Michigan Daily reports on Schlissel and the Brandon e-mails

Submitted by dnak438 on

Read the whole story here

The main bit regarding the e-mails:

On Oct. 28, MGoBlog.com published dozens of e-mails reportedly from the former Athletic Director to fans.

“I suggest you find a new team to support,” Brandon wrote in one. “We will be fine without you. Have a happy life…”

Other e-mails reportedly from Brandon were also met with anger and disapproval from the public. He told one to “quit drinking and go to bed,” and wrote to another, “I am sorry you are ‘upset.’ ”

Two days after MGoBlog.com’s report, Brandon stepped down.

The negotiations resulting in Brandon’s settlement are “confidential to the extent allowed by the law,” according to the document, limiting Schlissel’s ability to discuss the extent to which the e-mails pushed Brandon to resign.

“One thing I will say is I expect everybody who works at this public university to treat the public with respect,” Schlissel said. “That’s a sort of condition of working at this university.

“Everybody should be respectful to the public we serve.”

(Emphasis mine).

Here's the URL: http://www.michigandaily.com/sports/michigan-mark-schlissel-mgoblog-dav…


November 3rd, 2014 at 10:02 PM ^

Just kidding, of course.

Seriously, though, one mean e-mail is one thing. Dozens is quite another, especially if it's true that DB had pretty much systematically alienated huge chunks of alumni, students, etc. through e-mail and other means. People like Bacon have basically come out and said that he's not a nice guy and isn't capable of winning people over with his personality.


November 3rd, 2014 at 10:56 PM ^

No one really knew about Brandon's douchey emails until a prominent MGoBlog user (WD) posted about it and everyone lambasted him and/or did their own research. This led to Brian & Co taking what they already knew of his douchey emails, doing some further research, and then publishing it on the front page. Story was picked up nationally and Brandon was out in 48 hours.

It ain't a stretch to say WD got the ball rolling


November 3rd, 2014 at 11:09 PM ^

His condescending emails were a well known topic of discussion around here for quite a while, with several posters (I was one) telling about the email exchanges had with DB. The email that was forwarded to WD, and then posted here certainly contributed, but not much more. The fact that it was picked up by the mainstream media is what did the trick. MGoBlog gets the nod for that. 


November 4th, 2014 at 5:55 AM ^

But MGoBlog only published the story because of WD

A few weeks ago, one of our users posted a fuzzy picture of an email purporting to be from one David Brandon: We were already trying to confirm or dis-confirm the authenticity of this when Keith Olbermann's show presented it as a fact we're reporting. At that point we had to either confirm it or repudiate it. We've done our best to do so.
I personally don't think I knew about any of the email stuff till WD's post


November 4th, 2014 at 12:24 PM ^

WD posted it, Olbermann incorreclty picked it up, thus MGoBlog responded. It still leads back to WD

Aside from that, Brian said right in the blockquote above that they were already looking into it. I think its reasonable to say they may have issued some mini-report anyway whether Olbermann talked about it or not. Olbermann's report really did nothing nationally other than sort of force MGoBlog to respond in some way


November 4th, 2014 at 1:08 PM ^

Olbermann's report really did nothing nationally other than sort of force MGoBlog to respond in some way

I think that's my point.  Without Olbermann's report, there would be no MGoReport, even with WD's post.

True Blue Grit

November 4th, 2014 at 9:52 AM ^

yes.  That's one thing that really baffles me about Brandon.  For someone who seemed pretty smart, why in the hell would he knowingly send out snarky, rude emails to people when they would likely be forwarded all over the internet?  As arrogant as he is, it's still hard to believe he wouldn't recognize that.