OT - Another reason to hate Ohio (The State) - Insane dog attack laws

Submitted by cKone on October 5th, 2022 at 10:12 AM

Needless to say I am furious so please excuse any grammar and spelling errors. I will not get into anything about the dog's owner due to the civil suit we will be filing, but I never would have guessed how little recourse a victim has when it comes to being attacked by a vicious dog in this state.

I live in a village about 1 hour  East of Cincinnati.  Last Thursday night around midnight I took my 35lb lab mix dog out before bed.  A neighborhood pitbull that weighs over 90lbs and frequently runs loose in the neighborhood charged to attack me in my yard with my dog on a leash. 

My dog, which is 1/3 of this dog's size jumped between me and the attacking dog and ended up being badly mauled. We are only hopeful that she will get full use of her leg back. 

The attacking dog hit my dog with such force that he drove her into my chest and knocked me to the ground and was tearing her apart on top of me.  I was finally able to get out from under the fight, but was unable to separate the dogs until the neighbor heard me screaming and came to pull the dog off.  

When all was said and done and my dog had received reconstructive surgery on her leg, I tried to file a police report.  I was referred to the dog warden.  The owner was cited and issued a fine, but according to state law the since the dog did not kill my dog and did not get ahold of a person the dog cannot be confiscated, can not be put down and won't even be added to the vicious dog list.

If a person had come onto my property, tried to attack me, and my dog was injured in the process, the attacker would be arrested, jailed, tried and incarcerated.  Why in the hell is there no resources for a vicious dog?

I know many of you on this board live in Ohio. If you do I hope you will take a few minutes to contact your state rep and demand that the laws be revised.  It's only a matter of time before this dog gets loose again and kills a dog, or heaven forbid, a child.  This dog could very well kill an adult male.   


October 5th, 2022 at 11:51 AM ^

I'm sorry to hear about your dog being attacked and I hope he/she recovers.  The issue, as it usually is, if with the owner of the pitbull and not the breed.  Because dogs (and all pets) are typically treated as property and not living creatures for legal purposes you tend to have fewer ways of punishing bad owners.  

When we lived in the Bronx SO MANY wanna-be tough guys would pay $2k for a pitbull or pitbull-adjacent dog and then fail to treat it well or train it appropriately.  Then there would be families who also got pitbulls, took them to training classes, and they'd be the sweetest dogs in the world.  Heck, my dog's best dog friends were typically pitbulls and German Shepherds.  By comparison, I've only been bitten twice in my life by a dog and both times it was a "family" dog - Golden Retriever and some Poodle mix.



October 5th, 2022 at 2:08 PM ^

The average yorkie weight about 8 pounds while the average golden retriever weighs around 60 pounds, so yeah there are slight differences in danger to a person based on the size of the dog involved.  But again, if you think there is a massive difference between a 60-pound retriever going off on your face vs. a 40-pound pit by all means keep believing that but the reality is, again, that if you raise a dog poorly it's going to be a problem.  

It's interesting you reference Mike Tyson, a man suffered immense abuse growing up, when talking about how violent a particular breed can be.  It's almost like how the environment something was raised in would have a significant impact on how it acts as it gets older.  

Again, if you think a particular breed is innately more aggressive that's mostly an indictment of the owner and our own culture that identifies certain "things" as more dangerous than others.  


October 5th, 2022 at 2:49 PM ^

Which is it? You argue that the environment made pit bulls more violent (I agree) and pit bulls are no more violent than similar sized different breeds.  "Things" like dog fighting made pit bulls more violent which is why I financially support organizations like bark nation.  Pit bulls are more violent now, hopefully some day they won't be.  Check it out.



los barcos

October 5th, 2022 at 12:05 PM ^

I am sorry for your dog but this is a stupid thread. It's also filled with misinformation that has real consequences for people in this county that have "pitbull" dogs in their family.  You want to know why it's kosher to have pitbull bans that can tear apart famalies - it's because bullshit like this thread. 

