
October 30th, 2022 at 12:34 PM ^

What Space Coyote says and what you said are two different things. Also, that doesn’t make Space Coyote right at all. You’re still a trash human being. You belong with the rcmb trash. At least their president is saying the right things. Will see what happens from here. I wouldn’t call myself a Michigan fan if I was you. 

Harball sized HAIL

October 30th, 2022 at 12:51 PM ^

This apology is an insult to an assault.  That's the way I read it.  It's a straight up fuck you Michigan from their Prez.

Apologize for an assault - which is crime.  A bloody or broken nose to a B1G football player isn't an injured player.  If you think so you've probably never been in a fight.  Which these two teams were for 3+ hours.  And one team clearly kicked the shit out of the other.  His apology reads - "I'm sorry you had to put a Band-Aid on" for us assaulting you in the alley when you were outnumbered 50-1.  It's more punk fucking shit from punk fuckers.


October 30th, 2022 at 10:14 AM ^

That is good. It is being acknowledged and hopefully a swift action is taken. 

You know people look at their record and state we should have won by this by a lot, we should have thrown this much etc. It is not easy to play in a rivalry game. Auburn plays Alabama tough regardless of how bad they are. This incident is inexcusable and hope a lesson is taught to all involved that this will not be tolerated. Banter is fine but what happened should have never happened.

uncle leo

October 30th, 2022 at 10:33 AM ^

That whole idea of "not putting stuff on tape" is so overblown, especially at this point in the season. I think we know what Michigan's offense is.

If you told me before the game, "Yeah, it's cool if Michigan gets into the red zone a bunch and kicks FGs," I'd be pretty bummed out. Red zone offense is a HUGE concern for this team going forward. They will not beat OSU by kicking FGs. They did not just settle for FGs because they were "working out a few wrinkles;" they do not have much creativity down between the 20s.


October 30th, 2022 at 11:06 AM ^

In principle I agree, but also, Brian and Seth were laughing all week about how MSU is inexplicably good at goal-line stands. Ok, so that's not the same as "red zone," but still, their ability to stiffen up against the goal line is well-documented. We don't need to blow up our failures last night too much, seems to me.


October 30th, 2022 at 10:19 AM ^

Apparently the officials at MSU are at least a bit more level-headed than the delusional posters at RCMB. You can't reasonably justify the actions we saw in the videos.