^

Now that PSU has it's movie, it might be too late for someone other that ESPN to put the light of shame on MSU.  Bad luck for PSU really, MSU has managed to totally surpase them in terms of disgusting behavior during and after the abuse.  

I still think Sparty will slime his way out of this somehow.  It's just the way the Universe seems to work?  Dantonio is back into full on hard ass mode and nobody cares at MSU.  Spartan's will!   Whole thing makes me want to puke.  Maybe god will send an asteroid.


April 8th, 2018 at 2:23 PM ^

I can totally see Rachael Denhollander depicted in an “Erin Brockovich” style movie of one woman - mostly singlehandedly taking down a monster. What the issues would be - besides Nassar - who is the corporate heavy? USA Gymnastics? MSU? Do people Hollis and Simon even get mentioned, or is Larry going to take up the entire screen time?