I live in Ohio and have a complaint with my local town council - should I also bring this to the MgoBoard?  This is better suited for Nextdoor or your own Facebook.


October 5th, 2022 at 1:46 PM ^

Look.  I'm sure it's hidden in the comments by now, but as I have said, I am not for banning breeds.  I know many pit bulls that are fine and well trained.  My anger stems from the fact that once an incident like this happens with a neglected untrained dog, nothing happens without a civil suit.  

If you drive drunk, your car is impounded.  If you are negligent with your dog your and someone property is destroyed or damaged. your dog should be impounded. I'm not even saying put the dog down.  The dog should be impounded and evaluated.  My mistake in this thread was naming the breed that took things in a direction that I never intended.  I should have just said dog. 

The point I was trying to make was that if you live in Ohio, and I know many members of this forum do, please contact your state representative if you are so inclined.

Nothing Special

October 5th, 2022 at 12:07 PM ^

So maybe this is just the backwoods Indiana hillbilly that is running through my veins, but I would be prepared to put that dog down myself if it steps foot on my property again. It is unfortunate that this dog may have to pay the price of its owner being subpar, but a dog that is willing to do that to you will be willing to do it to someone else. Next time it may not be an adult, but a kid. 



October 5th, 2022 at 12:28 PM ^

Laws are not much better in Chicago.  Last summer my wife (Elite marathoner) was on a jog with our 10 YO son when our neighbors 3 dogs ran out of their home and viciously attacked.  My wife kept herself between the dogs and my son and took the brunt - significant and permanent damage to her entire left side of body - 10 days hospital stay.  Courts here would do nothing even though attack was caught on our cameras.  Dogs were not placed on any lists and no consequences for the dog owner.


October 5th, 2022 at 2:32 PM ^

Incredibly messed up and sorry to hear this happened to a fellow runner. It is a great concern of mine while running on frequented trails and even through neighborhoods locally. People look at me like I'm crazy for the looks I give when dogs aren't leashed or coming running to the front of their yards while I pass by on the street. 


October 5th, 2022 at 12:42 PM ^

Sorry to hear about your experience. I live in west Michigan, and the laws here are similar. We experienced two pit mixes attack our golden, unprovoked. My dog came out of it relatively well with just some minor punctures on each of his ears. The two attackers were probably 60-65# each and had my 100# golden at their mercy. I actually rear naked choked the alpha and had him off my dog for maybe a couple seconds (the event moved so slowly in my mind when it happened, I recalled thinking as the dog released my dogs ear, 'huh - I now have an attacking dog on top of me...'), then he got himself free and was back on the bite. I got up and kicked the other dog in the throat which made him release my dog. The owner then was able to get the alpha off my dog and get them both inside. 

I live in a nice neighborhood of executive/custom homes, and my neighbors lived up to the niceness of the neighborhood - offered to pay the vet bill, etc. Animal Control could only issue them a fine as it was a 'first offense'. This lead me to ponder my options to keep my dog and wife safe when walking by this home, should the dogs break free again. Best advice, bear spray. Offers protection at a distance, and won't injure or kill a human caught in the mix. I had several people suggest a CPL, but in a neighborhood, there is just too much risk for that. Even today, I still would prefer those two dogs were taken and put down, but the law is what it is. I never had a huge beef against pitties a kid of mine had two and they were the sweetest things, but there is something in that breed, and now my opinion of them has changed. I just hope the dogs don't turn on a person, or the kids in their own home.


October 5th, 2022 at 12:46 PM ^

I know people are going to come rushing in with this comment, and, yes, pit bulls are very sweet (with their owners). BUT, having had a dog in a lot of high density residential areas, I’ve been attacked countless times and it’s almost always a pit or pit-dominant mix. They have that killer instinct and are VERY defensive and territorial. I wish we could do away with the breed honestly. I get some of you are reading this with your innocent pitbull licking your face but when you’re not around, that thing has the potential to be a murderer. And those dogs, having been bred to fight, are nearly impossible to beat without a weapon. They’re mainly why I carry on my dog walks. I have a stun gun as shooting anything is way too big of a legal thing.


October 5th, 2022 at 2:23 PM ^

I find it deeply ironic that a bunch of people are debating the dangerousness of a pitbull (and similar "aggressive" breeds) and how they have the "potential to be a murderer" despite there being about 30-50 deaths a a year by dog attack while also discussing about bringing a gun around when they are walking around near dogs, even though gun deaths account for around 45,000 deaths a year.  Again, if you don't like a particular dog breed that's your choice but in the battle of anecdotal evidence I've lived in densely populated areas with a dog for 14+ years and rarely had any issues beyond some yapping and the occasional dog park brush-up.

Again, you should treat a dog like a living creature that is somewhat unpredictable, much the same way I treat most people I run into on a daily basis. 


October 5th, 2022 at 2:43 PM ^

I feel terrible for OP and people who have had their dog or themselves being attacked by a dog...but Bronx, I couldn't agree more with your comment.  

A gun may be a fine way to defend yourself in a super rural environment.  But I can't imagine firing on a dog in a residential neighborhood is a good solution.  Recipe for disaster.  Somebody suggested bear spray.  Another alternative would be a bat or something similar.  


October 5th, 2022 at 5:37 PM ^

I too find it ironic that people complain about ~50 dog-related deaths per year when there are ~45,000 gun-related deaths per year.

I also find it ironic that people complain about ~45,000 gun-related deaths per year when there are ~140,000 alcohol-related deaths per year.




October 5th, 2022 at 1:55 PM ^

I want to apologize to the board.  I am not sorry for the post, but I am sorry for naming the breed of the attacking dog.  My intention was not to have the tread move into a breed debate. In my comments throughout this thread I have stated and stand by the fact that I do not support breed bans.  I do support the laws being changed to allow real action to be taken when an incident like this occurs.   

After many years of reading and occasionally posting on this board I am aware that several members are residents of Ohio and if they found this to be concerning then to please contact your state rep.  

If the admins choose to lock or take this down I fully understand. Maybe this wasn't the right place for this, but that being said, I did learn another course of action within the state law that I can follow up on so like I said, I apologize for naming the breed. 

los barcos

October 5th, 2022 at 2:09 PM ^

Dog whistle here for some blatantly racist attitudes and I am shocked that this thread has been allowed to stand for so longer.  The anti-pit bull rhetoric is rooted in racism stemming out of the thought that certain people primarily own these dogs.  There's a reason why pitbulls were long considered a "family dog" - even the dog from little rascals was a "pitbull"! - and why they no longer have that reputation. And hint, it's not because the dog changed.  


October 5th, 2022 at 4:21 PM ^

Sorry, that is 100% horse shit. My neighborhood in suburban Chicago is (unfortunately) loaded with pit bulls, owned by people of diverse racial and cultural backgrounds. One lady who walks her three PB’s while pushing a baby stroller is white. 

People who want to look tough by owning a tough breed are to be found in  every racial and cultural group

los barcos

October 5th, 2022 at 5:27 PM ^

Your posts on the rest of this thread tells me everything I need to know about you - and "unfortunately" there are idiots in every racial and cultural group, including white middle aged males.

By the way "dogbites.org" or whatever is the equivalent of whatever q-anon platform you and your buddies hang out in - there's no facts on that site, but good try.  


October 5th, 2022 at 7:05 PM ^

Pretty sure you don’t know shit about me. Anyway, what is your precise criticism of that site? Do you think they are just making shit up? Are the numbers invented? Exaggerated? Out of context? 

“Pit bulls are like any other breed, it’s all about the owners.” So why don’t we hear more about fatal maulings and horrifying disfigurements from other breeds? Do the news media have some kind of inexplicable bias against this particular breed? I think you are more likely to be a conspiracy theorist than I am





October 5th, 2022 at 2:44 PM ^

Here's a score card for those playing along at home. I'm pretty sure we're close to a BINGO in this thread already.

Garbage breed that's by and large owned by garbage people. Neg away, fuck you and your pibble.


October 5th, 2022 at 2:55 PM ^

Well dog's aren't people, so holding them to laws written for humans would be dumb. Sucks what happened to your dog, but it's the shitty owner who should be penalized, not the dog. A dog being aggressive or fighting another dog is pretty normal. The issue is the owner not keeping their dog contained/controlled. 


October 5th, 2022 at 5:18 PM ^

The problem with Pit Bulls is there are a ton of terrible pit owners out there. Then compound it with pit lovers defend the breed every time something bad happens instead of demanding accountability with the entire pit owner community. In the 70's and 80's there was a problem with Rottweilers, Dobermans, and German Shepherds. The difference then and now is owners and lovers of those breeds first response wasn't to defend the breed as though they were not a risk, but to acknowledge the risk of the breeds and the to police out all the bad owners until the breeds were for the most part going to owners who could properly train the breeds. We do not see the same with the pit community. The breeders of pits will sell them to anyone who will pay knowing the community as a whole won't demand better. 

That being said, the death by dog for years now has been 70% by pit bulls. That's more deaths than all breeds combined. However, only about 32 deaths by dog happen each year, so you are more likely to die in a natural disaster than by a dog, but if you are going to die by a dog, it is overwhelmingly most likely going to be by a pit. 

I am not against pits in any form, but I am against the pit communities blind defense without actively policing out the bad owners. No one should who isn't an experienced and dedicated dog owner should ever own any of the breeds I have mentioned, but there is a reason so many bad owners are now pit owners, breeders know there won't be the same demand from the pit community to only sell the breed to responsible owners as there was in the Rottweiler, Doberman, and German Shepherd community. 

Until the pit community's first response isn't to tell how sweet their dog is, but to first acknowledge it is a dangerous dog and demand only responsible owners and breeders be in the community, we will still see these kinds of incidents. 

I'm fully aware that I will be attacked by pit owners instead of them acknowledging the truth of what I said. But, I don't care. I've been through it before. I don't want to ban the breed, I want the community to take responsibility as a whole and police out the bad owners and breeders.



October 5th, 2022 at 6:14 PM ^

Your post is 100% correct. As a pit/rot mix owner, I absolutely acknowledge that they are very dangerous breeds. People commenting the opposite, are either simple minded or blinded. If I could, I would make background checks and home visits necessary for new large dog owners to make sure they’re being trained properly. On top of that, make the punishment exceedingly severe on the owners. They’re ultimately the ones in charge of training and keeping them away from other beings. I’m tired of the stigma being directed at my dog, because he wouldn’t hurt anything besides a stuffed toy.


October 5th, 2022 at 5:47 PM ^

I once lived with a pit.  I was like the defenders in this thread.  It was raised from a puppy with nothing but love.  It showered every human it met with kisses and tail wags. Then one day a dog pissed it off.  Who knows why.  Maybe the dog was an asshole.   The pit got away from the woman walking it.  They were scraping the other dogs entrails off the sidewalk for days.  

I no longer own pits.  I dont know whether or not they are human aggressive, but they are ticking time bombs with other dogs.


October 5th, 2022 at 6:07 PM ^

Sorry to hear that this happened to you and your dog, but the owner is a fucking moron. Legislation against negligent owners would be an amazing place to start.


October 5th, 2022 at 10:16 PM ^

An old neighbor of mine told me something interesting when we were conversing about a nasty, mean dog in our hood.  He said to fry a sponge in bacon grease and toss it in the yard.  Sponge gets small, smells delicious, dog eats sponge, sponge swells, dog dies, or owner pays lots of money to find out what is wrong.  I took him at his word.  He seemed to know an awful lot about things like this.